Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20211201
P. 32

A32    sports
               Diaranson 1 December 2021

                      LSU hires Kelly away from Notre Dame to be Tigers next coach

                                                                                                   Kelly, who is likely to be the  the Irish are 54-9 under Kel-
                                                                                                   next coach in line for a mega-  ly  —  virtually  the  same  as
                                                                                                   deal.                        the  55-10  record  of  Riley  at
                                                                                                   Fisher’s  move  —  a  nation-
                                                                                                   al   championship-winning  At  LSU,  Kelly  will  follow
                                                                                                   coach leaving one traditional  Orgeron,  who  was  a  shoot-
                                                                                                   power  for  another  —  has  ing star in Baton Rouge. The
                                                                                                   been a rarity in the history of  Cajun  coach  who  grew  up
                                                                                                   college football.            on the Bayou Lafourche and
                                                                                                                                considered  LSU  his  dream
                                                                                                   Now  there  have  been  two  job  won  over  skeptical  fans
                                                                                                   similar  shake-ups  in  a  mat-  and led one of the great col-
                                                                                                   ter  of  days.  The  coaching  lege football teams in recent
                                                                                                   carousel,  sped  up  by  every-  memory: The Tigers won the
                                                                                                   thing from impatient athletic  ’19 national title, going 15-0
                                                                                                   directors seeking a winner to  behind  Heisman  Trophy
                                                                                                   the  early  signing  period  for  winner Joe Burrow.
                                                                                                   recruits and the always-busy
                                                                                                   transfer  portal,  won’t  slow  LSU  is  not  a  place  where
                                                                                                   down  any  time  soon.  Okla-  only  coaches  with  Southern
                                                                                                   homa  and  Notre  Dame  are  roots  can  thrive.  Les  Miles
                                                                                                   still  among  the  top  jobs  in  was  a  Michigan  man  who
                                                                                                   college  football  and  filling  coached  at  Oklahoma  State
            (AP) - LSU is hiring Brian  coach has left the Irish, win-  but agreed to a $16.9 million  them  could  tip  more  domi-  before  leading  the  Tigers  to
            Kelly  away  from  Notre  ners  of  eight  AP  national  buyout paid through 2025.     nos around the country.      a national title. Saban, a West
            Dame,  a  stunning  move  championships, to take a job                                                              Virginia  native,  came  from
            by one of the most accom-    at another school since the AP  Kelly’s  full  salary  at  Notre  Kelly  had  brought  stability  Michigan State to win a na-
            plished coaches in college  poll started in 1936. Rockne’s  Dame,  a  private  school,  is  and  success  to  Notre  Dame  tional championship at LSU.
            football jumping from the  successor,  Hunk  Anderson,  unknown  but  it  is  believed  unlike the program had in al-
            sport’s  most  storied  pro-  went  from  Notre  Dame  to  to be north of $5 million per  most two decades.         Kelly,   an   Irish-Catholic
            gram  to  a  Southeastern  North  Carolina  State  after  year.                                                     Bostonian,  has  won  na-
            Conference powerhouse.       going 3-5-1 in 1933.                                      He has not been able to add  tional  titles,  too  —  at  Divi-
                                                                      In  the  past  month  alone,  a national championship, but  sion  II  Grand  Valley  State.
            The  move  was  confirmed  LSU’s      coaching    search  Michigan State has given Mel  the Fighting Irish have been  He worked his way up from
            Monday  night  by  a  person  started  in  October,  when  it  Tucker a 10-year, $95 million  winning at a clip they haven’t  there  to  Central  Michigan
            familiar  with  the  decision  reached an agreement to part  deal and Penn State extended  reached since Lou Holtz led  and  then  to  Cincinnati,  al-
            who  spoke  to  The  Associ-  ways with coach Ed Orgeron  James  Franklin’s  contact  to  the program in the late 1980s  ways winning more than the
            ated  Press  on  condition  of  at the end of the season. The  10  years  at  $7.5  million  per  and  early  1990s.  The  Irish  coaches who preceded him.
            anonymity  because  neither  change  came  less  than  two  season. Those deals are simi-  won their last national title in
            school was prepared to make  years  after  Coach  O  led  the  lar to the 10-year guaranteed  1988 under Holtz.     He  did  the  same  thing  at
            an  official  announcement.  Tigers to a national champi-  contract Fisher received from                            Notre Dame, but the nation-
            Yahoo!  Sports  first  reported  onship.                  A&M  when  he  was  hired  Notre  Dame  ran  through  al  championship  has  eluded
            the hire.                                                 away  from  Florida  State  at  three  coaches  after  Holtz,  him. As good as the Fighting
                                         LSU  finished  a  6-6  regular  the end of the 2017 season by  never  coming  close  to  sus-  Irish  have  been,  they  have
            It was the second bombshell  season on Saturday, upsetting  then-Aggies’ athletic director  tained success.         been outclassed in two play-
            in college football in as many  Texas A&M at home in Org-  Scott Woodward.                                          off  games  and  a  BCS  title
            days,  coming  a  little  more  eron’s last game.                                      Notre  Dame  hired  Kelly  game against Alabama in the
            than  24  hours  after  South-                            Woodward is now the AD at  away from Cincinnati to re-    2012 season.
            ern California pulled Lincoln  Kelly is agreeing to take over  LSU. There had been much  place  Charlie  Weis  after  the
            Riley away from Oklahoma.  the Tigers just a few weeks af-  speculation  he  would  tar-  2009 season. It took a while  Kelly will now try to fill the
            LSU  might  have  topped  it  ter he had publicly dismissed  get Fisher again and rumors  for Kelly to find the right mix  last  remaining  hole  on  his
            by  luring  Kelly  from  South  the idea of moving on when  about  Riley  going  to  LSU  of coaching staff and recruit-  Hall of Fame resume at LSU,
            Bend to Baton Rouge.         asked about possibly being a  had persisted for weeks.    ing strategy to turn the Irish  a  school  that  has  turned  its
                                         candidate at USC.                                         into  the  perennial  contend-  last  three  coaches  into  na-
            The  60-year-old  Kelly  be-                              Instead,  Woodward  landed  ers. Since going 4-8 in 2016,  tional champions.
            came  t  he  winningest  coach  “No.  I  mean,  look,  I  think
            in  Notre  Dame  history  ear-  Mike  Tomlin  had  the  best
            lier  this  season,  surpassing  line,  right?”  Kelly  told  re-
            Knute Rockne. In 12 seasons  porters, referring to the Pitts-
            with the Fighting Irish, Kelly  burgh  Steelers  coach.  “Un-
            is 113-40, including the cur-  less  that  fairy  godmother
            rent run of five straight dou-  comes by with that $250 mil-
            ble-digit victory seasons.   lion  check,  my  wife  would
                                         want to take a look at it first.
            Notre  Dame  completed  an  I’d have to run it by her.”
            11-1 season on Saturday and
            still is in contention to reach  LSU paid Orgeron about $9
            the  College  Football  Playoff  million  this  season,  among
            for the third time in the last  the  highest  paid  coaches
            four years.                  in  college  football  along
                                         with  Alabama’s  Nick  Sa-
            Kelly,  who  did  not  return  a  ban, Clemson’s Dabo Swin-
            text message sent by AP, was  ney and Texas A&M’s Jimbo
            on  the  road  recruiting  for  Fisher.
            Notre Dame when the news
            broke.                       Orgeron was due to make an
                                         average  of  $7  million  over
            No  previous  Notre  Dame  the  length  of  his  contract
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