Page 7 - aruba-today-20230418
P. 7
local Tuesday 18 april 2023
Minister Geoffrey Wever:
Agri Business Academy was a complete success!
(Oranjestad)—After pass-
ing the first trajectory of the
Agri Business Academy,
a first group of future busi-
ness people received their
certificate in the presence
of Minister Geoffrey Wev-
er (Economic Affairs) and
Minister Ursell Arends (Na-
ture). The goal of the Agri
Business Academy to help
people set up their own
businesses in agriculture or
help those who want to fur-
ther develop in the agricul-
tural sector.
less dependent on interna- approached with a propo- organize the Agri Business oration between ministers
Businesses and business tional trade and influence. sition by Qredits to partner Academy and offer this and the private sector for
talent is essential for our “I’m very happy and proud with the government so program to 60 people. This the benefit of our residents.
economy to development to see that the Agri Busi- we can boost the agricul- is a 12-week course on the This course is an investment
and grow. The role of the ness Academy culminated tural sector from the busi- business side of agriculture. made by the government
government of Aruba in to 17 participants getting ness perspective. Along I’m extremely happy to see for our community. We try
this process is to facilitate their certificate. When I with Minister Arends, we this idea come to life. This to bring important changes
opportunities for each citi- became a minister, I was came to an agreement to way we show great collab- with the little funding we
zen so they can acquire have.”
knowledge and skills to run
their own businesses. In this Minister Wever wishes every
case, to run their own busi- participant all the best with
ness in the agricultural sec- their ambitions and busi-
tor, a sector that has a big ness endeavors in the ag-
potential for growth. As part ricultural sector and gives
of the approach to stimu- thanks to Qredits Aruba for
late trade, the Agri Business their cooperation with the
Academy is a tool to help a government to facilitate
future merchant grow and opportunities like these to
become successful. In this the public. This program will
way, the government ac- surely contribute greatly in
tively works with the private stimulating trade and busi-
sector to diversify our econ- ness talent in Aruba. Soon,
omy, creating new spaces a new group will be able
for work, profit for the gov- to participate in this same
ernment and make Aruba program.q
Dutch photographer Nico van der Ven recognized for his work
with Aruban and Antillean delegation
(Oranjestad)—Prime Min- minister explained that she Minister Wever-Croes. One Ven a coin for the hand islands in the Dutch king-
ister Every Wever-Croes, had known Mr. van der of these stories that really he always held out for the dom. q
Along with Minister Pleni- Ven since the beginning of captured her attention was
potentiary Ady Thijsen re- her career in politics and when met her uncle and
ceived Mr. Nico van der that Mr. van der Ven has Aruban Hero, Mr. Betico
Ven at Arubahuis in The always been someone will- Croes, in a dark and sad
Hague, The Netherlands, ing to help. corner in The Hague. When
where he was officially giv- This week, they have in- he asked Betico what was
en recognition for his work vited the photographer to wrong, he told the photog-
with different political lead- Arubahuis to give an offi- rapher that he misses his
er in Aruba and around the cial recognition as a thank children. “That’s something
Antilles. you from Aruba and repre- that you sympathize with
sentatives from the island for sure, especially given
Mr. van der Ven is a well- for the great work he has the long period of time he
known photographer, who done with Aruba in The had been away from his
has always helped Aruban Netherlands. family,” the prime minister
politicians in The Nether- In a conversation between expressed.
lands. He was fond memo- the prime minister and the As part of the official rec-
ries from his many visits to honoree, the latter shared ognition, the prime minis-
the island as well. The prime some fond stories with Prime ter gifted Mr. Nico van der