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A28    u.s. news
                   Diahuebs 6 Januari 2022

                          Oldest US veteran of WWII, Lawrence N. Brooks, dies at 112

                                                                      Originally  from  Norwood,  Australia compared with the  had to dig foxholes to protect
                                                                      Louisiana, near Baton Rouge,  U.S. But Brooks told Crean  themselves.
                                                                      Brooks’ family moved to the  thinking about it would make
                                                                      Mississippi  Delta  when  he  him angry, so he tried not to.  He was discharged from the
                                                                      was an infant. He was one of  During his oral history inter-  Army in August 1945 as a pri-
                                                                      15 children, and lived too far  view, Brooks said the officers  vate first class.
                                                                      from  the  nearest  school,  so  he cared for treated him well
                                                                      his parents taught him what  and  he  considered  himself  When he returned from ser-
                                                                      they could at home.          fortunate not to have to fight  vice,  he  worked  as  a  forklift
                                                                                                   in combat.                   driver  until  retiring  in  his
                                                                      Brooks was working at a saw-                              60s.  He  has  five  children,
                                                                      mill when he was drafted into  “I got lucky. I was saying to  five  stepchildren,  and  doz-
                                                                      the U.S. Army in 1940. After  myself,  ‘If  I’m  going  to  be  ens  of  grandchildren  and
                                                                      Japan’s  attack  on  Pearl  Har-  shooting at somebody, some-  great-grandchildren.  He  lost
                                                                      bor,  he  was  assigned  to  the  body’s  going  to  be  shooting  his wife, Leona, shortly after
                                                                      mostly  Black  91st  Engineer  at me and he might get lucky  Hurricane Katrina.
                                                                      General  Service  Regiment  and hit,’” he said.
                                                                      stationed in Australia.                                   That 2005 disaster destroyed
            (AP)  —  Lawrence  N.  long life, he often said, “serv-                                He often told the story about  his  home.  Then  in  his  late
            Brooks,  the  oldest  World  ing  God  and  being  nice  to  Later in the war, troop losses  a  time  when  he  was  a  pas-  90s,  he  was  evacuated  from
            War II veteran in the U.S.  people.”                      virtually  forced  the  military  senger in a C-47 aircraft de-  his home’s roof via helicop-
            — and believed to be the                                  to begin placing more African  livering a load of barbed wire  ter.  His  daughter  described
            oldest man in the country  “I  don’t  have  no  hard  feel-  American  troops  into  com-  to the front when one of the  him as “resilient.”
            —  died  on  Wednesday  at  ings toward nobody,” he said  bat positions. In 1941, fewer  transport  plane’s  engines
            the age of 112.              during  a  2014  oral  history  than 4,000 African Americans  went out.                “He’s  been  through  a  lot.
                                         interview with the museum.  were  serving  in  the  military.                          He’s  real  tough,  and  that’s
            His death was announced by  “I just want everything to be  By  1945,  that  number  in-  After they dumped the cargo  one  thing  I  learned  from
            the National WWII Museum  lovely,  to  come  out  right.  I  creased to more than 1.2 mil-  to conserve weight, he made  him.  If  nothing  else,  he  in-
            and confirmed by his daugh-  want people to have fun and  lion.                        his  way  to  the  cockpit.  He  stilled  in  me,  ‘Do  your  best
            ter.                         enjoy themselves — be happy                               told  the  pilot  and  co-pilot  and whatever you can’t do, it
                                         and not sad.”                The  91st,  where  Brooks  that since they were the only  don’t make no sense to worry
            Most    African   Americans                               served,  was  an  Army  unit  two  with  parachutes,  if  they  about it,’” she told the AP. “I
            serving in the segregated U.S.  On  sunny  days,  Brooks  was  that  built  bridges,  roads  and  had to jump for it, he was go-  think that’s why he has lived
            armed forces at the beginning  known for sitting on the front  airstrips  for  planes.  Brooks  ing to grab on to one of them.  as long as he has.”
            of World War II were assigned  porch of the double shotgun  was assigned as a caretaker to
            to noncombat units and rel-  house he shared with daugh-  three white officers. His job  “We made it, though,” he said  Starting with his 105th birth-
            egated to service duties, such  ter  Vanessa  Brooks  in  the  was  to  cook,  drive  and  take  during the 2014 oral history  day,  the  museum  began
            as  supply,  maintenance  and  Central  City  neighborhood  care of their clothes.     interview, laughing. “We had  throwing  him  annual  birth-
            transportation, said Col. Pete  of  New  Orleans.  Neighbors                           a big laugh about that.”     day parties. His favorite part
            Crean, vice president of edu-  would  call  out  to  the  local  Brooks  did  not  often  speak                     of the celebration was watch-
            cation and access at the mu-  celebrity, wave and bring him  publicly  about  the  discrimi-  Despite not being in combat,  ing the Victory Belles, a trio
            seum in New Orleans.         soda and snacks.             nation  he  and  other  Black  Brooks did experience enemy  performing the music of the
                                                                      soldiers  faced  in  the  war,  or  fire during the war. He said  1940s.  During  the  corona-
            “The reason for that was out-  Brooks was passionate about  the discrimination his family  the  Japanese  would  some-  virus  pandemic  in  2020  and
            right  racism  —  there’s  no  the New Orleans Saints foot-  faced in the Jim Crow Deep  times  bomb  Owen  Island,  2021, the museum organized
            other way to characterize it,”  ball team and never missed a  South, his daughter said.  where he worked. He said he  a parade in front of his home
            Crean said.                  game, his daughter said. His                              learned to tell the difference  with brass bands and Krewe
                                         church, St. Luke’s Episcopal,  Crean,  who  got  to  know  between the sounds of Japa-  of Zulu warriors in full rega-
            But  Brooks,  born  on  Sept.  was also close to his heart and  Brooks and his family through  nese, American and German  lia.
            12, 1909, was known for his  he  never  missed  a  Sunday  his work at the museum, said  planes approaching.
            good-natured  sense  of  hu-  service until the coronavirus  Brooks did talk about notic-                           “Even  at  112,  Mr.  Brooks
            mor, positivity and kindness.  pandemic hit.              ing how much better he was  “We’d be running like crazy,  stood  up  for  a  little  bit  and
            When asked for his secret to a                            treated  as  a  Black  man  in  trying to hide,” he said. They  danced,” Crean said.

                                Philadelphia fire kills at least 13, including 7 children

            (AP) — Fire tore through  ficials  shaken  by  the  death  remained  blocked  off  in                               were able to escape the blaze.
            a  duplex  home  early  toll — apparently the highest  midafternoon  as  investiga-    Rabiya Turner said she rushed  People gathered at the school
            Wednesday  in  Philadel-     in a single fire in the city in  tors  worked.  Onlookers  and  to the home this morning to  for warmth and someone to
            phia,  killing  13  people,  at least a century — vowed to  neighbors  had  largely  mi-  bring clothes to cousins who  talk to, she said.
            including    seven    chil-  get to the bottom of it.     grated  to  a  nearby  elemen-
            dren,  fire  officials  said.                             tary  school,  where  relatives
            At  least  two  people  were  Officials  did  not  release  the  and  friends  of  the  home’s
            sent  to  hospitals,  and  of-  names or ages of those killed  residents gathered to wait for
            ficials  warned  the  toll  in  the  blaze,  which  started  news.
            could grow as firefighters  before  6:30  a.m.  As  many
            searched  the  rowhome,  as  eight  residents  appear  to  A small group of people, some
            where 26 people had been  have been able to escape the  wrapped  in  Salvation  Army
            staying.                     fire, which burned in a resi-  blankets,  stared  down  23rd
                                         dential area of the Fairmount  Street, where the blaze hap-
            The  four  smoke  alarms  in  neighborhood,  northwest  of  pened,  hugging  one  another
            the building, which was pub-  downtown and home to the  and crying. Several friends of
            lic housing, do not appear to  Philadelphia Museum of Art  the  children  stopped  by  the
            have  been  working,  fire  of-  and its famous “Rocky steps.”  school,  hoping  for  informa-
            ficials said. The blaze’s cause                           tion, after their texts and calls
            was not determined, but of-  Streets around the fire scene  went unanswered.
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