Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200805
P. 31
locAl Wednesday 5 august 2020
Business perception index nudges during the second quarter of 2020
inched up by 1.8 index from 90.8 in the first quarter percentage points less
points to 94.0 during the of 2020 to 96.4 in the sec- when compared to 53.7
second quarter of 2020. ond quarter of 2020 (See percent in the first quarter.
The overall BPI indicates an Table 1). In the next 12 More than 60 percent ex-
initial improvement in busi- months, the percentage of pect the impact of the CO-
ness sentiments since the surveyed firms expecting VID19 pandemic to linger
largest drop registered last negative economic growth for more than 12 months,
quarter (See Chart 1) . The remained largely negative this is 20 percentage points
change in sentiments was (86.8 percent). more compared to the first
largely due to improve- In terms of the impact of quarter. As for the business
ments in short-term future the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency funds provided
economic conditions, as the expanded Business by the Government of Aru-
Aruba moves into a new Perception Survey also as- ba, more than 40 percent
normal and re-opened the sessed the expected im- of business respondents
ORANJESTAD — The Cen- as the continued impact of border for tourism activities. pact on business sales, the applied during the second
tral Bank of Aruba (CBA) the COVID-19 pandemic need for emergency busi- quarter, compared to 32.6
recently concluded its on economic conditions The current economic con- ness funds, and the expect- percent that were consid-
Business Perception Sur- and business activities. dition index noted a con- ed economic impact. ering to register for addi-
vey (BPS) for the second traction of 1.4 index points Almost 50 percent of busi- tional emergency funding.
quarter of 2020. The BPS as- The Business Perception In- to 92.5, down from 93.9 in ness respondents (49.5 per- The complete report of the
sesses the economic per- dex (BPI), comprising the the first quarter of 2020. The cent) pointed out that the Business Perception Survey
ceptions and sentiments current and short-term short-term future economic COVID-19 continued to is available on the website
of local businesses as well economic conditions, condition index recovered have a significant impact of the CBA (https://www.
by 5.6 index points, i.e., on their business sales; 4.2
Aruba to me is ….
ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today welcomes readers to
participate in our newspaper. Now that we are open
to visitors again after the three months of lockdown
we are all ears to hear about you. How do you feel
to be back or maybe this is your first time in Aruba?
Let us know! Send us a picture and tell us about your
experience because we love to share this with our
What do you do?
It’s easy. Mail us your vacation picture(s) together
with completing the sentence: Aruba to me is ……..
(Email: and we will publish
this in our newspaper. This for sure is a great vacation
memory to take home with you.
For today’s newspaper we received some great
pictures from Karen McCarthy:
“Aruba to me is not only paradise, it’s like home.
We started coming To Aruba 18 years ago with
just my husband and I, we are now timeshare
owners At the Divi Golf & Village and are now
very fortunate to bring family with us. The people
of Aruba are so warm and welcoming and have
become our friends. We have the opportunity to
go anywhere else especially as timeshare owners
but we only choose to come to Aruba because
it feels like ‘home’ and home is where your heart
is. So why would we want to go anywhere else.
Aruba: One Happy Island!”q