Page 15 - ATA UPDATE
P. 15
Friday 29 december 2017
The Ritz-Carlton Brings Destinations to Life Through One-Of-
A Kind Cultural Experiences With the Launch Of #RCMemories
-New program furthers the brand’s ideals of creating lasting memories through
unforgettable, locally driven experiences.
cember, 2017 –The Ritz-
Carlton is excited to launch
its latest brand initiative,
#RCMemories, to draw
guests into their destina-
tions through unexpected
moments and unique pro-
A collection of experiences
curated by the Ladies and
Gentlemen of The Ritz-Carl-
ton across the brand’s port-
folio and inspired by the
surrounding locales, #RC- wants to connect with their dent and Chief Operating Ritz-Carlton, Dove Moun- #RCMemories includes
Memories connects guests destination in an authentic Officer of The Ritz-Carlton tain, we are providing our several cultural guest ex-
to local culture by featur- and meaningful way and Hotel Company, L.L.C. guests with a deeper un- periences that happen
ing a destination’s taste, #RCMemories gives our “Whether it is by doing sun- derstanding of their loca- daily, which are further
scent, sight or sound. guests that opportunity,” rise yoga in Bali or listening tion through #RCMemories supported by program-
“Today’s luxury traveler said Hervé Humler, Presi- to a local ranger at The and these one-ofa- kind ming and opportunities
cultural experiences.” guests can participate in.
An homage to the identity At The Ritz-Carlton, Lang-
and heritage of a destina- kawi, guests will become
tion, #RCMemories offer- spellbound by the ‘Dance
ings are unique to the in- of Thanks to the Sea’ that
dividual Ritz-Carlton prop- takes place at the golden
erty. hour of sunset at the beach
Whether it’s an amenity, a with gamelan music.
cultural ceremony, or an Guests of The Ritz-Carlton,
engaging performance, a Kyoto will discover the
property’s programming gold-flecked Kyoto Shan-
brings a unique element of bon-ya handmade soap
its location to life. in their rooms, which signi-
At The Ritz-Carlton, Dove fies local history, as well as
Mountain guests gather over four hundred pieces
around a fire pit and listen of modern Japanese art-
to a Dove Mountain Rang- work displayed throughout
errecount local folklore, the hotel.
which is complimented by As part of #RCMemories,
a Native American flautist. additional paid services
Or, guests can experience are also offered at each
the Tree of Life lighting cer- property.
emony at The Ritz-Carlton, At The Ritz- Carlton, Bali,
Bahrain, which signifies life to expound on the experi-
through the illumination of ence of placing spiritual
lights, lamps, lanterns and offerings at the Resort Tem-
candles. ple and shrines, guests can
Additionally, guests at The book a soul purification rit-
Ritz- Carlton, Grand Cay- ual or a market-to-table ex-
man can witness the Sun- perience at Culinary Cave.
set Ceremony, which takes Hotel Arts Barcelona offers
place every afternoon daily flower workshops led
around 6:30 p.m. at Bar by Donna Stain to provide
Jack, when the breath- guests with insight on how
takingly beautiful Grand she creates such beautiful
Cayman sunsets are an- floral arrangements.
nounced before the sun For more information about
begins to descend into the The Ritz-Carlton and its
deep blue sea. #RCMemories program,
In each instance, #RC- visit
Memories is designed to Guests are encouraged
encourage exploration to share their experienc-
and further the under- es with the program on
standing of local cultures their social medial chan-
through unexpected expe- nels through the hashtag
riences. #RCMemories.q