Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20211025
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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Dialuna 25 OctOber 2021

                                                                    Biden, key senators huddle as Dems drive

                                                                                         toward budget deal

             El a bisa; Bin serca mi tur cu ta
             cansa y carga.
                            Mateo 11:28
             Señor  ta  warda  esnan  cu  ta
             debil.  Mi  tabata  morto  cansa,
             Pero E’la salba mi. Awor mi ta
             calmo atrobe. Señor tabata bon
             pa mi.         Salmo 116

             Cu  hopi  tristesa  y  dolor  den
             nos curazon pero conforme cu
             boluntad di Dios, nos ta anuncia
             fayecimento  di  nos  casa,  tata,
             welo y bisawelo stima.

                        * 18-05-1928 † 21 -10- 2021

             Na nomber di su:
             Casa: Elfride “Frida” Bello-Enser
             Yuinan:  Luis  Bello  y  Carmen  Nuñez  Maturana  y
             famia, Mavis Bello-Rodriguez
             †  Emiterio  “Juni”  Bello  y  Yaneth  Maria  Bello-
             † Margarita Bello                               (AP)  —  Deadline  driven,  troduced  as  early  as  Monday.  tain costs mean its final price tag
             Antonio  “Tony”  Bello  y  Joan  Bello-Vosjan  y  famia   President Joe Biden brought  Top  Democrats  are  scrambling  could  well  be  less  than  $2  tril-
             (Hulanda)                                       two  pivotal  senators  to  his  to have a framework so they can  lion.
             Margarita “Ita” Geerman y Roberto Kelly y famia  Delaware  home  Sunday  for  move  to  pass  the  infrastructure
             Richenel “Richi” y Roosje Bello-Angela y famia  talks  aimed  at  resolving  the  bill,  which  progressives  in  the  Disputes  remain  over  whether
             Marco Werleman y famia (Hulanda)                disputes  that  have  stymied  House have held up as leverage  some  priorities  must  be  cut  or
             Francisco y Maria Geerman-Tromp y famia         the  Democrats’  wide-rang-     to force agreement on the bigger  excluded.  These  include  plans
             Nilca Enser y famia
             Edsi Enser y Milo Martes y famia                ing social safety net and en-   package of health care, education  to  expand  Medicare  coverage,
             Miriam “Michi” Enser y famia                    vironmental  measure  at  the  and environment initiatives.     child care assistance and helping
             Nieto(a)nan;  †Gino  Bello,  Liselle  Bello  y  famia   core of his domestic agenda.                            lower-income  college  students.
             (Hulanda), Luisito Bello y famia,                                               “I  think  we’re  pretty  much  Manchin, whose state has a ma-
             Angelo Bello y famia.                           Beyond the domestic timetable,  there,” said Pelosi, stressing that  jor  coal  industry,  has  opposed
             Antonio “Tonito” Bello, Kayrusan Cabeza Bello   Biden  is  pressing  for  progress  a few “last decisions” need to be  proposals  to  penalize  utilities
             Juan  Luis  Bello  (Hulanda),  José  Antonio  Bello   so he can spotlight his adminis-  made. “It is less than what was  that  do  not  switch  quickly  to
             (Hulanda), Raul Seano Bello                     tration’s achievements to world  projected to begin with, but it’s  clean energy.
             (Hulanda), Milagro Bello (Hulanda).
             Luigimar Kock                                   leaders at overseas summits that  still  bigger  than  anything  we
             Rygel Bello (Hulanda), Rizhaylee Bello          get underway this week.         have ever done in terms of ad-  Pelosi said Democrats were still
             †Mary  Geerman,  Jane  Geerman  y  famia,  Geneyda                              dressing the needs of America’s  working  to  keep  in  provisions
             Geerman y famia, Francis Geerman.               House  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi,  working families.”              for  four  weeks  of  paid  fam-
             George Enser y famia, Carolina Enser y famia.   D-Calif.,  said  she  expected  an                              ily leave but acknowledged that
             Ghislaine Enser, Derrick Enser.                 agreement  on  a  framework  by  Democrats initially planned that  other proposals such as expand-
                                                             week’s end, paving the way for a  the measure would contain $3.5  ing  Medicare  to  include  dental
             Tur su bisanieto y bisanietanan.                House vote on a separate $1 tril-  trillion  worth  of  spending  and  coverage  could  prove  harder  to
                                                             lion bipartisan infrastructure bill  tax initiatives over 10 years. But  save  because  of  cost.  “Dental
             Ruman:  †Celedonio  “Don”  y  †Modesta  Bello-  before next Sunday, when a se-  demands  by  moderates  led  by  will take a little longer to imple-
             Werleman y famia
                                                             ries  of  transportation  programs  Manchin  and  Sinema  to  con-  ment,” she said.
             Swa: †Willem “Wim” Enser y famia                will lapse.

             Cuña: Norma “Nonoy” y †Frank Wells-Enser y Famia  “That’s the plan,” she said.

             Amigo di cas: Nandito Hodge                     The  White  House  said  Senate
                                                             Majority Leader Chuck Schum-
             Su primo y primanan, subrino y subrinanan, ihanan,   er,  D-N.Y.,  and  Sen.  Joe  Man-
             comer y compernan, bisiñanan, ex coleganan
             di  Lago,  Granville,  Arston  y  De  Palm  Tours.  Su   chin, D-W.Va., came to Biden’s
             dokternan; Dr. Giel, Dr. Garcia.                home in Wilmington, where he
                                                             was  spending  the  weekend,  for
             Demas famia:                                    the session but did not immedi-
             Bello, Enser, Rodriguez, Vosjan, Geerman, Cervantes,   ately provide a statement detail-
             Dirksz, Kelly, Angela, Martes, Werleman,        ing what was discussed.
             Wells, Martijn, Olivierre, Croes, Whitfield, Gonzalez,
             Russel, Wah, Rog, Davelaar, Somers, Van         Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sine-
             Wilgen,   Everon,   Bernabela,   Martina,   Nuñez   ma, D-Ariz., two of their party’s
             Maturana, Hayer, Luciana, Prescott, Bennet, Hill.  most  moderate  members,  have

             Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida un   insisted on reducing the size of
             of otro famia.                                  the enormous package and have
                                                             pressed for other changes.
             Ta  invita  pa  e  acto  di  entiero  cual  lo  tuma  lugar
             diaranson 27 di oktober 2021 di 2or pa 4or di atardi na   Pelosi  said  she  was  waiting  for
             Misa Santa Teresita na San Nicolas y despues lo sali pa   the Senate to wrap up talks and
             Santana Catolico na Zeewijk.                    was  expecting  a  plan  to  be  in-
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