Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220106
P. 30
A30 world news
Diahuebs 6 Januari 2022
Suspect in South Africa’s Parliament fire appears in court
tional Key Points Acts, which bo, spokesman for the Hawks
restricts access to govern- special investigative unit of
ment buildings, according to the police.
the local Eye Witness News
website. “We’re going to be conduct-
ing a full investigation and
Mafe’s lawyer said he denies we think there may be other
the charges. Mafe was ar- people involved but at this
rested on the premises of the stage, the focus is on this one
Parliament complex by po- until the investigation can
lice after they noticed the fire dictate otherwise,” Mbabm-
Sunday morning. The Parlia- bo told media outside the
ment complex in the center courtroom.
of Cape Town includes some
buildings that are 130 years The fire destroyed South
old. Africa’s main Parliament
chamber, offices and other
National Prosecuting Au- buildings nearby on Sunday.
thority spokesman Eric It flared up again Monday
Ntabazalila told journalists when winds picked up and
outside court that Mafe was burned through other offic-
also found with an explosive es. Firefighters battled the re-
device, but didn’t give fur- newed blaze until midnight,
ther details. officials said.
(AP) — The man sus- peared in court Tuesday Zandile Christmas Mafe fac-
pected of starting the fire and will remain in custody es several charges including Police haven’t ruled out the Parliament was closed for the
that gutted South Africa’s pending a bail hearing. arson, theft, housebreaking possibility of more arrests, holidays and no injuries have
parliament buildings ap- and contravention of the Na- said Nomthandazo Mbam- been reported in the fire.
North Korea fires ballistic missile, in 1st test in 2 months
(AP) — North Korea fired intention. ried out a spate of weapons given North Korea in return flight. He said North Korea
a ballistic missile into the In an emergency video con- tests in what experts called for limited denuclearization would likely move forward
sea on Wednesday, the ference, members of South an attempt to apply more steps. Kim has since threat- with its military buildup.
U.S. military said, its first Korea’s presidential nation- pressure on its rivals to ac- ened to enlarge his nuclear
weapons launch in about al security team expressed cept it as a nuclear power in arsenal, though his country’s Japanese Defense Minister
two months and a signal it concerns about the launch hopes of winning relief from economy has suffered ma- Nobuo Kishi said the mis-
isn’t interested in rejoin- and said resuming talks with economic sanctions. The jor setbacks due to the CO- sile was presumed to have
ing denuclearization talks North Korea is important to tests included a submarine- VID-19 pandemic, persistent landed outside Japan’s exclu-
anytime soon and would resolve tensions, according to launched ballistic missile and U.S.-led sanctions and his sive economic zone. U.N.
rather focus on boosting the presidential Blue House. a developmental hypersonic government’s mismanage- Security Council resolutions
its weapons arsenal. missile. Since artillery fir- ment. ban any ballistic activities by
The Japanese Defense Min- ing drills in early November, North Korea, but the council
The launch came after North istry also detected the North North Korea had halted test- “Rather than expressing will- typically doesn’t impose new
Korean leader Kim Jong Un Korean launch. “We find it ing activities until Wednes- ingness for denuclearization sanctions for short-range
vowed to further strengthen truly regrettable that North day’s launch. talks or interest in an end-of- missile launches.
his military capability — Korea has continued to fire war declaration, North Korea
without disclosing any new missiles since last year,” Japa- The Biden administration has is signaling that neither the During last week’s plenary
policies toward the United nese Prime Minister Fumio repeatedly said it is open to omicron variant nor domes- meeting of the Central Com-
States or South Korea — at Kishida told reporters. resuming nuclear diplomacy tic food shortages will stop its mittee of the ruling Workers’
a high-profile ruling party with North Korea “anywhere aggressive missile develop- Party, Kim repeated his vow
conference last week. China, North Korea’s most and at any time” without pre- ment,” said Leif-Eric Easley, a to boost his country’s mili-
important ally, maintained conditions. North Korea has professor at Ewha University tary capacity and ordered the
The U.S. Indo-Pacific Com- an even-handed response so far rebuffed such over- in Seoul. production of more power-
mand said the ballistic missile to the launch, with Foreign tures, saying U.S. hostility ful, sophisticated weapons
launch “highlights the desta- Ministry spokesperson Wang remains unchanged. Kim Dong-yub, a professor systems. State media reports
bilizing impact of (North Wenbin calling for dialogue at the University of North on the meeting said North
Korea’s) illicit weapons pro- and saying “all parties con- Outgoing South Korean Korean Studies in Seoul, Korea set forth “tactical di-
gram” but didn’t pose an im- cerned should keep in mind President Moon Jae-in said said North Korea might have rections” for external rela-
mediate threat to U.S. terri- the big picture (and) be cau- in his New Year’s address tested a hypersonic missile tions, including with South
tory or its allies. It said in a tious with their words and Tuesday that he would con- or a nuclear-capable KN-23 Korea, but didn’t elaborate.
statement that the U.S. com- actions.” tinue to seek ways to restore missile with a highly maneu- The reports made no men-
mitment to the defense of its ties with North Korea and verable and lower-trajectory tion of the United States.
allies, South Korea and Japan, U.N. Secretary-General An- promote peace on the Kore-
remains “ironclad.” tonio Guterres reiterated that an Peninsula until his single
North Korea “should resume five-year term ends in May.
South Korea’s military said talks with the other parties He has recently pushed for a
a suspected ballistic missile concerned and that diplo- symbolic declaration to end
fired from North Korea’s matic engagement and dip- the 1950-53 Korean War as a
mountainous northern Ja- lomatic talks remain the only way to reduce animosity.
gang province flew toward pathway to sustainable peace
its eastern waters. Defense and complete verifiable de- U.S.-led diplomacy aimed at
Minister Suh Wook said the nuclearization of the Korean convincing North Korea to
launch is seen as part of North Peninsula,” U.N. spokesman abandon its nuclear program
Korea’s military buildup, but Stephane Dujarric said. collapsed in 2019 due to dif-
that South Korea is analyzing ferences over how much
whether it had any political Last fall, North Korea car- sanctions relief should be