Page 16 - SoS Vol 3 TTI Takatpur
P. 16

Students  are  not  only  find  out  out  the  problem
         showing their creativity in  statement which will lead
         painting,  photography  or  to solution. Through these
         in  video  editing  but  also  activity  They  can  show-
         solving various day to day  case their creativity in de-
         life  issues  through  their  signing a prototype. They
         innovative  thought  which  made  vertical  garden,  so-
         is  most  important  for  a  lar panel, automatic power
         skilled professional.        off/on switches for  saving
                Learn-X       means  water  ,home  automation
         learning  excellence  .  In  etc.
         TTI  Students  gets  engage  One  magic  tap  was  built
         in  various  theme  based  by the students of MMTM
         project  through  LearnX  which  always  create  illu-
         activity.  In  this  activity  sion  and  fun  among  the
         four  theme  introduce  to  students.
         the students like sustaina-
         bility,  design  thinking,
         entrepreneurship,    Vocal
         for  local.  Student  choose
         their  project  and  try  to
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