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world news Diaranson 1 December 2021
EMA chief says EU is ready to deal with new omicron variant
(AP) — The European ongoing to prepare for such be.
Union’s medical agency an eventuality. “We know
chief said Tuesday that that at some stage there will The highest intensity of the
it is ready to deal with be a mutation that means we omicron variant has been
the new omicron variant, have to change the current reported in and around the
and that it will take two approach.” South African cities of Johan-
weeks to have an indica- nesburg and Pretoria. Cooke
tion whether the current Cooke sounded more reas- said that the European make-
COVID-19 vaccines will suring than the World Health up of an older population
be able to deal with it. Organization, which warned and higher vaccination levels
Monday that the global risk would make for a different
Emer Cooke, the Executive from the omicron variant is situation altogether.
Director of the European “very high,” saying the mu-
Medicines Agency, said that tated coronavirus could lead Cooke said that it was impor-
if it does require a new vac- to surges with “severe conse- tant to assess “the cross-neu-
cine to counter omicron, it quences.” tralization” of the vaccines to
will take up to four months see if they do provide protec-
to have it approved for use in A widening circle of coun- tion against the new variant.
the 27-nation bloc. tries around the world have “That’s a process that takes She added that if there was a pared and ready as possible.”
reported cases of the vari- about two weeks.” need to adapt the vaccines, “I “Were there a need to change
“We are prepared,” Cooke ant or have moved to restrict want to assure you that we’re the existing vaccines, we
told EU lawmakers, adding flights while scientists race to So far, the vaccines have been working with the companies could be in a position to have
that cooperation with the figure out just how danger- able to deal with all variants and with other regulators to those approved within three
medical industry is already ous the mutant version might they came across, she said. make sure that we’re as pre- to four months,” she said.
Putin warns West: Moscow has ‘red line’ about Ukraine, NATO
(AP) — Russian President Vladi- to counter the growing threats by de- Russia on Tuesday that any attempt our border,” Putin said. “That repre-
mir Putin on Tuesday sternly veloping new hypersonic weapons. to further destabilize Ukraine would sents a threat for us.”
warned NATO against deploy- be a costly mistake.
ing its troops and weapons to “What should we do?” Putin said. After the buildup of Russian troops
Ukraine, saying it represents a “We would need to develop some- The Kremlin has insisted it has near Ukraine early this year, Putin
red line for Russia and would thing similar to target those who no such intention and has accused and U.S. President Joe Biden held a
trigger a strong response. threaten us. And we can do that even Ukraine and its Western backers of June summit in Geneva, where they
now.” making the claims to cover up their agreed to launch a dialogue on stra-
Commenting on Western concerns own allegedly aggressive designs. tegic stability and cybersecurity. Pu-
about Russia’s alleged intention to He said a new hypersonic missile that tin on Tuesday hailed the cybersecu-
invade Ukraine, he said that Moscow is set to enter service with the Russian Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimean rity discussions between Russian and
is equally worried about NATO drills navy early next year would be capa- Peninsula in 2014 after the coun- U.S. experts, saying “just as with the
near its borders. ble of reaching targets in comparable try’s Kremlin-friendly president was pandemic, it’s necessary to pool ef-
time. driven from power by mass protests forts to work efficiently.”
Speaking to participants of an on- and also threw its weight behind a
line investment forum. Putin said “It would also need just five minutes separatist insurgency that broke out Asked about Biden’s bid to seek a
that NATO’s eastward expansion to reach those who issue orders,” Pu- in Ukraine’s east. second term, Putin said he thought it
has threatened Russia’s core secu- tin said. would help the U.S. political stabil-
rity interests. He expressed concern Earlier this year, a spike in cease-fire ity. The Russian leader drew a parallel
that NATO could eventually use the The Zircon hypersonic cruise mis- violations in the east and a Russian with his own reelection plans.
Ukrainian territory to deploy missiles sile, capable of flying at nine times troop concentration near Ukraine
capable of reaching Moscow in just the speed of sound to a range of 1,000 fueled war fears, but tensions abated Even though Putin hasn’t decided yet
five minutes. kilometers (620 miles), has under- when Moscow pulled back the bulk whether to seek another term before
gone a series of tests, most recently of its forces after maneuvers in April. his current one ends in 2024, he said
“The emergence of such threats rep- Monday. the possibility of him staying on has
resents a ‘red line’ for us,” Putin said. Putin argued that to avoid tensions, helped Russia’s stability.
“I hope that it will not get to that and Ukrainian and Western officials Russia and the West should negoti-
common sense and responsibility for have expressed worries this month ate agreements that would safeguard The 69-year-old president has been
their own countries and the global that a Russian military buildup near each party’s security interests. in power for more than two decades
community will eventually prevail.” Ukraine could signal plans by Mos- — longer than any other Kremlin
cow to invade its ex-Soviet neighbor. “The matter is not whether to send leader since Soviet dictator Josef Sta-
He added that Russia has been forced NATO foreign ministers warned troops or not, go to war or not, but to lin. Constitutional amendments ap-
establish a more fair and stable devel- proved in 2020 reset Putin’s previous
opment and taking into account secu- term limits, allowing him to run for
rity interests of all international play- president two more times and hold
ers,” he replied when asked if Russia onto power until 2036.
was going to invade Ukraine. “If we
sincerely strive for that, no one will “In line with the constitution, I have
fear any threats.” the right to get elected to seek a new
term, but I haven’t yet made up my
The Russian leader noted that Rus- mind whether to do it or not,” Putin
sia has worried about NATO drills said. “But the very existence of that
near its borders, pointing at a recent right already stabilizes the domestic
exercise that involved U.S. strategic political situation.”
Asked about China’s nuclear build-
“Strategic bombers, which carry pre- up, Putin said that Russia isn’t wor-
cision weapons and are capable of car- ried about it, adding that close ties
rying nuclear weapons, were flying as between Moscow and Beijing are a
close as 20 kilometers (12 miles) to “major factor of global stability.”