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A32 sports
Diabierna 13 Mei 2022
FIFA takes on EA Sports video game in soccer’s new rivalry
The World Cup will disap-
EA has already begun to high- pear from the EA game. A huge part of the revenue
light its advantages over the comes from the Ultimate
FIFA game, given it has the “The FIFA name is the only Team mode, where custom-
rights to show 19,000 players global, original title,” Infan- ers buy extra content in EA
from more than 700 teams in tino said. “FIFA 23, FIFA 24, sports games. That generated
more than 30 leagues playing FIFA 25 and FIFA 26, and $1.623 billion in 2021.
in 100 stadiums. Manchester so on — the constant is the
United, Barcelona and Paris FIFA name and it will remain “We have historically derived
Saint-Germain will still be forever and remain the best.” a significant portion of our
there, along with their best net revenue from sales re-
players. That kind of bombastic talk lated to our largest and most
puts pressure on FIFA to de- popular game, FIFA, annu-
“That is the only place that liver on Infantino’s vision for alized versions of which are
you can have an authentic, a game that usurps the EA consistently one of the best-
famous and fully representa- franchise despite not having selling games in the market-
tive football experience,” Da- the rights to feature leagues place,” EA told investors.
(AP) — The name “FIFA” it can be making even more vid Jackson, vice president of such as the Premier League
can bring to mind images on its own. brand for EA SPORTS FIFA, — and the teams that play in Brand loyalty will be key
of the World Cup and soc- told The Associated Press. “I them. starting next year. Will gam-
cer’s greatest players, like FIFA severed the licensing do think that there is an ele- ers stay with EA’s rebranded
Pele, Zinedine Zidane or deal partnership with Elec- ment of potential confusion “New entrants would face a product or jump to the rival
Lionel Messi. The acro- tronic Arts Inc. on Tuesday, in the marketplace.” steep licensing curve to com- being launched by FIFA?
nym for the sport’s gov- making FIFA23 the last new pete with EA,” said Andrew
erning body may also re- EA game with the involve- The hyperbole from FIFA Marok, an analyst covering It’s already a competitive
mind some of shameless ment of both sides. is already trying to undercut the digital media sector at market with eFootball, the
bribery and corruption. EA’s marketing by claiming it investment bank Raymond former Pro Evolution Soccer
They are now becoming op- is in talks with multiple rival James. game produced by Japanese
For many, though, it’s the ponents. gaming companies and has firm Konami. That game has
video game that is synony- plans to enter the metaverse. Soccer gaming is big business a partnership with Manches-
mous with FIFA. EA will continue to make for EA. The annual report is- ter United, though the record
soccer games with best play- “I can assure you,” FIFA Pres- sued this week showed rev- 20-time English champions
For three decades, the Swit- ers and biggest teams, they ident Gianni Infantino said, enue of $6.19 billion. will still feature in EA’s game
zerland-based soccer body will just be stripped of the “that the only authentic, real through a Premier League
has enjoyed a flourishing, FIFA brand and instead called game that has the FIFA name “We’ve just had our big- agreement.
mutually beneficial relation- EA Sports FC. will be the best one available gest year — ever — for EA
ship with EA Sports. The for gamers and football fans.” SPORTS FIFA games,” EA EA has already warned its
annual edition of the video Confusingly, perhaps, Sports CEO Andrew Wilson investors of the risks to its
game, alongside related prod- FIFA24 should also be on the How that will be achieved is told investors on Wednesday, soccer gaming business from
ucts, has raked in billions of shelves next year because the far from clear, although FIFA a day after it was announced rivals.
dollars and has proven to be soccer body is determined to does hold the rights to the the FIFA deal would cease at
so lucrative that FIFA thinks go ahead with its own launch. biggest soccer show on earth. the end of the year.
Walker, Mets cruise past Nats 4-1, win another series
(AP) — Taijuan Walker pitched gle and Washington never seriously Canha homered in the ninth off Steve Mets: C James McCann was held out
seven scoreless innings and the threatened. New York took advantage Cishek. of the lineup with a sore left wrist.
New York Mets remained un- of wild Nationals starter Joan Adon
beaten in 10 series this season, (1-6), who walked five of the first 10 Needing a long relief option, the Nationals: SS Alcides Escobar missed
cruising past the sloppy Washing- batters he faced. Mets recalled right-hander Jake Reed a third straight game with infection
ton Nationals 4-1 on Thursday. from Triple-A Syracuse and optioned under the nail on his left index finger.
Tomás Nido added a run-scoring sin- righty Stephen Nogosek, who threw Manager Dave Martinez said the fin-
Mark Canha went 3 for 4 with a gle with two outs in the fourth that three hitless innings Wednesday ger has been drained multiple times
homer and three RBIs for the NL chased Adon, who also hit J.D. Davis night. but Escobar is not expected to go on
East-leading Mets, who took two of in the back with a fastball — the 24th the injured list.
three from the last-place Nationals. time a Mets batter has been hit this
New York has won nine series and season, which leads the majors.
split one, and hasn’t lost two straight
games in a month. Soto opened the fourth with a dou-
ble off the wall in right-center but
Walker (1-0) allowed three hits, quickly ended the Nats’ best scoring
walked one and threw 85 pitches in chance with poor baserunning. Soto
the longest of his four starts this sea- broke for third on a grounder to the
son, which was interrupted by a stint left side by Josh Bell and was caught
on the injured list with right shoulder in a rundown before being thrown
bursitis. out at third. Walker tagged Soto and
threw wildly to second, and Bell tried
Walker benefitted from a bizarre to advance and was thrown out at
double play that kept Washington third.
from scoring. Seth Lugo struck out
two in the eighth and Edwin Díaz al- Soto slid into Walker’s forearm a few
lowed Juan Soto’s two-out homer in feet in front of the bag, and Walker
the ninth before retiring Josh Bell to stood over Soto after tagging him.
complete the four-hitter. Soto appeared to take issue with
Walker blocking his path to third base
The Mets only managed five hits, and lay in the dirt in front of the bag
but they went ahead 2-0 in the first as Bell approached.
inning on Canha’s bases-loaded sin-