Page 15 - MIN VOS 15 SEPT 2015
P. 15
WORLD NEWSTuesday 15 September 2015
New Ebola death reported in north Sierra Leone Burkina Faso reform
body says army unit
C. MACAULAY marked another setback in West African nation to be- Sunday in Bombali district, must be disbanded
Associated Press ending Ebola transmission gin a 42-day countdown about 150 miles northeast
FREETOWN, Sierra Le- in Sierra Leone, which has toward being declared of the capital, Freetown, B. OUEDRAOGO
one (AP) — Sierra Leone totaled nearly 4,000 Ebola free of Ebola transmission. according to a statement
on Monday announced deaths during the worst But less than a week later, from the National Ebola Associated Press
a new Ebola death in a outbreak ever recorded. officials confirmed that a Response Center issued
northern district that had In August, Sierra Leone’s 67-year-old woman had Monday. A swab from her OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina
gone nearly six months last known Ebola patient died of Ebola in the north- body tested positive for Eb-
without reporting any in- was released from a hos- ern Kambia district. ola, but the source of the Faso (AP) — Burkina Faso’s
fections. pital after recovering, a The latest fatality is a infection is unknown, the
The announcement milestone that allowed the 16-year-old who died on statement said.q national reconciliation
commission on Monday
called for the dismantling
of an elite military unit ac-
cused of killing demon-
strators during last year’s
Indian police look for suspect in cafe blast uprising that toppled the
president of nearly three
NEW DELHI (AP) — Police building, but that no ac- The Presidential Security
in central India were look- tion was taken against him,
ing Monday for a man television channel CNN- Regiment has long been a
who was being blamed IBN reported.
for a massive explosion at The restaurant, located source of resentment within
a restaurant that killed 90 next to the main bus station
people, as angry residents in Petlawad, was crowded the armed forces because
protested the way the au- with people having break-
thorities were handling the fast when the blasts oc- of its large budget and its
case. curred.
A cooking gas cylinder ex- The building where the res- suspected involvement in
ploded at the restaurant taurant was located and
over the weekend, trigger- an adjacent building were crimes under former Presi-
ing a second blast of mine destroyed in the explo-
detonators stored next to sions. dent Blaise Compaore,
the establishment, located Rescue workers working
in the town of Petlawad in through the day Saturday who was forced to resign
Madhya Pradesh state. extricated 90 bodies from
The state’s top elected of- under a huge heap of rub- amid the uprising last Octo-
ficial, Chief Minister Shivraj ble. Most of those killed in
Singh Chouhan, had to the explosions were poor ber. Many believe the regi-
face about 50 angry pro- laborers who were in the
testers when he visited the restaurant drinking tea as ment played a role in politi-
site of the explosions. The they waited to be hired
protesters, shouting slogans by contractors to work in cal killings such as the 1998
and waving black flags, nearby manganese mines.
forced Chouhan to step Around 100 other people murder of journalist Norbert
out of his car and listen to were injured in the blasts
their complaints against lo- and were taken to hos- Zongo.
cal authorities for failing to pitals. At least 20 of them
enforce safety regulations. were in critical condition, More recently, Amnesty In-
Police officer Kamlesh Arun Sharma, a Madhya
Bamaniya said the protest- A girl who lost her father breaks down as state’s top elected Pradesh state health offi- ternational and other rights
ers were also angry that cial, said Sunday.q
official, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, back to camera groups have accused the
bottom left, visits families of the victims of Saturday’s explosion regiment of opening fire
that killed dozens in the town of Petlawad in central Madhya on unarmed demonstrators
Pradesh state, India. (AP Photo/Manoj Jani) during the anti-Compaore
Petlawad police had failed Bamaniya said. protests. In Ouagadougou,
to arrest Rajendra Kasha- Kashawa had been giv-
wa, a contractor who was en a license to purchase for example, soldiers alleg-
accused of illegally storing detonators for his business
the detonators. of digging wells, but had edly shot at demonstrators
Bamaniya said Saturday stored the detonators ille-
that Kashawa had died in gally in a room adjacent to gathered near the home
the explosions. But on Sun- the restaurant, Bamaniya
day, he said police had in- said. of Compaore’s younger
formation that he was ab- Residents said that they
sconding. Police have filed had earlier complained to brother, one of the former
a case of criminal negli- Petlawad town authorities
gence against Kashawa about Kashawa illegally regime’s most unpopular
and are looking for him, storing explosives in the
The regiment has also cre-
ated tension during the
yearlong post-Compaore
transition period, having
pressed for the resignation
of current Prime Minister Lt.
Col. Yacouba Isaac Zida
Cameroon officials hail response to Boko Haram and some transition cabi-
net members.
Releasing its report on Mon-
EDWIN KINDZEKA population to constitute blocked them from head- te committee whose cour- day, the reconciliation
Associated Press themselves in vigilante ing to the market, said Ah-
YAOUNDE, Cameroon (AP) groups and be each oth- midou Fouman, one of the age reduced the shock commission said the regi-
— Officials in Cameroon’s er’s keeper as Boko Haram group’s members.
north on Monday praised lives its last days,” Bakari “We detected three of the Boko Haram attack ment should be dismantled
a local self-defense group said. strange teenage boys
for confronting Boko Northern Cameroon bor- and a girl dressed like a and I am inviting everyone and replaced by police
Haram militants during a ders Nigeria and has been Muslim in our town. They
suicide bombing attack targeted repeatedly by pretended to be fetching to emulate their example,” and military police.
over the weekend, a move Boko Haram, including sev- water from a stream and
they said greatly reduced en attacks in the past five when some members of he said. Reform of the army should
fatalities. days. our group went to search
Others in the region should On Sunday, suicide bomb- them, the girl detonated In addition to the suicide also be addressed by a
follow suit in the face of ers hit the town of Kolofa- a bomb killing some of us,”
a seemingly constant on- ta, killing nine civilians and Fouman said. bombing, suspected Boko new constitution, said Guy
slaught of attacks from the wounding at least 18. But Bakari, the governor, said
Nigeria-based extremists, they were prevented from many more people would Haram militants have loot- Herve Kam, a member of
said Far North Region Gov- causing further bloodshed have died without the
ernor Midjiyawa Bakari. when members of a self- group’s intervention. “I am ed property and cattle the reconciliation commis-
“We are calling on the defense group in the town congratulating the vigilan-
and burned homes in the sion. “We need an article
border region in recent in the new constitution that
days. deals with the army. The
Cameroon is one of five army needs to be republi-
can,” Kam said at a press
countries contributing conference Monday.
troops to a regional force The commission was
intended to wipe out Boko charged with looking at al-
Haram, which became an legations of human rights vi-
affiliate of the Islamic State olations since Burkina Faso’s
group earlier this year.q independence in 1960.q