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                     Tuesday 18 april 2023
            Italy pushes crackdown on migrants reaching its shores

            By FRANCES D’EMILIO                                                                                                 Mediterranean.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    For  years,  humanitarian
            ROME  (AP)  —  Italy’s  right-                                                                                      groups have lamented that
            wing  government  pressed                                                                                           Maltese  authorities  often
            ahead with plans to crack                                                                                           ignore  distress  calls  from
            down  on  migrants  as  they                                                                                        foundering migrant vessels.
            arrived by the hundreds on                                                                                          But  on  Monday,  two  hu-
            Monday  at  a  Sicilian  port                                                                                       manitarian  organizations,
            after a coast guard rescue.                                                                                         Alarm  Phone,  which  moni-
            Dozens  more  were  taken                                                                                           tors  migrant  boats  in  dis-
            on  board  a  charity  boat                                                                                         tress in the Mediterranean,
            from  an  unseaworthy  ves-                                                                                         and  Emergency,  which
            sel operated by smugglers,                                                                                          operates  a  rescue  vessel,
            while  others  came  ashore                                                                                         tweeted  that  Malta  had
            unaided.                                                                                                            instructed  cargo  ships  to
            This  week,  the  Senate  is                                                                                        come to the aid of a cou-
            due  to  take  up  proposed                                                                                         ple  of  boats,  and  that  the
            legislation  put  forward  by                                                                                       rescued  passengers  would
            the government of far-right                                                                                         disembark  later  in  the  ar-
            Premier Giorgia Meloni that                                                                                         chipelago nation.
            aims  to  make  it  harder  for                                                                                     On  Sunday,  Alarm  Phone
            migrants to gain temporary                                                                                          indicated there were a to-
            permission to stay in Italy.                                                                                        tal of about 60 migrants on
            Coalition  ally  Matteo  Sal-                                                                                       the two distressed boats.
            vini, who leads the anti-mi-                                                                                        The  others  arrived  in  Cat-
            grant League party, wants                                                                                           ania  late  Sunday  night
            the  country  to  eliminate  a   Some 300 migrants are disembarked from the Italian coast guard ship Peluso in the Sicilian harbor   aboard  a  vessel  operated
                                         of Catania, Italy, Monday, April 17, 2023.
            status  known  as  “special                                                                        Associated Press   by  Frontex,  the  European
            protection”  for  many  of                                                                                          Union’s  border  protection
            the  tens  of  thousands  of  Salvini  claims  the  possibil-  nated, lawmakers from an-  Sera on Monday.           agency.
            migrants  who  have  come  ity  of  “special  protection”  other  coalition  party,  Silvio  The number of migrants ar-  Also  on  Sunday,  an  Italian
            ashore in Italy for years now  acts  as  a  “pull  factor,’’  in  Berlusconi’s   conservative  riving  this  spring  has  risen  naval vessel brought about
            aboard  smugglers’  boats  encouraging  migrants  to  Forza  Italia,  have  indicat-   relentlessly.                300 rescued migrants to an-
            launched  from  Libya,  Tuni-  leave  their  homelands  in  ed they could push for the  A Italian coast guard boat  other Sicilian port, Augusta,
            sia, Turkey and other plac-  Africa, the Middle East and  time to be slashed from two  with  about  200  migrants  Italian media said.
            es.                          Asia. Many of the migrants  years to six months.          aboard pulled into the har-  Stepping ashore on the tiny
            That  status  allows  migrants  are  fleeing  poverty  or  a  “It’s not so much a question  bor of Catania, Sicily early  island of Lampedusa were
            who are unlikely to win refu-  lack of decent jobs in sub-  of  numbers,  but  of  (send-  Monday.                  scores  of  other  migrants
            gee status to stay in Italy for  Saharan  Africa,  northern  ing) a signal of severity that  They  were  among  some  who   arrived   unaided.
            two years, pending renew-    Africa,  Pakistan,  Bangla-  we want to give,’’ Maurizio  600  migrants  rescued  by  Among  them  were  sev-
            al.  During  this  time,  they  desh and Egypt.           Gasparri, a prominent Forza  the coast guard during the  eral  spotted  walking  on  a
            can  work  legally  and  rent  While Meloni has said she’d  Italia  senator  was  quoted  weekend in Malta’s search-  beach  by  residents  of  the
            housing.                     like to see that status elimi-  as  saying  in  Corriere  della  and-rescue  sector  of  the  tiny tourist and fishing isle.q

            Freak storm in Thailand capsizes fishing

            boats, killing 3

            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  A  freak  provincial  Public  Relations  lished  an  announcement
            storm  in  southern  Thailand  Department reported.       warning small fishing boats
            capsized  a  dozen  fishing  One  of  the  survivors,  Som-  against  going  to  sea  until
            boats  and  killed  at  least  kid  Maneewong,  said  his  Monday,  but  it  was  issued
            three  people,  but  more  boat encountered a wave  Sunday  afternoon,  after
            than  100  others  who  were  about  4  meters  (13  feet)  Somkid’s  and  other  boats
            also at sea have been ac-    high  about  an  hour  after  had  already  encountered
            counted  for,  officials  said  leaving shore.            the storm.
            Monday.                      He told TV Channel 3 that  The  disaster  agency  said
            Seven people were injured  he and his 31-year-old son  10  provinces  had  been
            after  the  sudden  storm  tried to swim to safety but  affected  by  the  storm,  in-
            off the coast of Nakhon Si  strong  currents  eventually  cluding  Nakhon  Si  Tham-
            Thammarat  province  on  tired  his  son  out  and  he  marat  and  Surat  Thani  in
            Sunday  morning  caused  died.                            the  south,  where  officials
            the fishing boats to capsize  He said he was surprised by  reported  a  large  private
            and  damaged  dozens  of  the  winds  and  currents  so  ferry  was  damaged  while
            others  in  the  Gulf  of  Thai-  strong  he  “could  not  con-  docked  Sunday  after  a   In this photo released by the People Unity Foundation, rescuers
            land. There were no missing  trol the boat.”              strong  wave  sent  it  crash-  from  the  charitable  organization  help  a  survivor  from  a  boat
            reported  among  the  149  The      provincial   disaster  ing into the pier. There were   that capsized off the coast of Nakhon Sri Thammarat province,
                                                                                                   southern Thailand on April 16, 2023.
            people  on  61  boats,  the  prevention  agency  pub-     no casualties.q                                                       Associated Press
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