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Tuesday 18 april 2023
Another Treasure of Aruba’s Beaches: Sea Glass!
rocks act like sandpaper to
smooth out its rough edges.
Sometimes as the sea glass
is passed through fire, it be-
comes fire glass, the rarest
of sea glass with certain
inclusions, just like precious
For years, the water beat
against the different kinds
of trash being dumped.
Glass, household appli-
ances and even motor
parts were discarded on
the beach. The waves and
weather conditions wore
NOORD - It is hard to imag- Especially on the strip on down the overwhelming
ine this happening today, white sand between the fa- amount of garbage in the
but years ago people mous Natural Bridge” and water, creating millions of
dumped all kinds of refuse the huge red anchor close beautiful smooth rocks.
straight into the ocean, to “Grapefield” beach you
including old cars, and will be able to find your own It’s hard to believe the
their household garbage, pieces of sea glass. The sea short-sighted mistakes we
which of course included glass that was created is were making that could
lots of glass. Over the next the product of a very long have potentially ruined beer), green (Heineken
30 years the pounding and interesting process. It these beautiful beaches. & Balashi beer) and clear Funny, how trash can
waves cleaned the beach, can take anywhere from But thanks to natural pro- glass which are the soft change into treasures!
by breaking down every- 10 to 30 years to make sea cesses, the ocean trans- much loved “soft drink”
thing but glass and pot- glass. The name for any formed the trash into the bottles. Everybody knows that you
tery. The pounding waves piece of glass that finds its sea glass. are not allowed to take
washed the trash up and way to the ocean and tum- Each colored gem on the If you like to see the sea local shells home, but the
down, back and forth. Tons bles around in the water beach has its own story. glass for yourself, and be people working at the air-
of polished, broken glass long enough is “Sea glass. in awe of the power of na- port have no problem you
pieces were created by The ruby red glass stones ture, rent a car or jeep and taking sea glass home. A
the pounding surf. These The colorful pieces of glass are typically from old car go explore our deserted few of those pieces make
smoothened, colored glass are being used for decora- tail-lights. beaches on the north side great souvenirs. You can
particles then settled along tion, handcrafts and jew- of the island. Make it a fun place them in a wine glass
the sea shore in millions, elry! Then, the sapphire rocks family day! or large bottle for decora-
and that is why you can Once glass makes its way are the remnants of bro- Even if we didn’t mean to tion and every time you
find these beautiful and into the ocean, the glass is ken apothecary bottles. pollute the Beaches how look at it a smile will light up
colorful pieces on the north broken up into shards and is The most common and we did, it is inspiring to see your face thinking back of
shore beaches of Aruba. tumbled around in the wa- the easiest to find are the just how the earth can cor- your unforgettable Aruba
ter, where sand and other brown (Amstel & Polar rect our mistakes. vacation! q
Parenthood Plan project congress initiated
ORANJESTAD - The Minis- about the essential aspects nificant courses.
ter of Justice and Social for parents and children They ensured that 46 teach-
Affairs, Mr. Rocco Tjon, re- when dealing with divorce. ers received the training as
cently opened a congress It is in connection with the KIES (Children in Divorce
regarding the “ Parenthood Continued Parenthood Situations) coaches, which
Plan” project. law, which Parliament will consisted of two groups,
probably discuss this year. one for children between
During this congress, vari- During the seminar’s week, the ages 6-12 and one for
ous experts in the social the professionals in this field the group ages 13-18. Ad-
field shared information will attend various other sig- ditionally, 13 professionals agement of the “parent- Bert Wielenga, Mrs. Aisca
received training in family ing plans.” The foundation Berkemeyer, Mrs. Sacha
mediation. of this law focuses on the Geerman, Mrs. Yvonne Ber-
importance of education mudes, Mrs. Magaly Mad-
The reason for launching and the formation of our uro, Mrs. Sylvie Eman, Mr.
the Planned Parenting proj- professionals. Luc Alofs and Mrs. Desiree
ect is the introduction of Helder.
the “Law for the Promotion The Parenthood plan proj- Minister Tjon is grateful to the
of Continued Parenthood ect is possible thanks to planned parenting com-
and Careful Divorces on the cooperation and dedi- mittee’s professionals and
Aruba. cation of the members the Minister of Justice and
Part of this law is to reach of the planned parenting Safety in the Netherlands,
agreements for, among committee Mrs. Michella Mrs. Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius,
others, the care and man- Steenvoorde -Laclé, Mr. for her collaboration.q