Page 10 - SoS Vol 3 TTI Takatpur
P. 10
To inspire and motivate students ducted in TTI both in physically
TTI Takatpur organizes Role and
model session . ITI call its Alum- Virtually. Because of such type
ni who placed at various leading of session students are now ready
organization of the country to to pursue a career without hesita-
present their success story. What tion. Such type of activity con-
could be better to listen their ducted to boost confidence with-
struggle from their mouth itself. in student community. Alumni
This kind of activity inspire our set an example and new comers
students to put their feet outside can follow , This create a culture
and walk in the path of success. of human interaction in our ITI.
Near about 10 role model ses- “A value leads to culture, Human
sion, four parents teacher meet- centricity.”
ing one in each quarter gets con-