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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 5 august 2020
            Continued from Front         youngsters and staff mem-
            The  number  of  confirmed  bers. The Trout Creek Bible
            infections  in  the  U.S.  has  Camp's executive director,
            topped  4.7  million,  with  Joe Fahlman, said the cas-
            new cases running at over  es popped up even though
            60,000  a  day.  While  that's  it followed all requirements
            down  from  a  peak  of  well  set  by  state  officials,  in-
            over  70,000  in  the  second  cluding  daily  temperature
            half  of  July,  cases  are  ris-  checks,  frequent  hand-
            ing  in  26  states,  many  in  washing  and  hand-sanitiz-
            the  South  and  West,  and  er  stations  throughout  the
            deaths  are  climbing  in  35  grounds.  He  said  the  chil-
            states.                      dren were split into groups
            On  average,  the  number  of no more than 10 camp-
            of  COVID-19  deaths  per  ers each.
            day in the U.S. over the past  "We're  at  a  point  where
            two  weeks  has  gone  from  there's   enough    spread
            about  780  to  1,056,  ac-  of  COVID-19  that  people
            cording  to  an  Associated  throughout  the  U.S.  are  at
            Press analysis.              an  increased  likelihood  of
            In  Massachusetts,  health  encountering the virus and
            officials are investigating at  getting exposed," University
            least a half-dozen new clus-  of  Florida  epidemiologist
            ters of cases connected to  Dr. Cindy Prins said.         Workers from Servpro disinfect Mugshots restaurant in Tupelo, Mississippi, Friday, July 17, 2020, as
            such events as a lifeguard  She  added:  "This  is  a  be-  the restaurant is preparing to open for business.
            party, a high school gradu-  havioral  disease  right  now                                                                      Associated Press
            ation  party,  a  prom  party,  for a lot of people." Preven-
            an  unsanctioned  football  tion  means  "changing  our  Northam,  the  nation's  only  Day,  graduations,  birth-  over the past 14 days. Much
            camp  and  a  packed  har-   behavior,  and  it's  so  hard  governor  who  is  a  doc-  days,   backyard   barbe-  of the spike has occurred in
            bor cruise trip.             for humans to do. We're so-  tor,  cited  rising  infections  cues, you name it," Lindsay  the  state's  densely  urban
            One recent house party on  cial creatures."               among young people and  said.                             southeastern  corner,  but
            Cape  Cod  attended  by  President  Donald  Trump's  said the problem is that "too  In  Brandon,  South  Dakota,  the disease has also spread
            as  many  as  60  people  led  public   pronouncements  many people are selfish."      thousands  of  car  racing  with  amazing  speed  in  ru-
            to more than a dozen new  during the crisis have been  "We  all  know  that  alcohol  fans packed the 9,000-seat  ral and sparsely populated
            cases and prompted some  infused with an optimism at  changes  your  judgment,"  Huset's Speedway over the  northern Wisconsin.
            restaurants to close or limit  odds with the facts on the  he said. "You just don't care  weekend.  Many  did  not  Zona  Wick,  a  spokeswom-
            service  at  the  height  of  ground. In April, he assured  as  much  about  social  dis-  cover  their  faces  or  keep  an  and  contact  tracer
            tourist season.              Americans  that  "we  have  tancing  after  you've  had  their distance from others.   for  Iron  County's  health
            Hot  spots  around  the  U.S.  passed  the  peak  in  new  a  couple  of  drinks.  That's  "We're  kind  of  over  this  department,  blamed  the
            are  popping  up  in  what  cases,  we  are  starting  our  when the virus gets spread."  whole COVID thing. I won't  surge  on  July  Fourth  gath-
            once  seemed  like  ideal  life  again."  In  May,  as  the  Dr.  Demetria  Lindsay,  the  wear  a  mask  unless  I  ab-  erings, birthday and gradu-
            places to ride out the out-  death toll surpassed 80,000,  Virginia   Department   of  solutely  have  to,"  21-year-  ation parties, out-of-county
            break: rural, less populated  he  declared  the  country  Health's  district  director  for  old Veronica Fritz said. She  visitors and people crowd-
            and  with  lots  of  outdoor  had "met the moment and  Virginia  Beach  and  Nor-      added: "I am a very strong  ing into bars.  "The Fourth of
            space.  In  South  Dakota,  a  we have prevailed."        folk, said there has been a  Christian and I know where  July was tough on us," Wick
            spike erupted at a Christian  In  Virginia,  cases  have  pronounced  spike  among  I'm  going,  and  I  believe  said.  "People  had  a  bit  of
            youth summer camp in the  surged so much in cities like  people ages 20 to 29. She  God will take me when I'm  quarantine fatigue, is what
            Black Hills, with cases grow-  Norfolk and Virginia Beach  said the factors behind the  supposed to go. So if I get  I'm calling it. People got a
            ing to 96 among 328 peo-     that   Democratic     Gov.  surge include gatherings of  COVID and I die from CO-      bit tired of staying in. Peo-
            ple who attended.            Ralph   Northam    placed  people not wearing masks  VID, it's not my decision."       ple  just  got  together  like
            A Bible camp east of Port-   limits there last week on al-  or  maintaining  a  safe  dis-  Nearly a quarter of Wiscon-  they have for years on the
            land, Oregon, saw an out-    cohol sales and gatherings  tance.                        sin's more than 55,000 total  Fourth of July and spread it
            break  among  at  least  25  of  more  than  50  people.  "Father's  Day,  Memorial  cases had been confirmed  to one another."q
              Can you get the coronavirus from secondhand smoke?

              By The Associated Press         when smoking, as well as when
              Can  you  get  the  coronavirus  they're vaping.
              from secondhand smoke?          "Not  only  are  they  potentially
              Secondhand  smoke  isn't  be-   spreading virus by not wearing
              lieved  to  directly  spread  the  a mask, they are blowing those
              virus, experts say, but infected  droplets to the people around
              smokers  may  blow  droplets  them to potentially get infect-
              carrying  the  virus  when  they  ed," says Dr. Albert Rizzo, chief
              exhale.                         medical  officer  for  the  Ameri-
              Being able to smell the smoke  can Lung Association.
              might be a red flag that you're  You  should  steer  clear  of  sec-
              standing  too  close  to  the  ondhand  smoke  regardless.
              smoker.  The  respiratory  drop-  Breathing   in   secondhand
              lets  people  spray  when  they  smoke  from  cigarettes  can
              talk,  cough  or  sneeze  are  be-  cause various health problems,
              lieved  to  be  the  main  way  according  to  the  U.S.  Cen-
              the  virus  spreads.  And  people  ters  for  Disease  Control  and   A woman removes her protective face mask and smokes a cigarette at a food market
                                                                               in the central Israeli town of Ramla near Tel Aviv, Wednesday, July 15, 2020.
              also  exhale  those  droplets  Prevention.q                                                                                 Associated Press
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