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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 20 OcTOber 2022

            International Amphibious Exercise in Aruba

            The  international  exercise  since 2010 is known by this
            ‘Très Kolos’ is held once ev-  name. The three colors re-  The tactical part consists of
            ery two years and this year  fer to the colors of the flags  various  exercises  in  which
            on  and  near  Aruba.  This  from  the  historical  partici-  divergent military scenarios
            will  take  place  from  Oc-  pating countries. The exer-  are practiced.
            tober  19  till  26.  During  this  cises consist of a competi-
            period  Dutch,  American  tive  part  of  military  activi-  All  activities  that  are  exe-
            and  French  soldiers  shall  ties and a part with tactical  cuted during Très Kolos are
            participate in this exercise.  exercises.  The  competition  particularly challenging ac-
            Soldiers  participate  in  the  part   includes   elements  tivities. Military and physical
            exercise. This year, Aruban  such as a speed march, a  skills are heavily addressed
            military  personnel  are  also  water  obstacle  course,  an  hereby,  in  order  to  bring
            taking part in the exercise.  amphibious crossing, shoot-  out the best in the teams in
                                         ing and navigation assign-   terms of sportsmanship, co-
            Très  Kolos  (three  colors)  ments.                      operation,  integration  and

                                                                                                   competition. The aim of the  even  better  prepared  for
                                                                                                   exercise  is  to  further  con-  the challenges that the Ca-
                                                                                                   solidate  and  expand  the  ribbean brings with it, such
                                                                                                   integration  and  mutual  re-  as emergency aid during a
                                                                                                   lations between the various  hurricane passage.q
                                                                                                   armed  forces.  This  is  to  be
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