Page 12 - SoS Vol 3 TTI Takatpur
P. 12
“We sit, We Discuss & We Decide” Is
the mantra behind our Teamwork.
Team Work is one of the most important
value of Odisha ITI which we as a
TTI’AN follow in every aspect. Whether
it’s a learn while earn, training cum pro-
duction center or its about converting a
abandoned place to a beautiful garden all
the teacher and students comes together
by harnessing team work as value. In or-
der to instill this value within stu-
dents ,they are divided into groups, as-
signed with various project to develop
team management skill. This type of ac-
tivity also showcase their leadership skill.
Various group are formed like photog-
raphy, mime and speakathon to develop a
niche tribe in the campus. This type of
best practices help them in building up
relationship which will help in sustain in
Every work in this world are hap-
pening because of team work. A best
team can produce best result. Students of
todays era must learn this skill of building
a team. Whether it’s workplace or in their
own family everything runs smoothly be-
cause of team work. TTI Takatpur is
firmly believe in Team Work. We work
as a team, we grow as a team.