Page 14 - SoS Vol 3 TTI Takatpur
P. 14

Integrity is about doing     ing wrong around.
                                       Children are not born
          the right thing; it is being   with integrity or the be-
          incorruptible, honest, and   haviors we associate with
          above all, doing all these   it,   students acquire these
          things when no one is        values and behaviors
          around to see it. TTI Ta-    from adult role models
          katpur contribute towards    and peers, and in particu-
          this value by various ac-    lar, through an under-
          tivity and awareness pro-    standing of the principles
          gram. Sometime students      of academic integrity.
          may not know what they       When students learn in-
          are doing  is wrong, in      tegrity in classroom set-
          order to facilitate this val-  tings, it helps them apply
          ue we organize various       similar principles to other
          inspection to make them      aspects of their lives.
          aware. Our skilled lead-            “In looking for
          er’s conduct such activity   people to hire, look for
          to instill the value within   three qualities: integrity,
          student community.           intelligence, and energy.
                        Learners       And if they don’t have the
          doing their job even no-     first one, the other two
          body is watching. They       will kill you”.
          clean their premises,               ~ Warren Buffet
          workshop and also in-
          formed about what ’s go-
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