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                                                                                                           local Thursday 20 OcTOber 2022
            Aruba Karate Bond successfully completed

            first National Course for Referee and Coach

            ORANJESTAD  –  It  was  a  and giving the course to a  and Zillion Brugés.
            historical  moment  in  the  total of 16 participants.    The  course  covered  all
            trajectory  of  Aruba  Karate  The  participants  are  mem-  rules  of  the  World  Karate
            Bond (AKB) when on Thurs-    bers of Aruba Karate bond  Federation. Also the course
            day  13th  of  October  2022,  of  the  organizations  SKIF  included  different  tips  for
            the first national course for  Aruba,  RyuBuKai  Aruba  kumite  (combat  between
            referee  and  coach  took  and  Shotokai  Aruba.  They  karateka) and kata (karate
            place  at  the  Hyatt  Place  were  Shawn-Carl  Solag-    technique  and  imaginary
            Business  Center  in  a  very  nier,  Tiana  Tromp,  Juan  combat) divided under the
            positive  and  nice  atmo-   David    Velasquez,   Gen-   function of either referee or
            sphere.                      esis  Tromp,  Jeshua  Mejia,  coach.
                                         Olga  Guaitarilla,  Mariana
            The  board  of  Aruba  Kara-  Rodriguez, Edith Shaw Var-  The  course  ended  in  an
            te  Bond,  under  Chairman  gas,  Bachera  Marin,  An-    exam  where  four  partici-
            Felix  Tromp  congratulates  drés  Piña,  Lipika  Motwani,  pants  succeeded  as  ref-
            instructor  sensei  Gustavo  Frederik  Quandus,  Jean  eree,  nine  succeeded  as
            Velasquez  for  his  great  Pierre  Winterdaal,  Jesus  coach, and three are from
            contribution  in  preparing  Calderon,    Kyran   Tromp  the  selection  (Jeshua  Me-
                                                                      jia, Kyran Tromp and Zillion
                                                                      Bruges)  who  participated
                                                                      as a test (to measure) their
                                                                      theoretical     knowledge
                                                                      in  order  to  be  better  pre-
                                                                      pared for championships.

                                                                      The  board  of  Aruba  Ka-
                                                                      rate  Bond  congratulates
                                                                      the  participants  and  said
                                                                      they  are  preparing  for  the
                                                                      special  day  in  which  they
                                                                      will hand out certifications.
                                                                      Finally,  the  board  thanked
                                                                      its group of volunteers who
                                                                      always help to execute this
                                                                      type of events.q

            Minister of Justice attending 90th Interpol General Assembly in India

            ORANJESTAD      –   Aruban  Mr. Narendra Modi focused
            Minister  of  Justice  and  So-  on the importance of fight-
            cial Affairs, Mr. Rocco Tjon  ing  financial  crime,  orga-
            is  currently  attending  the  nized crime and corruption.
            90th  Interpol  General  As-
            sembly  in  India,  which  is  Jurgen Stock, General Sec-
            focused  on  fighting  orga-  retary of Interpol, explained
            nized  crime,  financial  cri-  the  importance  of  global
            men and corruption.          security  that  was  estab-
                                         lished through cooperation
            During  the  opening  of  this  and the sharing of informa-
            congress,  in  which  195  tion  between  agencies  of
            countries are participating,  law  enforcement.  Aside
            the Prime Minister of India,  from  this,  the  president  of

                                                                      Interpol,  Mr.  Ahmed  Naser  ous  initiatives  that  Interpol  according  to  a  press  re-
                                                                      al-Raisi  explained  the  im-  offers to member countries.  lease.
                                                                      portance  of  the  collabo-  The  opportunities  are  di-
                                                                      ration  between  the  195  verse, varying from help in  The upcoming days at the
                                                                      countries that are members  fighting  crime  to  capacity  Congress,  aside  from  the
                                                                      of Interpol. For this, Interpol  building  for  those  working  official  program,  the  Aru-
                                                                      makes available technolo-    in the judiciary apparatus.   ban delegation will be car-
                                                                      gy for gathering of informa-                              rying  out  different  conver-
                                                                      tion to use in analyzing and  E  strategic  agenda  of  the  sations with representatives
                                                                      sharing information.         Aruban  ministry  of  Justice  from  Interpol  and  other
                                                                                                   and  Social  Affairs,  which  countries’  delegations  in
                                                                      According to minister Tjon,  was shared with the Parlia-  order  to  fortify  the  above-
                                                                      it is important for Aruba to  ment of Aruba, is precisely  mentioned points. q
                                                                      make better use of the vari-  focused  on  these  aspects,
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