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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 21 July 2023

             New rules for oil and gas leasing raise rates to drill on public lands

            By MATTHEW DALY                                                                                                     ing sites after they are done
            Associated Press                                                                                                    or cap wells that are aban-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            doned.
            Biden administration is pro-                                                                                        The  previous  level  was  far
            posing new rules for the na-                                                                                        too low to force companies
            tion’s  oil  and  gas  leasing                                                                                      to  act  and  did  not  cover
            program  that  would  raise                                                                                         potential costs to reclaim a
            costs for energy companies                                                                                          well,  officials  said.  As  a  re-
            to drill on public lands and                                                                                        sult,  taxpayers  frequently
            strengthen    requirements                                                                                          end  up  covering  cleanup
            for  cleaning  up  old  wells                                                                                       costs for abandoned or de-
            where drilling is completed                                                                                         pleted wells if an operator
            or abandoned.                                                                                                       refuses to do so or declares
            A  rule  proposed  Thursday                                                                                         bankruptcy.  Hundreds  of
            by the Interior Department                                                                                          thousands  of  “orphaned”
            codifies  provisions  in  the                                                                                       oil and gas wells and aban-
            sweeping  climate  law  ap-                                                                                         doned  coal  and  hardrock
            proved  last  year,  as  well                                                                                       mines  pose  serious  safety
            as  the  2021  infrastructure                                                                                       hazards, while causing on-
            law and recommendations                                                                                             going environmental dam-
            from  an  Interior  report  on                                                                                      age.
            oil and gas leasing issued in                                                                                       The  Interior  Department
            November 2021.                                                                                                      has  made  available  more
            The rule does not go so far                                                                                         than  $1  billion  in  the  past
            as  to  prohibit  new  oil  and                                                                                     two  years  from  the  infra-
            gas leasing on public lands,   Pump jacks work in a field near Lovington, N.M., April 24, 2015.                     structure  law  to  clean  up
            as  many  environmental                                                                            Associated Press   orphaned oil and gas wells
            groups have urged and as     and gas companies,’’ said  by Congress, known as the  The new rate is expected to      on  public  lands.  The  new
            President  Joe  Biden  prom-  Laura  Daniel-Davis,  princi-  Inflation Reduction Act, set  remain in place until August   rule  aims  to  prevent  that
            ised  during  the  2020  cam-  pal deputy assistant Interior  royalty  rates  for  drilling  on  2032, after which it can be   burden from falling on tax-
            paign. But officials said the   secretary for land and min-  public  lands  at  16.67%,  an  increased.             payers in the future.
            proposal  would  lead  to  a   erals  management.Interior  increase  over  the  12.5%  The  rule  also  would  in-  Bureau  of  Land  Manage-
            more  responsible  leasing   “is  committed  to  creating  rate that oil and gas com-  crease  the  minimum  leas-  ment Director Tracy Stone-
            process  that  provides  a   a  more  transparent,  inclu-  panies paid for drilling rights  ing  bond  paid  by  energy   Manning, whose agency is-
            better return to U.S. taxpay-  sive  and  just  approach  to  for a century.           companies to $150,000, up    sued the new rule, said the
            ers.                         leasing and permitting that  The  previous  rate  was  sig-  from  the  previous  $10,000   proposal  “aims  to  ensure
            The  new  rule  “provides  a   serves  the  public  interest  nificantly lower than many  established  in  1960.  The   fairness  to  the  taxpayer
            fair return to taxpayers, ad-  while  protecting  natural  states  and  private  land-  higher  bonding  require-   and balanced, responsible
            equately  accounts  for  en-  and  cultural  resources  on  owners  charge  for  drilling  ment is intended to ensure   development as we contin-
            vironmental harms and dis-   our public lands,” she add-  leases  on  state  or  private  that companies meet their   ue  to  transition  to  a  clean
            courages speculation by oil   ed. The climate law passed  lands.                       obligations to clean up drill-  energy economy. q

            New U.S. sanctions are aimed at choking off Russia’s supplies

            FATIMA HUSSEIN               ogy to Russia.               Blinken said in a statement.  ues to wage its unprovoked  and  disrupt  the  Russian
            Associated Press             A  UAE-based  engineering  “We will continue to stand  and  brutal  war  against  arms industry’s ability to re-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  company that sent dozens  with Ukraine for as long as it  Ukraine,  we  will  impose  supply,” Adeyemo said in a
            United  States  on  Thurs-   of shipments of electronics  takes,” he said.             sanctions to deprive Russia  statement.q
            day  imposed  sanctions  on  to  Russia  was  also  sanc-  After  the  invasion’s  one-  of the technology it needs
            roughly 120 firms and peo-   tioned.                      year  anniversary  in  Febru-
            ple from Russia to the Unit-  The  latest  sanctions  build  ary,  U.S.  officials  said  Rus-
            ed Arab Emirates to Kyrgyz-  on  those  imposed  on  Rus-  sia’s  metals  and  mining
            stan  in  an  effort  to  choke  sia when the U.S. and oth-  sector  would  be  a  focus
            off  Moscow’s  access  to  er  Group  of  Seven  nations  of future sanctions actions,
            products,  money  and  fi-   rolled out a wave of global  as well as reducing Russia’s
            nancial channels that sup-   actions  during  a  Japan  energy  revenues  through
            port its invasion of Ukraine.  summit in May.             the  imposition  of  a  price
            The  sanctions  imposed  by  “Since  Russia  launched  cap on Russian oil.
            the Treasury and State de-   its  full  scale  invasion  of  Deputy  Secretary  of  the
            partments target dozens of  Ukraine,  the  United  States,  Treasury  Wally  Adeyemo
            Russian mining, technology  working with our allies and  said Thursday’s actions rep-
            and  munitions  firms  and  partners, has taken unprec-   resent “another step in our
            commercial banks. In addi-   edented  steps  to  impose  efforts to constrain Russia’s
            tion, a group of Kyrgyzstan-  costs  on  Russia  and  pro-  military  capabilities,  its  ac-
            based electronics firms and  mote accountability for the  cess to battlefield supplies,
            its  leadership  were  target-  individuals and entities who  and  its  economic  bottom   Emergency  service  personnel  work  at  the  site  of  a  destroyed
            ed as exporters of compo-    support its illegal war,” U.S.  line.”                    building after a Russian attack in Odesa, Ukraine, Thursday, July
            nents  and  other  technol-  Secretary  of  State  Antony  “As  long  as  Russia  contin-  20, 2023.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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