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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 1 December 2021

                           Wife of drug kingpin ‘El Chapo’ gets 3 years on US charges

            (AP) - The wife of Mexi-     U.S. District Judge Rudolph  man more than three decades
            can drug kingpin Joaquin  Contreras imposed a shorter  older,” Jeffrey Lichtman said.
            “El  Chapo”  Guzman  was  term,  saying  her  role  was  a  Coronel  Aispuro  expressed
            sentenced     Tuesday    to  small  piece  of  a  much  larg-  “true  regret  for  any  and  all
            three years in prison after  er  organization.  Her  arrest  harm” as she spoke through
            pleading guilty to helping  doesn’t seem to have reduced  a Spanish translator in court.
            her husband run his mul-     the harm caused by the cartel,  “I  am  here  before  you,  ask-
            tibillion-dollar   criminal  he said. “There appears to be  ing for forgiveness,” she said.
            empire.                      no shortage of willing partici-  She asked for a sentence that
                                         pants,” he said.             would allow her to watch her
            Emma Coronel Aispuro also                                 9-year-old  twin  daughters
            helped  her  husband  plan  She had faced a minimum of  grow up.
            a  dramatic  escape  through  10  years  in  prison,  but  was
            a  tunnel  dug  underneath  a  subject to a so-called “safety  She previously pleaded guilty
            prison  in  Mexico  in  2015  valve” provision because she  to  three  federal  offenses  as
            by  smuggling  a  GPS  watch  had no criminal record, was  part of a plea deal with federal
            to  him  disguised  as  a  food  not  considered  a  leader  and  prosecutors. She also surren-  narcotics trafficker.  worked  for  him,”  said  pros-
            item,  prosecutors  said  dur-  was  not  involved  with  vio-  dered $1.5 million.                                 ecutor  Anthony  Nardozzi,
            ing a hearing in federal court  lence.                                                 She  also  helped  buy  land  who  called  her  a  “cog  in  a
            in  Washington.  That  helped                             The  charges  include  know-  for  the  tunnel  and  smuggle  very large wheel.”
            those  digging  the  tunnel  Defense attorneys also point-  ingly and willfully conspiring  Guzman’s  messages  to  his
            pinpoint  his  location  and  ed out she was a 17-year-old  to distribute heroin, cocaine,  subordinates while he was in  The 32-year-old was arrested
            reach him. The leader of the  from  an  impoverished  fam-  marijuana   and   metham-  prison, which allowed him to  in  February  at  Dulles  Inter-
            Sinaloa cartel was recaptured  ily  when  she  met  Guzman  phetamine  for  several  years.  stay in control of the Sinaloa  national  Airport  in  Virginia
            the following year.          and married him on her 18th  She  also  pleaded  guilty  to  a  cartel while behind bars.  and  has  been  jailed  since
                                         birthday.  “This  began  when  money-laundering  conspir-                              then. She will also serve four
            Prosecutors  had  asked  for  she was a very impressionable  acy  charge  and  to  engaging  “He chose her to move those  years of supervised release af-
            four  years  in  prison,  but  minor married to a powerful  in transactions with a foreign  messages  to  people  who  ter the prison sentence.

                             Atlanta mayoral runoff: Moore hopes to stave off Dickens

            (AP) — Atlanta voters are  he  started  well  back  in  the  to go against the grain proves  up your sleeves and finding a  jail  to  relieve  overcrowding,
            deciding  Tuesday’s  may-    field.                       she’s someone who will bring  way to say yes.”            while Moore said she’d con-
            oral  runoff  between  one                                accountability  and  transpar-                            sider  letting  the  county  take
            candidate who is comfort-    Mayor  Keisha  Lance  Bot-   ency to city government.     Dickens has reaped a slew of  over the jail permanently.
            able as a lone wolf and an-  toms  created  a  wide-open                               endorsements.  He  already
            other who has acquired a  succession  race  when  she  “I stepped into this race at a  had the nod of former Mayor  Dickens  voted  for  a  failed
            bunch of new friends.        announced  in  May  that  she  time  when  no  one  else  had  Shirley Franklin before Nov.  measure  that  would  have
                                         wouldn’t seek a second term.  the courage to do it, to move  2. Since then, he’s picked up  withheld a third of the police
            Current City Council Presi-  That  successor  could  have  the  city  forward,  to  help  us  support from Bottoms, U.S.  department’s budget until the
            dent Felicia Moore proclaims  been  former  Mayor  Kasim  at  a  time  when  we  certainly  Rep.  and  Democratic  Party  mayor came up with a plan to
            her  independence  as  a  vir-  Reed, but his hopes for a third  have critical issues before us,”  of  Georgia  Chair  Nikema  overhaul  the  police  depart-
            tue,  and  a  plurality  of  vot-  term  ended  when  he  nar-  Moore said during a Nov. 16  Williams,  Fulton  County  ment. Moore, who only votes
            ers agreed in the first round  rowly  finished  third  behind  debate. “I want to be our next  District Attorney Fani Willis  when the council is tied, said
            of  voting  on  Nov.  2,  giving  Dickens.  Reed  was  dogged  mayor  because  I  can  make  and Sharon Gay, an attorney  she opposed the measure and
            her 41% of the votes across a  by corruption in his previous  those tough decisions.”  who finished fourth in Nov.  accused  Dickens  of  favoring
            nonpartisan field of 14 candi-  administration,  although  he                          2 voting.                    defunding  the  police.  Dick-
            dates.                       said he himself was clean.   Dickens has portrayed Moore                               ens denies that was his aim.
                                                                      as  a  naysayer,  someone  who  Like  many  cities  across  the
            But  fellow  City  Council  Moore jumped into the race  has been unable to work with  country,  Atlanta  has  been  Some  opponents  of  Moore
            member Andre Dickens says  even  before  Bottoms  bowed  others.                       dealing  with  a  spike  in  kill-  attacked her as the favorite of
            Moore’s  record  as  a  some-  out, saying becoming mayor                              ings. As of Nov. 7, homicides  white voters, a frequent tactic
            times-lonely  critic  of  previ-  was  the  best  way  to  solve  “You  constantly  don’t  find  rose 10% over the same  pe-  in  a  city  where  many  white
            ous mayors proves he would  complaints  she  was  getting  a  way  to  say  yes,”  Dickens  riod last year and 59% com-  and Black voters are divided
            be a more effective mayor, as  about crime and city services.  said during the debate. “Real  pared with 2019, Atlanta po-  by  income  and  geography.
            he tries to win a race where  Moore argues her willingness  leadership  looks  like  rolling  lice  data  shows.  Several  of  Both  Moore  and  Dickens
                                                                                                   those killings captured wide-  are  Black,  and  Moore  has
                                                                                                   spread attention.            dismissed  that  her  support
                                                                                                                                should be held against her.
                                                                                                   Moore  and  Dickens  have
                                                                                                   both focused on getting more  “We  are  in  a  position  in  the
                                                                                                   officers onto the street quick-  city  to  start  to  bring  people
                                                                                                   ly.  But  they  differ  on  some  together,” Moore said recent-
                                                                                                   other details. Moore has said  ly,  arguing  she  is  “someone
                                                                                                   she’d immediately seek a new  who  can  talk  across  divides,
                                                                                                   police  chief,  while  Dickens  someone  who  can  talk  to
                                                                                                   has  said  he  might  keep  cur-  people in the streets as well as
                                                                                                   rent  Chief  Rodney  Bryant,  the suites.”
                                                                                                   who came out of retirement
                                                                                                   in  2020  after  the  previous  Moore  said  her  support  in
                                                                                                   chief  stepped  down  follow-  the wealthier, whiter section
                                                                                                   ing a fatal police shooting of a  called  Buckhead  would  be
                                                                                                   Black man that led to unrest.  an asset in trying to squelch
                                                                                                                                a secession movement in the
                                                                                                   Dickens has said he’s willing  area, an effort likely to preoc-
                                                                                                   to let Fulton County tempo-  cupy the first year of the next
                                                                                                   rarily use a mostly empty city  mayor’s term.
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