Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200805
P. 32

a32    local
                 Wednesday 5 august 2020

                                                            Department of Nature and Environment (DNM):
                                                            Mangroves cover 1.15 % of Aruba’s territory

                                                            effective  carbon  sinks,  sequestering   Aruba has four kinds of mangroves: the red mangrove,
                                                            vast amounts of carbon.                the  black  mangrove,  the  white  mangrove  or  Shimaron
                                                            Yet  mangroves  are  disappearing      and the Fofoti. All mangroves are protected by law as
                                                            three to five times faster than overall   incorporated  in  our  national  decree  for  the  protection
                                                            global forest losses, with serious eco-  of  local  flora  and  fauna  (Landsbesluit  bescherming  in-
                                                            logical and socio-economic impacts.    heemse flora en fauna - AB 2017 no 48). Also the plants
                                                            Current estimates indicate that man-   are  protected  by  international  laws  (Special  Protected
                                                            grove coverage has been divided by     Areas and Wildlife or SPAW protocol). The recently official
                                                            two in the past 40 years.              made protection of 16 nature areas on the island by law
            ORANJESTAD — July 26 marked the Internation-    DNM  has  calculated  the  area  of    include the protection of our mangroves. q
            al  Day  for  the  Conservation  of  the  Mangrove  mangrove coverage by making use
            Ecosystem,  adopted  by  the  General  Confer-  of the program ArcGIS which coordi-    Telecommunications company Setar and the
            ence of UNESCO in 2015 and celebrated each  nates system Tranverse Mercator Aru-       Department of Public Health (DVG) introduce:
            year on July 26. With this, UNESCO aims to raise  ba. The polygon (a geometric figure)
            awareness  of  the  importance  of  mangrove  is used to measure the total area cov- An innovative solution:

            ecosystems  as  ‘a  unique,  special  and  vulner-  ered by mangroves which resulted in   the Aruba Health App
            able  ecosystem’  and  to  promote  solutions  for  the percentage of 1, 15. The project
            their  sustainable  management,  conservation  was  a  collaboration  between  DNM     ORANJESTAD — Since mid-      VID-19  testing  in  Aruba,
            and uses.                                       and the Department of Infrastructure   April,  Setar;  together  with  they  would  receive  their
                                                            and Planning (DIP). The areas of man-  DVG  (Department  of  Pub-   results on the app within 24
            Mangroves  are  rare,  spectacular  and  prolific  grove son Aruba are: Rincon, Daimari,   lic  Health)  and  the  Aru-  hours. If the test comes out
            ecosystems  on  the  boundary  between  land  Zeewijk, Rif Renaissance, Bucuti Aero-   ban  government,  have  positive, the person will au-
            and sea. These extra ordinary ecosystems con-   puerto, Parkietenbos, Rif Palm Island,   begun  the  first  part  of  the  tomatically  be  added  to
            tribute  to  the  wellbeing,  food  security,  and  Bubali Plas, Boca Grandi, Mangel Hal-  ‘DVG  Health  Check  App’,  DVG’s quarantine adminis-
            protection of coastal communities worldwide.  to, Rif Mangel Halto, Barcadera, Sali-   which was created for the  tration system, so that they
            They  support  a  rich  biodiversity  and  provide  ña Cerca, Eagle Beach, Plas The Mill,   registration  and  manage-  are  able  to  monitor  and
            a valuable nursery habitat for fish and crusta-  Santo Largo, Baby Beach and Rif San   ment  of  people  in  quar-  follow close developments
            ceans. Mangroves also act as a form of natural  Nicolas. Mangroves also are present    antine.  The  goal  of  the  of  the  person’s  case  and
            coastal defense against storm surges, tsunamis,  in the areas of Parke National Aruba   DVG’s  Health  Check  App  health.
            rising sea levels and erosion. Their soils are highly  and Rooi Prikichi.              is to have a better view of  Setar  together  with  their
              Aruba to me is …. A wonderful life                                                   the  registered  coronavirus  partners  are  working  on
                                                                                                   cases on the island and to  upcoming  developments
                                                                                                   closely follow the develop-  of  the  app  for  the  future.
                                                                                                   ments  of  those  in  quaran-  The  goal  of  the  app  is  to
              ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today welcomes                                                    tine,  thus  combating  the  continue  growing,  sustain-
              readers to participate in our newspaper.                                             virus on Aruba.              ing,  and  managing  the
              Now that we are open to visitors again                                                                            health of tourists and locals
              after the three months of lockdown we                                                The  second  part  of  the  on Aruba. Setar; as our na-
              are all ears to hear about you. How do                                               project,    which    com-    tional  telecommunications
              you feel to be back or maybe this is your                                            menced  in  June,  is  called  company, is proud to be a
              first time in Aruba? Let us know! Send us                                            ‘Aruba Health App’ and is  part of innovative solutions
              a picture and tell us about your experi-                                             a  collaboration  between  that will help fight and con-
              ence because we love to share this with                                              Setar, DVG, HOH, ATA and  trol  the  transmission  of  the
              our readers.                                                                         Futura. The app focuses on  corona virus on Aruba.q

                                                                                                   the tourists who are visiting
              What do you do?                                                                      the  island.  The  app  was
              It’s easy. Mail us your vacation picture(s)                                          launched  on  the  4th  of
              together with completing the sentence:                                               July  and  is  now  available
              Aruba to me is …….. (Email: news@aru-                                                on Google and Apple app
     and we will publish this in                                             stores  for  tourists  to  down-
              our newspaper. This for sure is a great va-                                          load  before  they  travel  to
              cation memory to take home with you.                                                 Aruba.
              For  today’s  newspaper  we  received                                                The  Aruba  Health  App  of-
              some great pictures from Donald Clag-                                                fers  tourists  different  infor-
              ett. He says:                                                                        mation regarding the virus,
                                                                                                   from  the  time  they  arrive
              “Aruba  to  me  is  experiencing  a  ‘won-                                           and  throughout  their  stay
              derful life’ on Palm Beach in January.”q                                             in  Aruba.  For  example,
                                                                                                   if  a  tourist  did  their  CO-
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