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                        Friday 21 July 2023

            RFK Jr. denies making antisemitic comments

            Continued from Front

            “This is an attempt to cen-
            sor  a  censorship  hearing,”
            said  Kennedy,  the  son  of
            Robert F. Kennedy and the
            nephew  of  President  John
            F. Kennedy.
            Growing     animated     at
            times,  Kennedy  defended
            his statements, which have
            delved  into  race,  vaccine
            safety  and  other  issues,  as
            neither “racist or antisemit-
            ic.”  He  said  his  family  has
            long  believed  in  the  First
            Amendment  right  to  free
            “The    First   Amendment
            was  not  written  for  easy
            speech,” Kennedy said. “It
            was written for the speech
            that nobody likes you for.”
            Republicans    are   eager
            to  elevate  Kennedy  after
            he  announced  in  April  he
            was  mounting  a  long-shot
            Democratic  primary  chal-
            lenge  to  President  Joe  Bi-
            den.  Kennedy’s  presiden-
            tial  campaign  chairman,    Robert  F.  Kennedy,  Jr.,  recites  the  pledge  of  allegiance  before  testifying  at  a  House  Judiciary  Select  Subcommittee  on  the
                                         Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 20, 2023.
            Dennis Kucinich, the former                                                                                                     Associated Press
            congressman     and    past
            presidential    contender,  tee  chairman  Jim  Jordan,  aired at the hearing.         gresswoman  was  saying  were  also  hearing  testi-
            sat in the front row behind  R-Ohio, portrayed what he  Kennedy  has  a  history  of  was a lie.                    mony  from  Emma-Jo  Mor-
            him  during  the  more-than-  claimed  were  examples  comparing  vaccines  —  An            organization    that  ris,  journalist  at  Breitbart
            three-hours hearing.         of  censorship,  including  widely credited with saving  Kennedy  founded,  Chil-      News,  who  has  reported
            The  Big  Tech  companies  a  White  House  request  to  millions  of  lives  —  with  the  dren’s Health Defense, cur-  extensively  on  Biden’s  son,
            have  adamantly  denied  Twitter  to  remove  a  race-    genocide of the Holocaust  rently  has  a  lawsuit  pend-  Hunter Biden; and D. John
            the  GOP  assertions  and  based  post  from  Kennedy  during      Nazi    Germany,  ing  against  a  number  of  Sauer,  a  former  Solicitor
            say they enforce their rules  about COVID-19 vaccines.    comments for which he has  news organizations, among  General  in  Missouri  who  is
            impartially  for  everyone  “It’s why Mr. Kennedy is run-  sometimes apologized.       them The Associated Press,  now a special Assistant At-
            regardless  of  ideology  or  ning for president — it’s to  In   heated   exchanges,  accusing  them  of  violat-   torney General at the Loui-
            political  affiliation.  And  re-  stop, to help us expose and  Democrats   implored  ing antitrust laws by taking  siana  Department  of  Jus-
            searchers  have  not  found  stop what’s going on,” Jor-  Kennedy  and  Republicans  action  to  identify  misinfor-  tice involved in the lawsuit
            widespread  evidence  that  dan said.                     to consider the fallout from  mation,  including  about  against  the  Biden  adminis-
            social  media  companies  A  watchdog  group  asked  their  words  and  actions  —  COVID-19  and  COVID-19  tration.
            are  biased  against  con-   Jordan  to  drop  the  invita-  and noted that one of the  vaccines.                   Morris  tweeted  part  of  her
            servative  news,  posts  or  tion  to  Kennedy  after  he  posts  Republicans  had  sin-  Ahead  of  the  hearing,  opening  remarks  in  which
            materials.                   suggested COVID-19 could  gled out at the hearing was  Jordan  said  that  while  he  she  described  an  “elabo-
            The  top  Democrat  on  the  have  been  “ethnically  tar-  not  removed  by  any  cen-  disagreed  with  Kennedy’s  rate  censorship  conspir-
            House  panel,  Del.  Stacey  geted” to spare Ashkenazi  sors.                          remarks, he was not about  acy”  that  she  claimed
            Plaskett  of  the  Virgin  Is-  Jews and Chinese people.  “Hate  speech  has  conse-   to drop him from the panel.  sought to halt her reporting
            lands, said the Republican  In  those  filmed  remarks  quences,”  said  Rep.  Ger-    Speaker  Kevin  McCarthy  of Hunter Biden.
            majority was giving a plat-  first  published  by  The  New  ry  Connolly,  D-Va.,  who  took  a  similar  view,  saying  A  witness  called  by  Dem-
            form  to  Kennedy  and  oth-  York  Post,  Kennedy  said  made  reference  to  the  he did not want to censor  ocrats,  Maya  Wiley,  the
            ers  to  promote  conspiracy  “there is an argument” that  mass  shooting  at  a  Pitts-  Kennedy.                  president  and  CEO  of  the
            theories  and  a  rallying  cry  COVID-19 “is ethnically tar-  burgh  synagogue,  among  The  panel  wants  to  probe  Leadership   Conference
            for “bigotry and hate.”      geted” and that it “attacks  others. He called the hear-  the  way  the  federal  gov-  on Civil and Human Rights,
            “This is not the kind of free  certain  races  dispropor-  ing Orwellian.              ernment  works  with  tech-  implored  the  lawmakers
            speech  I  know,”  Plaskett  tionately.”                  Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas,  nology  companies  to  flag  to  consider  the  platforms
            said.                        After the video was made  said she received a death  postings  that  contain  false  where  Americans  share
            Plaskett  warned  against  public,  Kennedy  posted  threat  after  the  last  hear-   information  or  downright  views  —  but  also  “how
            misinformation  from  Russia  on  Twitter  that  his  words  ing  of  the  Weaponization  lies.  Hanging  over  the  de-  deeply  vital  that  they  be
            and  other  U.S.  adversar-  were  twisted  and  denied  panel.                        bate is part of federal com-  based in fact, not fiction.”
            ies  who  have  interfered  in  ever suggesting that COV-  When Rep. Debbie Wasser-    munications  law,  Section  The  U.S.  has  been  hesitant
            American  elections  and  ID-19  was  deliberately  en-   man  Schultz,  D-Fla.,  read  230, which shields technol-  to  regulate  the  social  me-
            are  expected  to  meddle  gineered  to  spare  Jewish  aloud  Kennedy’s  postings  ogy companies like Twitter  dia giants, even as outside
            again in the 2024 election.  people.  He  called  for  the  and  questioned  his  intent,  and Facebook from liability  groups  warn  of  the  rise  of
            Often    emotional     and  Post’s article to be retract-  Kennedy  interjected  that  over  what’s  said  on  their  hate  speech  and  misinfor-
            heated,  Thursday’s  hear-   ed.                          she  was  “slandering  me”  platforms.                    mation that can be erosive
            ing  came  as  subcommit-    A  clip  from  the  video  was  and claimed what the con-  Lawmakers  on  the  panel  to civil society.q
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