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Wednesday 5 august 2020
Ben Samuel shares lessons learned from 'Dating Around'
Associated Press AP: What's the biggest les-
NEW YORK (AP) — Ben son you learned from this
Samuel hasn't had any experience?
heart-to-hearts with Chris Samuel: All my life, I would
Harrison or asked dozens allow my own percep-
of eager women, "Will you tion of my self-worth to be
accept this rose?" But that dictated by people that I
hasn't stopped much of had feelings for. Like, 'Oh,
the internet from crowning I have a crush on you, you
the "Dating Around" par- don't feel the same way —
ticipant as reality TV's most there must be something
eligible bachelor. wrong with me.'… Recog-
"It's been overwhelming," nizing now, nope, it sucks if
Samuel says of the atten- one person is more excited
tion he's received from his about the relationship than
Netflix episode. "People the other, it hurts a lot. But
have said, 'Seeing you go it doesn't necessarily mean,
out there, someone who in fact, it probably doesn't
clearly didn't necessarily mean, that there's some-
have a lot of dating experi- thing fundamentally wrong
ence but take that risk, has with you that makes you
inspired me to join some undeserving of love.
dating apps and (try) to AP: What's your dating life
put myself out there, too." This image released by Netflix shows Ben Samuel in an episode of “Dating Around.” like now?
Set in New Orleans for its Associated Press Samuel: There are some
second season, "Dating people that have reached
Around" features a principle tally incredible. And may- all of those different dates. ence to something earlier out to me — people from
dater each episode who be it just doesn't work out," AP: Viewers fell in love with in the date as well where around the world (laughs).
goes on five blind dates. said Samuel, a 36-year-old your consistent nervous- we were talking about ex And this is maybe another
The filming gives the illusion computer science profes- ness. Is that really you? stories or failed romantic example of a growth mo-
they all take place during sor. Samuel: I personally feel stories. And I mentioned ment for me. Normally, I
one night as the dates cut The Associated Press talked — and many of my close how in my youth, there is a think I would be like, "This
back and forth through with Samuel about the au- friends who've watched woman that I really loved. is crazy. You don't know
sleek editing. (In reality, the thenticity of the series, his the episode have all And when she said she just who I am. You saw 30-min-
dates occurred through- current relationship status agreed — that they did a wanted to be friends, I did ute edited version of me."
out the course of about a and how he captured the really good job of captur- not handle it well. I was re- … But because of my ex-
week with the main dater internet's heart. Answers ing my essence. That is who ally devastated. And I said, perience on the show, I
styled the same way each may have been edited for I am...the way that they "I think modern day Ben think my openness to new
time.) At the end of each clarity and brevity. presented me was very au- would handle it better." experiences is maybe ex-
episode, a person is chosen AP: Reality dating shows thentic. When she said, "I just want panding a little. And like, it
for a second date. are known to stir up drama. AP: You eventually chose to be friends," it wasn't just, doesn't hurt to just chat.
"One of the big things that How involved were the pro- Alex, but why were you so "Oh, Jaden wants to be AP: Would it be fair to say
I am learning because of ducers? emotional after your date friends." It was also this oth- you're single and kind of
the show that maybe ev- Samuel: Everything that with Jaden? er person just wants to be willing to mingle?
erybody else learned in you see is genuine, as it Samuel: The reason why I friends, too. Samuel: I think single and
high school — but hey, happened…I was genuine- reacted the way that I did AP: Are you and Alex to- "kind of willing to mingle"
I'm a late bloomer — two ly shocked at how faithfully — I say like, "Oh shucks, oh gether now? is maybe the best way to
people can be totally awe- I feel that they recaptured darn. I liked ya," or what- Samuel: No, is the short an- describe me that I've ever
some, totally wonderful, to- or recreated the feelings of ever I said, that was a refer- swer. heard.q
Chip, Joanna Gaines return to 'Fixer Upper' for new network
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Chip lebrities, will be part of their renovations and projects,
and Joanna Gaines are Magnolia Network set to doing the work we're pas-
returning to "Fixer Upper" launch next year. The series sionate about, but I don't
as they build their new net- aired for five seasons, until think either of us anticipat-
work. April 2018, on HGTV. ed how the show would
The series, which made the "These past few years, become such a perma-
couple do-it-yourself ce- we've continued tackling nent fixture in our hearts,"
they said in a statement.
Two others shows were
announced Tuesday for
the Magnolia lineup. One
showcases interior designer
Brian Patrick Flynn, and the
other features Texas entre-
preneur Jonathan Morris
telling the stories of "inspir- In this March 29, 2016, file photo, Joanna Gaines, left, and Chip
ing" small business owners Gaines pose for a portrait in New York to promote their home
nationwide, the network improvement show, "Fixer Upper," on HGTV.
said. q Associated Press