Page 15 - SoS Vol 3 TTI Takatpur
P. 15

Creativity is the most difficult thinking
            skill to acquire, and also the most sought-
            after. We value it in our music, entertain-
            ment, technology, and other aspects of our
            existence. We appreciate and yearn for it
            because it enriches our understanding and
            can make life easier .
                   When students create what they
            imagine, they’re in the driver’s seat. In
            order to instill this value of Creativity ,
            TTI Takatpur organizes various event
            time to time. It celebrate all the famous
            national and international days like world
            youth day, international conservation day,
            National safety week, world yoga day etc.
            In these days students are engaged in vari-
            ous creative activity like painting & draw-
            ing . Students are given opportunity to
            showcase their talent of photography and
            videography by covering these events.
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