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WORLD NEWS Friday 21 July 2023
China’s Xi tells Kissinger that China-U.S. ties are at a crossroads
BEIJING (AP) — Chinese quoted Li as praising the
leader Xi Jinping told for- role Kissinger played in
mer top U.S. diplomat Hen- opening up China-U.S. re-
ry Kissinger on Thursday that lations in the early 1970s,
relations between the two but said bilateral ties had
countries are at a cross- hit a low point because
roads and both sides need of “some people on the
to “make new decisions” American side who are not
that could result in stable willing to meet China half-
ties and “joint success and way.”
prosperity.” U.S. leaders say they have
The 100-year-old Kissinger is no such intentions and only
revered in China for having seek frank dialogue and
engineered the opening of fair competition.
relations between the rul- China broke off many con-
ing Communist Party and tacts with the Biden admin-
Washington under former istration last August, includ-
President Richard Nixon ing over climate issues, to
during the Cold War in the show its anger with then-
early 1970s. House Speaker Nancy Pe-
Xi, who is head of state, par- losi’s trip to Taiwan. China
ty general secretary and claims the island as its own
commander of the world’s territory, to be brought un-
largest standing military, In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, talks to former der its control by force if
met with Kissinger in the U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger during a meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in necessary, threatening to
Beijing, Thursday, July 20, 2023.
relatively informal setting of Associated Press draw the U.S. into a major
Beijing’s park-like Diaoyutai conflict in a region crucial
State Guesthouse, with Chi- Kissinger’s visit coincided as its own territory. er economic issues. Wang to the global economy.
nese senior diplomat Wang with one by Biden’s top “The U.S. policy toward Chi- told Kissinger that it was Contacts have only slowly
Yi also in attendance. climate envoy, John Kerry, na requires the diplomatic “impossible” to transform, been restored and China
“China and the United the third senior Biden ad- wisdom like that of Kissinger encircle or contain China, continues to refuse to re-
States are once again at ministration official in re- and political courage like which Chinese leaders say start dialogue between the
the crossroads of where to cent weeks to travel to Chi- Nixon’s,” Wang said, ac- the U.S. is trying to do in dis- People’s Liberation Army,
go, and the two sides need na for meetings following cording to the Foreign Min- putes over trade, technol- the party’s military branch,
to make new decisions,” Xi Secretary of State Antony istry. Kissinger also served ogy, Taiwan and China’s and the U.S. Department of
said, according to a state- Blinken and Treasury Secre- as secretary of state under human rights record. Defense.
ment released by the Chi- tary Janet Yellen. The flurry Nixon. On Tuesday, Kissinger held Even before Pelosi’s visit,
nese Foreign Ministry. of diplomacy aims to re- The ministry said the two talks with Defense Minister the U.S. says China de-
“Looking into the future, store dialogue suspended sides also discussed the Li Shangfu, who is barred clined or failed to respond
China and the United by Beijing, mainly over U.S. war in Ukraine, in which from visiting the U.S. over to over a dozen requests
States can achieve joint support for the self-govern- China has largely sided arms sales he oversaw with from the Department of
success and prosperity,” Xi ing island democracy of with Moscow, as well as ar- Russia. Defense for top-level dia-
said. Taiwan that China claims tificial intelligence and oth- China’s Defense Ministry logues since 2021.q
EU climate chief Frans Timmermans says he wants to lead
combined center-left bloc in Dutch elections
By MIKE CORDER parties agreed Monday to ders of Europe.”
Associated Press form a united front on the His candidature quickly
THE HAGUE, Netherlands left of the splintered Dutch gained support.
(AP) — European Union political landscape. Attje Kuiken, who leads the
climate chief Frans Tim- Timmermans is a member Labor Party’s bloc in the
mermans said Thursday he of the Labor Party and a lower house of parliament,
wants to lead a combined former foreign minister. He tweeted that it was “Fan-
campaign by two center- says he wants to be the tastic news!”
left parties that are joining next Dutch prime minister Green Left leader Jesse
forces ahead of Dutch par- and aims to unite the in- Klaver said in a tweet: “We
liamentary elections in late creasingly polarized nation. have a unique chance at
November. “I think it’s time for us in the these elections to change
Timmermans is a vice presi- Netherlands to grow closer the course of the Nether-
dent of the EU’s executive together again instead of lands and usher in a new
commission in charge of cli- growing apart. The frag- era.
mate policy. He told Dutch mentation in politics must Frans Timmermans is abso-
national broadcaster NOS be countered,” he said. lutely the perfect premier
Frans Timmermans delivers a speech on the outcome of the he has put himself forward “We have enormous chal- to do it.”
COP26 in Glasgow, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg,
Eastern France, on Nov. 24 2021. as a candidate to lead lenges the climate crisis, Members of both parties
Associated Press the Labor Party and Green nature is not in good shape. will vote for their choice of
Left into the elections. The But also a war on the bor- leader next month. q