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sports Diahuebs 6 Januari 2022
NFL teams could lose draft pick for interview violations
(AP) - The NFL has is- “We aim for dignity, respect nually ahead of the combine
sued a warning to teams and professionalism,” league that federal and state laws as
that they could lose a draft executive Troy Vincent told well as the collective bargain-
pick and face significant the AP. “It’s that simple.” ing agreement between the
fines if club representa- league and the NFL Players
tives conduct themselves The league also plans to Association prohibits dis-
unprofessionally in inter- eliminate the Wonderlic test crimination based on various
views with draft prospects. for prospective players, and it factors, including race, color,
is revising some of its scout- disabilities, religion, sexual
In a memo obtained by the ing combine drills to bet- orientation, national origin
AP that was sent to clubs on ter simulate game-related and marital status, and ques-
Wednesday, the league said movement. Wide receivers tions on these subjects are off
a team would forfeit a draft and tight ends will run cross- limits. This is the first time
pick between the first and ing routes instead of wheel the NFL has threatened spe-
fourth round and be fined a routes, and running backs cific accountability measures
minimum of $150,000 if it’s will run option routes instead if draft prospects are asked
determined a club represen- of corner and post-corner about any of these subjects. sion,” the memo states. “The
tative displayed conduct that routes. same is true of free agents The NFL has been seeking
is “disrespectful, inappropri- “All clubs should ensure that whom your club may consid- ways to improve the profes-
ate, or unprofessional” dur- Some drills for offensive prospective draft picks are af- er signing. It is also important sional and medical experi-
ing an interview. Fines and/ linemen and defensive play- forded a respectful and pro- for your club to reinforce to ence for draft prospects at the
or suspensions of individual ers also were revised to better fessional NFL environment prospective players the value combine.
club employees also could assess in-game player move- — one that is consistent with your club places on character
be imposed, according to the ments. state and federal law and our and the standards of conduct Prospects are encouraged
memo. shared commitment to re- expected of everyone associ- to report offensive conduct
The league reminds teams an- spect, diversity and inclu- ated with the NFL.” without retaliation.
Smart can rewrite legacy by ending Georgia’s title drought
(AP) - Kirby Smart did his Alabama rematch for the na- pionship in 1980. know what’s at stake.
best to get ahead of the tional title is not about Smart Smart’s Bulldogs were 12-0
questions about Nick Sa- vs. Saban. Smart was hired to give following their first unde- Quarterback Stetson Ben-
ban while acknowledging Georgia the push it lacked feated regular season since nett said Monday a heavy
the topic was inevitable. “Each game has been differ- to win the biggest games. He 1982 and on track for their burden accompanies Geor-
ent,” Smart said. “And it will was hired to bring champion- first national championship gia’s national championship
It seems the Georgia coach never be about he and I. I ships to the Bulldogs. in 41 years before the SEC drought.
can’t avoid Saban, when know he won’t make it that title game loss to Alabama.
championships — and and I won’t make it that, be- So far, Smart trails Richt. “Maybe I’m not capable of
Smart’s big-game legacy — cause that’s for you guys to Thanks to the humbling Sure, Smart doesn’t deny that holding that weight on my
are on the line. do that.” loss to the Crimson Tide last Saban and Alabama are a hur- shoulders, but, no, I’m just
month, Smart remains stuck dle the Bulldogs have not yet treating it as a football game,”
Smart is 0-4 against Saban, Smart’s Georgia legacy is on on one SEC title, in 2017. cleared. Smart says he’s not Bennett said. “Do I know that
his former boss at Alabama. the line. That’s about more Richt won two SEC cham- alone. means a lot to a lot of people?
That includes Georgia’s 41- than how he compares with pionships in his first five sea- Yes. Am I trying to play some
24 loss to Saban’s Crimson Saban, already assured of be- sons in Athens. Smart said the Crimson Tide kind of savior by winning a
Tide in the Southeastern ing remembered as one of the “have also been a problem national championship for
Conference championship greatest coaches in college Smart’s big-game history also and a thorn for any team millions of people? No. I
game in Atlanta on Dec. 4. football history. includes an overtime loss to they’ve played besides ours. don’t think that’s my job.”
the Crimson Tide in the 2017 We have that in common
Smart fielded questions about As Smart wraps up his sixth national championship game. with a lot of teams.” Indeed, that is Smart’s job.
Saban prior to that game be- season at his alma mater, the
fore earning a rematch when national championship game By bringing the Bulldogs to Smart knew better than to If Bennett feels that weight
the Bulldogs beat Michigan will help determine his place another national title game, celebrate Friday’s runaway as a former walk-on, then
34-11 on Friday night in in Georgia history. That in- Smart has made Georgia a rout of Michigan in the Or- Smart surely must carry a
the College Football Playoff cludes how he will be judged regular part of the champion- ange Bowl. He called a time- much greater load. Smart is
semifinal. in comparison with his pre- ship picture. He has brought out and put a firm roadblock coaching for championship-
decessor, Mark Richt, as well Georgia to the biggest games. on plans by running backs starved fans and for his life-
The Georgia coach insisted as Vince Dooley, who won Zamir White and James Cook time commitment to the
on Monday the Georgia- Georgia’s last national cham- Saban has blocked Smart’s to empty a watercooler on his Bulldogs as a player, assistant
path to big-game success. head at the end of the game. and coach.
Smart can change that script
by winning the biggest game Playoff semifinal wins don’t Smart showed no sign of that
of all in his second national merit watercooler baths. burden one week before an-
title appearance against Ala- Only minutes after the game, other big-game test.
bama. Smart already was looking
ahead to Alabama. “Our guys are excited and
Saban has won seven national being excited to work and re-
championships, including “I was wanting to get a real ally take another shot and go
six in the last 12 years at Ala- shower, not a Gatorade bath, play these guys,” Smart said,
bama. He is looking for back- because I want to get focused adding he has “a lot of respect
to-back titles with the Crim- on Alabama,” Smart said af- for Alabama and coach Saban
son Tide. ter Friday’s win, before add- and everything they’ve been
ing, “To be honest with you able to do. And we know that
Smart was the defensive co- guys, I’m not interested in we’ve got to play one of our
ordinator on Saban’s Alabama celebrating that.” best games and our guys are
staff before he was hired to excited for the opportunity.”
lead Georgia’s program. Players got the message. They