Page 9 - SoS Vol 3 TTI Takatpur
P. 9

During  pandemic  when  every-
     Human Centricity value             thing gets locked  down we  de-
     An education institute is a fac-   cide to take online classes with
                                        a motive  education should not
     tory  which  produce  human  to    be  suffer  .  Being  an  institution
     the society. If you want to col-
     lapse  a  country  then  destroy   we  firmly  believe  in  contrib-
                                        uting to the society. Our skilled
     there  educational  institute.  It   leaders  visit  to  the  orphanage
     will  automatically  collapse.  By   center  to  help  orphan  girls  to
     keeping  this  in  mind  TTI  Ta-  decide  a  bright  future.  Its  not
     katpur firmly believe in produc-   about I and me always, its about
     ing  human  with  values    like   we as a society for that our stu-
     compassion and empathy so that     dents  growing  vegetable  inside
     they  can  contribute  to  build  a   the  campus  donate  to  the  or-
     society  with  peace  and  harmo-  phanage center which will make
     ny.  For  that  we  conduct  parent   them  feel  about  the  power  of
     teacher  meeting  in  which  par-  giving.
     ents  and  teacher  mutually  dis-                       (Cont. Next Page)
     cuss  their  students  future.
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