Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20211201
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A26     OBITUARIO/U.s. news
               Diaranson 1 December 2021

                                                                                                               In shadow of Texas gas
                                                                                                                  drilling sites, health

                                                                                                                        fears escalate

                                “Cerca Dios no tin sufrimento,   “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
                                ni  dolor,  ni  tristeza.  Cu  Dios   Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
                                contra mi cu  su manan habri   E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                                i jen di splendor.”          Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
                                Lagrima  y  flornan  por  seca,   Salmo: 23
                                su recuerdonan y tur loke e la
                                haci y significa pa nos,
                                cu lo keda graba pa semper den   A fayece:
                                nos mente y curason.
                                “Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz,
                                ta di Dj’e mi salbacion ta bin”

                                                Salmo 62:1
                                                                                                              (AP)  —  At  a  playground  outside  a  North
             Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa fayecimento
             di:                                                                                              Texas day care center, giggling preschoolers
                                                                                                              chase each other into a playhouse. Toddlers
              Sra. Vda. Teresita Figaroa-Figaroa                                                              scoot by on tricycles. A boy cries as a teacher
                   Cariñosamente yama “Chita” y “Machi”                                                       helps him negotiate over a toy.
                        *09-12-1930 - †28-11-2021
                                                                                                              Uphill  from  the  playground,  peeking  between
             Yiunan:        Marianita y Ergard Tromp                                                          trees, is a site where Total Energies is pumping
                            Mario Figaroa                                                                     for  natural  gas.  The  French  energy  giant  wants
                            Vera y Mario Werleman                                                             to drill three new wells on the property next to
                            Lourdes y †Frido Croes                                                            Mother’s  Heart  Learning  Center,  which  serves
                            Nico y Rocio Figaroa                                                              mainly  Black  and  Latino  children.  The  three
                            Miriam y Roy Jansen                                                               wells,  along  with  two  existing  ones,  would  lie
                            Jacintho y Nilca Figaroa
                            Teresa y David Semeleer                                                           about 600 feet from where the children planted a
             Rumannan:      Sra. Vda. Wika Tromp y Fam                                                        garden of sunflowers.
                     Filomena y Casiano Tromp y Fam
                     Luis y Maria Figaroa y Fam                                                               For  the  families  of  the  children  and  for  oth-
                     Vda. Baita Figaroa                                                                       ers nearby, it’s a prospect fraught with fear and
                     Vdo. Mario Oduber                                                                        anxiety. Living too close to drilling sites has been
             Nieto(a)nan:   Zulayka y John Weijs                                                              linked to a range of health risks, especially to chil-
                            Stephen y Heather Jansen                    Ricardo Soriano                       dren, from asthma to neurological and develop-
                            Reggie y Annelies de Mey                   *07-11-1951 - †24-11-2021              mental disorders. And while some states are re-
                            Mario Jr y Ashley Figaroa                                                         quiring  energy  companies  to  drill  farther  from
                     Veromar y Geeta Werleman-Khemlani       Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues         day cares, schools and homes, Texas has taken the
                     Francis y Jenny Croes
                     Jacqueline y Sando Tromp                                                                 opposite tack: It has made it exceedingly difficult
                     Mary-Anne y Urvin Croes                                                                  for localities to fight back.
                     Joseanny y Shendell Jakobus
                     Ninouska Figaroa                                                                         The affected areas go beyond day care centers and
                     Natasha y Reynold Trimon                                                                 schools close to drilling sites. They include com-
                     David Jr Semeleer                                                                        munities near related infrastructure — compres-
             Bisanieto(a)nan:  Sven y Sienna Weijs                                                            sor stations, for example, which push gas through
                            Nora y Jack de Mey                                                                pipelines  and  emit  toxic  fumes,  and  export  fa-
                            Mario Jr Figaroa                                                                  cilities, where gas is cooled before being shipped
                            Maya, Vijay y Sitara Werleman                                                     overseas.
                            Xhaiden y Xhoë-Anne Croes
                            Sean, Miah y Quin Jansen
                            Adren van der Biezen             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada    On Tuesday night, the City Council in this city
                            Raelyn Trimon                                                                     situated between Dallas and Fort Worth is sched-
                            Sandocaan y D’Jean Tromp         Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.    uled to vote on Total’s latest drilling request. Last
                                                             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                      year, the council denied Total’s request. The re-
             Swa  y  cuña  nan,  comer  y  comper  nan,  subrino  y   Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                jection came at a time when Black Lives Matter
             sobrinanan, iha nan, prima y primo nan,         Salmo: 23                                        protests  after  George  Floyd’s  murder  by  police
             demas amistad nan, Fundacion Kawara.                                                             had  led  many  American  communities  to  take  a
             Demas  famianan:  Figaroa,  Kelly,  Tromp,  de  Mey,   Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:            deeper  look  at  racial  disparities.  But  with  time
             Weijs,  van  der  Ham,  Jobst,  Werleman,  Khemlani,                                             having  passed  and  with  some  turnover  on  the
             Croes, Semeleer, Jakobus, Rasmijn, Jansen, Pietersz,                                             City Council, many residents worry that this time
             de la Rosa, Rincon, Willems, Polanco, Lopez, Maduro,
             Simileer,  Oduber,  De  Cuba,  Rotteveel,  Conradus,                                             Total will succeed.
             Guedez,  Kock,  Webb,  van  der  Biezen,  Trimon,
             Breau-Bourque, Ortiz, Obispo, Luydens, Nijenhuis,                                                Total declined a request for an interview to discuss
             Bermudez, Dominguez.                                                                             the matter. But in a statement, the company said it
             Nos ta pidi disculpa si den momento di tristesa nos                                              has operated near Mother’s Heart for more than a
             por a lubida algun famia y conocir nan. Ta invita pa                                             decade without any safety concerns expressed by
             asisti na acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar Diabierna 3 di                                        the City of Arlington.
             December 2021 di 2or pa 4or di atardi na misa Santa
             Anna Noord. Despues lo sali pa Santana Catolico na                                               The clash in Arlington comes against the back-
             Noord.                                                                                           drop  of  pledges  from  world  leaders  to  reduce
                                                                                                              emissions, burn less fossil fuel and transition to
             Lo  tin  un  box  disponibel  pa  hasi  donacion  pa
             “Fundacion Kawara”.                                     Oscar Edwin Oduber                       cleaner energy. Yet the world’s reliance on natural
                                                                                                              gas is growing, not declining. As soon as next year,
                                                                       *26-02-1940 - †25-11-2021
             Pa  motibo  di  e  situashon  di  Covid-19  ta  pidi  pa                                         the  United  States  is  set  to  become  the  world’s
             mantene  estrictamente  na  reglanan  di  DVG  usando                                            largest exporter of liquid natural gas, or LNG, ac-
             tapa boka y practicando distancia social.       Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.        cording to Rystad Energy.
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