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                  Tuesday 21 March 2017

                                                                       Paseo Herencia              del Caribe together with lo-  the restaurants in honor of
                                                                                                   cal  artist  Jerino  Riderstap.  the day. All were invited to
                                                                         Continued from Page 13    The evening continued with  get a photo at no cost at
                                                                                                   an  amazing  performance  the  Paseo  Herencia  Awe-
                                                                      Aruba’s  Grand  Dame  of     by Rincon Boys whom also  some Photo Booth, against
                                                                      Culture,  Gerelvienne  Vro-  celebrated their 10th anni-  a beautiful backdrop com-
                                                                      lijk performed an entertain-  versary  with  the  audience  prised of the colors of Aru-
                                                                      ing  skit  with  the  Popcorn   during  the  event,  and  last  ba’s flag, which they could
                                                                      Dancers,  which  illustrated   but  not  least  the  festive  then  freely  upload  to  their
                                                                      endemic  dance  and  mu-     night  ended  with  a  beau-  favorite social media. Thus,
                                                                      sic of the ABC islands.      tiful  liquid  firework  show  old  time  traditions  and
                                                                      Paseo  Herencia  surprised   on  the  music  of  Padu  del  modern  technology  com-
                                                                      their  audience  with  the   Caribe,  the  father  of  Aru-  bined to provide a most ex-
                                                                      special  performance  by  3   ba’s  culture  and  writer  of  citing and interesting island
                                                                      time Latin Grammy winner     Aruba’s  national  anthem.   experience  at  Paseo  Her-
                                                                      Rafael “El Pollo” Brito, who   The  mall’s  vendors  offered  encia Shopping Mall, for a
                                                                      sang  a  special  version  of   great  promotions  in  the  most  memorable  Aruban
                                                                      the song “Abo So” by Padu    shops and special menus in  Independence Day.q
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