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A30    world news
               Diabierna 27 augustus 2021

                           Attack in Afghanistan kills at least 22, including US troops

                                                                      Afghanistan,  along  with  the  crowds.  After  the  attack,  he
                                                                      group’s rescued animals.     appeared to shirk blame, not-  “The reality on the ground is
                                                                                                   ing  the  airport  is  controlled  the  perimeter  of  the  airport
                                                                      He is among thousands try-   by U.S. troops.              is  closed.  The  Taliban  have
                                                                      ing  to  flee.  Over  the  last                           tightened the noose. It’s very,
                                                                      week,  the  airport  has  been  Before the blast, the Taliban  very difficult for anybody to
                                                                      the scene of some of the most  sprayed  a  water  cannon  at  get  through  at  this  point,”
                                                                      searing images of the chaotic  those gathered at one airport  Canadian  General  Wayne
                                                                      end of America’s longest war  gate to try to drive the crowd  Eyre,  the  country’s  acting
                                                                      and the Taliban’s takeover, as  away,  as  someone  launched  Chief  of  Defense  Staff,  said
                                                                      flight after flight took off car-  tear gas canisters elsewhere.  ahead of the attack.
                                                                      rying those who fear a return
                                                                      to  the  militants’  brutal  rule.  Nadia  Sadat,  a  27-year-old  Lt. Col. Georges Eiden, Lux-
                                                                      When the Taliban were last in  Afghan,  carried  her  2-year-  embourg’s  army  representa-
                                                                      power, they confined women  old daughter with her outside  tive in neighboring Pakistan,
                                                                      largely  to  their  home  and  the airport. She and her hus-  said that Friday would mark
                                                                      widely  imposed  draconian  band, who had worked with  the  official  end  for  U.S.  al-
            (AP)  —  Two  suicide                                     restrictions.                coalition forces, missed a call  lies.  But  two  Biden  admin-
            bombers  and  gunmen  at-    “Surgeons  will  be  working                              from a number they believed  istration officials denied that
            tacked crowds of Afghans  into  the  night,”  said  Marco  Already, some countries have  was  the  State  Department  was the case.
            flocking to Kabul’s airport  Puntin, the charity’s manager  ended  their  evacuations  and  and  were  trying  to  get  into
            Thursday,  transforming  a  in Afghanistan. The wound-    begun  to  withdraw  their  the airport without any luck.  A  third  official  said  that  the
            scene  of  desperation  into  ed overflowed the triage zone  soldiers  and  diplomats,  sig-  Her  husband  had  pressed  U.S.  worked  with  its  allies
            one of horror in the wan-    into  the  physiotherapy  area  naling  the  beginning  of  the  ahead in the crowd to try to  to coordinate each country’s
            ing  days  of  an  airlift  for  and  more  beds  were  being  end of one of history’s larg-  get them inside.      departure, and some nations
            those  fleeing  the  Taliban  added, he said.             est airlifts. The Taliban have                            asked for more time and were
            takeover.  At  least  22  peo-                            insisted  foreign  troops  must  “We  have  to  find  a  way  to  granted it.
            ple were killed and dozens  Pentagon  spokesman  John  be out by America’s self-im-    evacuate because our lives are
            wounded.                     Kirby said there were casual-  posed deadline of Aug. 31 —  in  danger,”  Sadat  said.  “My  “Most  depart  later  in  the
                                         ties, including among mem-   and the evacuations must end  husband  received  several  week,” he said, while adding
            The dead include 11 Marines  bers of the military, but gave  then, too.                threatening  messages  from  that some were stopping op-
            and  one  Navy  medic,  ac-  no  figure.  He  said  one  ex-                           unknown  sources.  We  have  erations  Thursday.  All  three
            cording to two U.S. officials.  plosion  was  near  an  airport  In  Washington,  U.S.  Presi-  no chance except escaping.”  officials  spoke  on  condition
            They said another 12 service  entrance  and  another  was  a  dent  Joe  Biden  spent  much                         of  anonymity  because  they
            members were wounded and  short distance away by a ho-    of  the  morning  in  the  se-  Aman  Karimi,  50,  escorted  were  not  authorized  to  dis-
            warned the toll could grow.  tel.                         cure  White  House  Situation  his  daughter  and  her  fam-  cuss the information publicly.
                                                                      Room where he was briefed  ily to the airport, fearful the
            One  of  the  bombers  struck  Even  as  the  area  was  hit,  on  the  explosions  and  con-  Taliban would target her be-  Danish   Defense   Minis-
            people  standing  knee-deep  evacuation  flights  continued  ferred  with  his  national  se-  cause of her husband’s work  ter  Trine  Bramsen  bluntly
            in  a  wastewater  canal  under  to  take  off  from  Kabul  air-  curity team and commanders  with NATO.           warned earlier: “It is no lon-
            the sweltering sun, throwing  port.                       on the ground in Kabul.                                   ger safe to fly in or out of Ka-
            bodies  into  the  fetid  water.                                                       “The  Taliban  have  already  bul.”
            Those who moments earlier  Adam  Khan  was  waiting  Overnight,             warnings  begun  seeking  those  who
            had  hoped  to  get  on  flights  nearby when he saw the first  emerged from Western capi-  have  worked  with  NATO,”  Denmark’s last flight has al-
            out  could  be  seen  carrying  explosion  outside  what’s  tals  about  a  threat  from  IS,  he  said.  “They  are  looking  ready  departed,  and  Poland
            the wounded to ambulances  known  as  the  Abbey  gate.  which  has  seen  its  ranks  for  them  house-by-house  at  and  Belgium  have  also  an-
            in  a  daze,  their  own  clothes  He  said  several  people  ap-  boosted by the Taliban’s free-  night.”          nounced  the  end  of  their
            darkened with blood.         peared  to  have  been  killed  ing of prisoners during its ad-                        evacuations. The Dutch gov-
                                         or wounded, including some  vance through Afghanistan.    The  Sunni  extremists  of  ernment said it had been told
            A U.S. official said the com-  who were maimed.                                        IS, with links to the group’s  by  the  U.S.  to  leave  Thurs-
            plex  attack  was  believed  to                           Shortly before the attack, the  more well-known affiliate in  day.
            have been carried out by the  The  second  blast  was  at  or  acting  U.S.  ambassador  to  Syria  and  Iraq,  have  carried
            Islamic  State  group.  The  IS  near  Baron  Hotel,  where  Kabul, Ross Wilson, said the  out a series of brutal attacks,  But  Kirby,  the  Pentagon
            affiliate in Afghanistan is far  many  people,  including  Af-  security  threat  at  the  Kabul  mainly  targeting  Afghani-  spokesman, said some planes
            more  radical  than  the  Tal-  ghans,  Britons  and  Ameri-  airport overnight was “clearly  stan’s Shiite Muslim minori-  would continue to fly.
            iban, who recently took con-  cans,  were  told  to  gather  in  regarded  as  credible,  as  im-  ty, including a 2020 assault on
            trol of the country in a light-  recent days before heading to  minent,  as  compelling.”  But  a maternity hospital in Kabul  “Evacuation  operations  in
            ning  blitz  and  condemned  the airport for evacuation.  in  an  interview  with  ABC  in which they killed women  Kabul  will  not  be  wrapping
            the attack.                                               News, he would not give de-  and infants.                 up in 36 hours. We will con-
                                         A former Royal Marine who  tails.                                                      tinue  to  evacuate  as  many
            Western officials had warned  runs an animal shelter in Af-                            The  Taliban  have  fought  people  as  we  can  until  the
            of a major attack, urging peo-  ghanistan says he and his staff  Late  Wednesday,  the  U.S.  against Islamic State militants  end of the mission,” he said
            ple  to  leave  the  airport,  but  were caught up in the after-  Embassy  warned  citizens  at  in  Afghanistan,  where  the  in a tweet.
            that  advice  went  largely  un-  math of the blast near the air-  three  airport  gates  to  leave  Taliban  have  wrested  back
            heeded by Afghans desperate  port.                        immediately  due  to  an  un-  control  nearly  20  years  after  The Taliban have said they’ll
            to escape the country in the                              specified   security   threat.  they  were ousted in a U.S.-  allow  Afghans  to  leave  via
            last few days of an American-  “All  of  a  sudden  we  heard  Australia,  Britain  and  New  led invasion. The Americans  commercial  flights  after  the
            led  evacuation  before  the  gunshots  and  our  vehicle  Zealand  also  advised  their  went  in  following  the  9/11  deadline next week, but it re-
            U.S.  officially  ends  its  20-  was targeted, had our driver  citizens  Thursday  not  to  go  attacks,  which  al-Qaida  or-  mains unclear which airlines
            year presence on Aug. 31.    not turned around he would  to the airport.               chestrated  while  being  shel-  would  return  to  an  airport
                                         have been shot in the head by                             tered by the group.          controlled  by  the  militants.
            Emergency, an Italian charity  a man with an AK-47,” Paul  Taliban  spokesman  Zabihul-                             Turkish  presidential  spokes-
            that operates hospitals in Af-  “Pen” Farthing told Britain’s  lah Mujahid denied that any  Amid  the  warnings  and  the  man Ibrahim Kalin said talks
            ghanistan, said it had received  Press Association news agen-  attack  was  imminent  at  the  pending  American  with-  were  underway  between
            at least 60 patients wounded  cy.                         airport,  where  the  group’s  drawal,  Canada  ended  its  his  country  and  the  Taliban
            in  the  airport  attack,  in  ad-                        fighters  have  deployed  and  evacuations,  and  European  about allowing Turkish civil-
            dition  to  10  who  were  dead  Farthing is trying to get staff  occasionally  used  heavy-  nations halted or prepared to  ian  experts  to  help  run  the
            when they arrived.           of his Nowzad charity out of  handed tactics to control the  stop their own operations.  facility.
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