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A26    U.S. NEWS
                 Wednesday 5 august 2020
            Trump's demand for U.S. cut of a TikTok deal is unprecedented

            By TALI ARBEL                                                                                                       vent use of a service in the
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                U.S."
            NEW YORK (AP) — President                                                                                           White  House  press  secre-
            Donald  Trump's  demand                                                                                             tary   Kayleigh   McEnany
            that  the  U.S.  government                                                                                         sidestepped  a  question
            get  a  cut  from  a  poten-                                                                                        Tuesday  about  what  au-
            tial  Microsoft  purchase  of                                                                                       thority  the  federal  gov-
            TikTok  is  the  latest  unprec-                                                                                    ernment  had  to  collect  a
            edented scenario in an un-                                                                                          portion  of  proceeds  from
            precedented situation.                                                                                              the potential sale of TikTok,
            Microsoft  is  in  talks  to  buy                                                                                   saying "I'm not going to get
            parts  of  TikTok,  a  forced                                                                                       ahead of the president on
            sale  after  Trump  threat-                                                                                         any official action."
            ened  to  ban  the  Chinese-                                                                                        Treasury  did  not  reply  to
            owned  video  app,  which                                                                                           questions about what legal
            claims 100 million U.S. users                                                                                       precedent  Trump  is  relying
            and  hundreds  of  millions                                                                                         on  to  get  a  payment  for
            globally.  The  Trump  ad-                                                                                          the TikTok deal.
            ministration  says  TikTok  is  a                                                                                   In a statement Sunday, Mi-
            national-security  concern.                                                                                         crosoft had said that that it
            How  a  ban  would  have                                                                                            was committed to the deal
            worked was not clear; that                                                                                          "subject to a complete se-
            federal authority has never                                                                                         curity review and providing
            been  used  before  with  a   President Donald Trump points to a question as he speaks during a briefing with reporters in the   proper  economic  benefits
            consumer  app.  TikTok  de-  James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House, in Washington.                     to the United States, includ-
            nies that it would send U.S.                                                                       Associated Press  ing the United States Trea-
            user  data  to  the  Chinese                                                                                        sury."
            government.                  nomic adviser Larry Kudlow  principal  at  consulting  firm  to a U.S. company subject  TikTok  has  said  that  it  is
            Microsoft did not address a  appeared  to  walk  back  Economists  Incorporated.  to  antitrust  review,  I  can't  loved  by  Americans  and
            potential price when it con-  the  idea  of  a  payment  to  "Outside of that I can't think  see any logical basis under  "will be here for many years
            firmed the talks.            the Treasury, saying "I don't  of any means by which the  which Treasury or the White  to come." In a memo Byte-
            Trump  said  Monday  to  re-  know if that's a key stipula-  U.S.  could  basically  get  its  House  would  be  negotiat-  Dance  CEO  Zhang  Yiming
            porters that the U.S. "should  tion."                     vig on its forced transfer." A  ing  elements  of  the  finan-  sent  Chinese  employees
            get  a  very  large  percent-  TikTok was under review by  "vig" is slang for interest on a  cial portions of the deal."  Tuesday,  a  translated  ver-
            age of that price because  the Committee on Foreign  loan, usually in the context  While noting that he is not  sion  of  which  ByteDance
            we're  making  it  possible,"  Investment  in  the  United  of illegal activity, or the fee  an expert in all areas of U.S.  sent  to  The  Associated
            adding that "we want and  States,  known  as  CFIUS,  charged by a bookie for a  law and the broad author-          Press,  he  said  that  he  felt
            we  think  we  deserve  to  a  U.S.  government  group  bet.                           ity  that  the  president  has,  the  goal  of  the  Trump  ad-
            have a big percentage of  that  studies  mergers  for  There's no legal precedent  he said the TikTok deal and  ministration  was  not  the
            that price coming to Amer-   national-security   reasons,  in  antitrust  law  for  such  a  the White House's role in it  forced  sale  of  TikTok's  U.S.
            ica,  coming  to  the  Trea-  for its acquisition of another  payment,  said  Gene  Kim-  was highly unusual. "Not in  business  to  an  American
            sury."                       video  app,,  in  melman,  a  senior  adviser  my experience have I seen  company  through  CFIUS,
            Trump  sometimes  floats  2017.  CFIUS  collects  filing  at  the  advocacy  group  any engagement from the  but "a ban or even more."
            ideas  or  actions  that  get  fees,  but  those  top  out  at  Public  Knowledge  and  a  White  House  in  this  man-  Representatives  for  Micro-
            set  aside  without  follow-  $300,000.                   former  antitrust  official  at  ner," he said. "It's already a  soft  and  TikTok  did  not  im-
            through.   Appearing    on  "I  doubt  that's  what  Trump  the Department of Justice.  unique  situation  from  start  mediately  reply  to  ques-
            the  Fox  Business  Network  has in mind," said Hal Sing-  "In terms of a foreign com-  to  finish  with  the  govern-  tions  about  the  payment
            Tuesday, White House eco-    er,  an  antitrust  expert  and  pany agreeing to sell assets  ment  intervening  to  pre-  demand Tuesday.q
            Work resumes on church destroyed on 9/11

                                                                      By KAREN MATTHEWS            Trade Center.                latrava  resembles  a  con-
                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  After  a  "We have heard the voice  crete  bunker.  But  when
                                                                      three  year  halt  due  to  fi-  of the Lord and we are re-  complete  it  will  feature
                                                                      nancial  problems,  work  building  our  church,"  he  marble  cladding  and  a
                                                                      resumed  Monday  on  a  said.                             central  dome  flanked  by
                                                                      Greek  Orthodox  church  Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who  towers  like  the  two  Byzan-
                                                                      being built to replace one  was  there  to  see  work  re-  tine  shrines  that  inspired  it,
                                                                      destroyed in the attack on  sume,  said  the  continu-    the Church of the Holy Sav-
                                                                      the World Trade Center on  ing  reconstruction  is  more  ior  in  Chora  and  Istanbul's
                                                                      Sept. 11, 2001.              proof of New Yorkers' persis-  Hagia  Sophia,  which  was
                                                                      Archbishop  Elpidophoros,  tence to rise from the ashes  converted to a mosque last
                                                                      the leader of the Greek Or-  of the terror attacks.       month.
                                                                      thodox church in America,  "This  St.  Nicholas  is  going  Archdiocese  officials  still
                                                                      stood on a balcony on the  to  be  more  splendid  and  hope  to  complete  the  fa-
                                                                      unfinished church and used  more  inviting  than  the  St.  cade  church  by  Sept.  11,
            Construction  resumes  on  the  St.  Nicholas  Greek  Orthodox   holy water and sprigs of ba-  Nicholas that was here be-  2021,  the  20th  anniversary
            Church, Monday, Aug. 3, 2020 at the World Trade Center in New   sil to bless the construction  fore," he said.      of  the  terrorist  attacks,  the
            York.                                                     of  the  St.  Nicholas  Greek  In  its  current  state,  the  Rev.  Alex  Karloutsos,  the
                                                     Associated Press  Orthodox  Church  and  Na-  church designed by Span-     vicar  general  of  the  arch-
                                                                      tional  Shrine  at  the  World  ish  architect  Santiago  Ca-  diocese, said.q
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