Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20211025
P. 28
A28 U.S. NewS
Dialuna 25 OctOber 2021
Biden bill would put US back on path of reducing uninsured
Left-leaning Democrats who nitely reduce the number of 20 million Americans unin-
favor guaranteed govern- uninsured in ways you could sured. Trump never deliv-
ment health insurance for all see clearly,” said economist ered on his own promise of
are promoting the piecemeal Jessica Banthin, lead author “insurance for everybody.”
progress under Biden none- of the Urban-Common-
theless. wealth analysis. What’s more, a good deal of
the cost in the Democrats’
“The best approach to getting Republicans are trying to latest bill involves their Med-
universal coverage is through brand the Democrats’ plan icaid workaround, which
a single-payer system, but as wasteful. Citing a budget would not be happening if
we should not overlook how office cost estimate of $553 GOP-led states such as Tex-
powerfully important the billion over 10 years, House as, Florida and Georgia had
provisions in the Build Back Republicans say that would joined the 38 others that ex-
Better agenda are,” said Mas- work out to $14,200 per per- panded the program under
sachusetts Sen. Elizabeth son covered, or about twice the Obama law.
Warren, referring to Biden’s the annual premium for
(AP) — The Democrats’ signature legislation propos- employee-only coverage at In the states still refusing,
social spending and cli- With the legislation, the al. “We have a historic oppor- work. Biden and congressional
mate change bill would number of uninsured people tunity to make a real differ- Democrats would provide a
put the United States under age 65 would drop ence in people’s lives ... and “There’s nothing affordable federal fallback for uninsured
back on a path to reduc- from about 28 million to less we should do that.” about Democrats’ plan,” Rep. low-income people. That
ing its persistent pool of than 24 million in a decade, Kevin Brady of Texas, the top includes about 2 million
uninsured people, with according to the budget of- Republican on the House people currently ineligible
estimates ranging from 4 fice, which provides nonpar- Final specifications of Biden’s Ways and Means Committee, for government-sponsored
million to 7 million Amer- tisan analysis for Congress. package are being worked said in a statement. health insurance and at least
icans gaining health cov- That 28 million starting point out but numerous Demo- as many who are legally enti-
erage. is roughly in line with the crats say the health insurance But such criticism overlooks tled to purchase an ACA plan
current count of uninsured provisions have broad back- the fact that Republicans but probably cannot afford it,
Those getting covered would people, so the nation would ing within their party. The don’t agree among them- even with subsidies.
include about one-third of see a holding pattern if law- changes include an extension selves on a strategy to con-
uninsured Black Americans, makers do nothing. of temporary financial subsi- tinue expanding health insur- Adding a racial justice di-
according to an analysis by dies for “Obamacare” plans ance coverage. Most believe mension to the push, many
the Urban Institute and the Even with former President in Biden’s coronavirus relief it’s not the role of govern- who would be helped are
Commonwealth Fund, non- Barack Obama’s Affordable bill, coverage for low-income ment to guarantee coverage Black Americans.
partisan research groups that Care Act, or ACA, nearly 9% people in a dozen mainly for all, particularly for people
support the goal of expand- of Americans remain unin- Southern states where Re- who are able to work. “This is an equity issue,” said
ing health insurance. Other sured. But now, by building publicans blocked Medicaid Democratic Sen. Raphael
estimates from the Congres- on that health law, President expansion, and a formula Under President Donald Warnock. Georgia’s first
sional Budget Office and the Joe Biden is trying to drive tweak for what’s deemed af- Trump, Republicans tried Black senator, Warnock has
center-right American Action the numbers lower, a few fordable workplace coverage. and failed to repeal the made Medicaid his signature
Forum project a similar over- percentage points at a time. Obama health law, and that issue as he prepares for a re-
all trend. “These policies would defi- would have made more than election campaign next year.
Laundrie family hopes for answers after remains found
(AP) — Family members underwater during previous statement at the appropriate area that’s home to alligators, happy scenes that may have
were hoping for more an- searches. time and when they are emo- coyotes, bobcats, snakes and concealed deeper problems.
swers from law enforce- tionally ready.” numerous other creatures. After Petito disappeared, the
ment regarding the cause A statement from the FBI case became a true-crime ob-
of death for Brian Laun- did not list a cause of death. The discovery of the remains The couple first met as teen- session on social media.
drie, who was a person of It was not clear how long the concluded a massive search agers on Long Island, New
interest in the death of remains may have been sub- involving federal, state and York, and more recently The intense focus on Petito’s
girlfriend Gabby Petito merged in water. local law enforcement that moved to Florida’s Gulf case has led to renewed calls
while the couple was on began shortly after Laund- Coast to live with his parents. for people to pay greater at-
a cross-country road trip, Petito’s body was found Sept. rie disappeared Sept. 14, two tention to cases involving
an attorney said Friday. 19 at edge of Wyoming’s weeks after the 23-year-old They first gained an online missing Indigenous women
Grand Teton National Park, returned alone to his parents’ following while on their trip and other people of color.
“I was informed by law en- which the couple had visited. home in North Port, Florida. in a converted Ford Tran- Petito, 22, was white.
forcement yesterday that per- sit van in videos filled with
haps by mid-day today we’d “We have no further com- The investigation into Peti-
have some more informa- ment at this time and we ask to’s slaying, however, is not
tion,” the Laundries’ attorney that you respect the Laun- yet concluded. But only
Steve Bertolino told ABC’s dries’ privacy at this time,” Laundrie has ever been iden-
“Good Morning America” the FBI statement said. tified by law enforcement of-
on Friday. ficials as a person of interest
Youtube video thumbnail in the case.
The FBI on Thursday identi- Richard Stafford, attorney
fied human remains found a for Petito’s family, said they Petito’s family reported her
day earlier in a Florida nature would have no immediate re- missing Sept. 11, launch-
preserve as those of Brian action to the identification of ing a search that garnered
Laundrie. A notebook and Laundrie’s remains. worldwide media attention
backpack believed to belong and, in Laundrie’s case, fo-
to Laundrie were also found “They are grieving the loss cused largely on the Carl-
in the wilderness park, the of their beautiful daughter,” ton Reserve wilderness park
FBI said. The area where Stafford said in an email. near the Laundrie home. It
they were found had been “Gabby’s family will make a is a densely wooded, swampy