Page 47 - MIN VOS - MAY 28,2015
P. 47
SPORTSThursday 28 May 2015
Soccer officials indicted in sweeping corruption probe
GRAHAM DUNBAR This is a combo of six file photos of the soccer officials involved in the US Justice Department of in broadcasting. Jack
AP Sports Writer investigation into corruption at FIFA. From top left clockwise a Jeffrey Webb: Current FIFA vice- Warner, a former FIFA vice
ZURICH (AP) — The U.S. president and executive committee member, Concacaf president, Jose Maria Marin Current president from Trinidad
government launched an member of the FIFA organising committee for the Olympic football tournaments, Nicolas Leoz and Tobago, was among
attack on what it called former FIFA executive committee member and Conmebol president, Eugenio Figueredo current those indicted, and he
deep-seated and bra- FIFA vice-president and executive committee member, Jack Warner, former FIFA vice-president turned himself in to police
zen corruption in soccer’s and executive committee member, Concacaf president, and Eduardo Li, current FIFA executive in Port-of-Spain after they
global governing body committee member-elect, Concacaf executive committee member . issued an arrest warrant
Wednesday, pulling FIFA at the request of U.S. au-
executives out of a luxury Associated Press thorities. Warner, who has
Swiss hotel to face rack- proclaimed his innocence,
eteering charges and raid- the five-star Baur au Lac U.S. prosecutors said they Webb called himself a was forced out of FIFA in
ing regional offices in Mi- Hotel. In Miami, FBI and IRS will seek forfeiture of more reformer when he was 2011 over a bribery scan-
ami. agents carried computers than $151 million the gov- elected as CONCACAF dal.
Swiss officials also invaded and boxes out of the head- ernment alleges was ille- president in 2012. Prosecu- The Justice Department
FIFA headquarters, seizing quarters of CONCACAF, gally obtained. They said tors alleged that part of the cited bribes and kickbacks
records and computers to the governing body of the indictments represent- bribe money directed to involving media rights
investigate whether the North and Central America ed only the beginning of Webb was transferred to deals involving World Cup
decisions to award World and the Caribbean, whose their efforts. the account of a contrac- qualifying matches in the
Cups to Russia and Qatar past and current presidents Richard Weber, head of tor building a swimming Caribbean and Central
were rigged. were among 14 defen- the IRS Criminal Division, pool at Webb’s home in America, the Copa Amer-
Scandals and rumors of dants under indictment for called the case “the World Loganville, Georgia. ica — South America’s
corruption have dogged corruption. Cup of fraud.” The seven soccer officials continental championship
FIFA throughout the 17- Swiss police arrested seven Two current FIFA vice presi- arrested are connected — plus the CONCACAF
year reign of its president, soccer official at the re- dents were among those with CONCACAF or CON- Gold Cup and Champions
Sepp Blatter, but he was quest of American pros- arrested and indicted, MEBOL, South America’s League.
not named in either inves- ecutors and threatened Jeffrey Webb of the Cay- governing body. Each fac- Prosecutors said CONME-
tigation. He is scheduled to them with extradition to the man Islands and Eugenio es up to 20 years in prison if BOL reached an agree-
stand Friday for re-election U.S. Four other soccer and Figueredo of Uruguay, the convicted. ment in 2013 with a new
to a fifth, four-year term, marketing officials agreed Justice Department said. The Swiss justice ministry company, Datisa, on a
and the organization said to plead guilty. The others are Eduardo Li of said six of the seven officials $240 million contract for
the vote would go ahead “Beginning in 1991, two Costa Rica, Julio Rocha of arrested oppose extradi- rights to the Copa Ameri-
as planned, despite the generations of soccer offi- Nicaragua, Costas Takkas tion to the United States, ca in 2015, 2019 and 2023,
latest turmoil. cials ... used their positions of Britain, Rafael Esquivel of adding that U.S. authorities and the following year to a
FIFA also ruled out a revote of trust within their respec- Venezuela and Jose Maria now have 40 days to sub- $112.5 million deal for the
of the World Cup bids won tive organizations to solicit Marin of Brazil. mit the formal extradition 2016 Copa America Cen-
by Russia in 2018 and Qa- bribes from sports market- All seven are connected request. tenario in the U.S. As part of
tar in 2022. ers in exchange for the with the regional confed- One of those detained, the deals, prosecutors said
“We welcome the actions commercial rights to their erations of North and South who was unidentified, Datisa agreed to pay $110
and the investigations by soccer tournaments,” U.S. America and face up to 20 agreed to “a simplified million in bribes to South
the U.S. and Swiss authori- Attorney General Loretta E. years in prison if convicted. extradition procedure,” American soccer officials.
ties and believe that it will Lynch said at a news con- FIFA suspended 11 peo- meaning he can be sent to “They were expected to
help to reinforce measures ference in New York. “They ple, including Webb and the U.S. in the coming days. uphold the rules that keep
that FIFA has already taken did this over and over, year Figueredo, from all soccer- Four of the men indicted soccer honest and to pro-
to root out any wrongdo- after year, tournament af- related activities following are sports marketing exec- tect the integrity of the
ing in football,” Blatter said ter tournament.” the U.S. announcement. utives and another works game,” Lynch said. “In-
in a statement. The organi- stead, they corrupted the
zation said it was cooper- business of worldwide soc-
ating fully with the investi- cer to serve their interests
gation. and to enrich themselves.”
Some of the biggest U.S. prosecutors said they
names in soccer said they had uncovered a dozen
had complained for years different schemes, includ-
about corruption in FIFA, ing $10 million in payments
which oversees the world’s from a FIFA account in
most popular sport and Switzerland to an account
generates billions in rev- in New York for credit to
enue each year. an account controlled
“I was treated like a crazy by Warner. South Africa,
person,” former soccer with the backing of Nelson
great Diego Maradona Mandela, beat rival bids
told radio station Radio La from Morocco and Egypt
Red in Buenos Aires. “Now to host the tournament in
the FBI has told the truth.” 2010, four years after nar-
Former Brazilian star Ro- rowly losing out to Germa-
mario, an outspoken FIFA ny for the previous tourna-
critic, said “someone had ment.
to eventually arrest them The Swiss prosecutors’ of-
one day.” fice said the U.S. probe was
Authorities conducted ear- separate from its investiga-
ly morning raids in Zurich tion but that authorities
at FIFA headquarters and were working together.q