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A28    u.s. news
                      Diabierna 13 Mei 2022

                      Louisiana debates murder charge for women who get abortions

                                                                                                                                called  it  “patently  unconsti-
                                                                                                   There’s no indication yet that  tutional.”
                                                                                                   lawmakers  in  other  states
                                                                                                   are taking up similar legisla-  Edwards  joined  critics  of
                                                                                                   tion.  In  Idaho,  Republican  the bill saying it criminalizes
                                                                                                   state Rep. Heather Scott has  some  types  of  contraception
                                                                                                   proposed  prosecuting  wom-  and parts of the in vitro fertil-
                                                                                                   en  who  get  abortions,  but  ization  process.  McCormick
                                                                                                   a  committee  chairman  said  on  Thursday  said  forms  of
                                                                                                   Friday  he  would  not  allow  contraception  that  don’t  de-
                                                                                                   it.  “There  are  still  reason-  stroy  a  fertilized  egg  would
                                                                                                   able people in the Legislature  not be affected. And he dis-
                                                                                                   who are going to ensure that  putes that the bill would new-
                                                                                                   extreme bills like that are not  ly criminalize some aspects of
                                                                                                   going to get a hearing,” Rep.  in vitro fertilization, pointing
                                                                                                   Brent Crane said.            to state law that already grants
                                                                                                                                rights to an “in vitro fertilized
                                                                                                   “In  my  committee,  I’m  not  human ovum.”
                                                                                                   going  to  hear  that  bill  that
                                                                                                   puts  a  woman  on  trial  for  Anti-abortion   legislation
                                                                                                   murder.  If  you’ll  take  that  usually passes easily in Loui-
                                                                                                   portion  of  the  bill  out,  if  siana’s  Legislature  but  the
                                                                                                   you’ll put the doctor on trial  emphatic  opposition  from
                                                                                                   for  murder,  which  trues  up  some  anti-abortion  stalwarts
                                                                                                   exactly with what we already  could bolster attempts to de-
            (AP) — Louisiana’s House  “To  suggest  that  a  woman  bill specifically, but said “any  have  in  Idaho  statutes,  then  rail  the  measure  or  heavily
            of  Representatives,  ven-   would be jailed for an abor-  measure seeking to criminal-  we  can  talk  about  having  a  amend it.
            turing    farther   against  tion  is  simply  absurd,”  Gov.  ize  or  punish  women  is  not  hearing on your bill,” Crane
            abortion  than  lawmakers  John  Bel  Edwards,  a  devout  pro-life and we stand firmly  said on Idaho Public Televi-  Louisiana  already  has  laws
            in any other state, is debat-  Catholic  and  a  Democrat  opposed to such efforts.”   sion.                        on  the  books  criminalizing
            ing a bill to make women  who  has  long  broken  with                                                              abortion, including a “trigger
            who end their pregnancies  his party on the abortion is-  McCormick disagrees, saying  McCormick  introduced  his  law” ensuring that it will be a
            subject to criminal homi-    sue,  said  in  a  news  release  a  woman  who  has  an  abor-  bill  in  March  in  an  attempt  crime if the Supreme Court
            cide prosecutions.           Wednesday.                   tion should be in the same le-  to end abortion regardless of  reverses  the  Roe  vs.  Wade,
                                                                      gal position as a woman who  what any court does.         the  1973  ruling  establishing
            Republican    Rep.   Danny  “Our  longstanding  policy  takes the life of a child after                             abortion rights. The statutes
            McCormick  pushed  for  a  is  that  abortion-vulnerable  birth.  “When  I  give  equal  In  addition  to  rewriting  ho-  appear  to  exempt  women
            House floor debate on his bill  women should not be treat-  protection  to  the  unborn,  micide  statutes  to  include  from  prosecution,  although
            Thursday afternoon despite a  ed  as  criminals,”  Louisiana  that’s  the  possibility,”  he  abortion, it declares that any  some  abortion  rights  advo-
            crescendo of opposition from  Right to Life said in a state-  said in a Wednesday evening  federal  law,  regulation  or  cates  have  suggested  they
            traditional   supporters   of  ment.                      phone interview.             court ruling that allows abor-  need tightening.
            abortion rights and longtime                                                           tion is void and that any judge
            foes  of  legal  abortion.  Loui-  The  Catholic  bishops  said  McCormick’s  bill  has  come  who  blocks  enforcement  of  McCormick said the existing
            siana’s  anti-abortion  gov-  they are “unequivocally” op-  under  high  scrutiny  in  light  the bill’s provisions could be  laws  are  inadequate  to  give
            ernor  said  he’d  veto  it,  and  posed  to  the  bill.  And  the  of last week’s leak of a draft of  impeached.   fetuses  equal  protection  un-
            Louisiana  Right  to  Life  and  National Right to Life Com-  a U.S. Supreme Court opin-                            der law. “This is a debate we
            the Louisiana Conference of  mittee  on  Thursday  issued  ion indicating the high court  Members  of  the  commit-  need to have in Louisiana,” he
            Catholic  Bishops  are  against  an  “open  letter  to  the  na-  is preparing to overturn deci-  tee that advanced the bill last  said. “There are good people
            it.                          tion’s  state  legislators”  that  sions  upholding  a  constitu-  week expressed doubt about  on both sides of the debate.”
                                         didn’t mention the Louisiana  tional right to abortion.   its constitutionality. Edwards

                         Army poised to revamp Alaska forces to prep for Arctic fight

            (AP)  —  The  U.S.  Army  pose of Army forces in Alaska  lags  behind  those  nations.  based in Alaska. And the large  encounter in any cold-weath-
            is  poised  to  revamp  its  is much more about creating  Russia has taken steps to in-  Stryker  vehicles,  which  are  er battle.
            forces in Alaska to better  an extreme cold weather ca-   crease  its  military  presence  somewhat old, would be re-
            prepare  for  future  cold-  pable  formation”  that  could  there,  and  China  views  the  placed by other vehicles that  “I think it really makes sense
            weather  conflicts,  and  it  be  used  in  Europe  or  the  region as economically valu-  are more suitable for the icy  to have forces trained in the
            is expected to replace the  Indo-Pacific,  Wormuth  told  able for shipping and natural  and snowy terrain, Wormuth  Arctic  environments  that
            larger,  heavily  equipped  The  Associated  Press  on  a  resources.                  said.                        they  would  be  used  for,”
            Stryker  Brigade  in  the  recent trip to Alaska to meet                                                            Wormuth said after spending
            state  with  a  more  mobile  with senior commanders and  The  changes  in  the  Army  The  greater  focus  on  cold-  two  days  at  the  still  snowy
            infantry unit better suited  troops. “We’re trying to get to  were  under  consideration  weather war includes a move  base. “If we’re going to have
            for the frigid fight, Army  a place where we have Arctic  well  before  U.S.  tensions  to conduct major training ex-  ground  forces  in  Alaska,
            leaders say.                 capable forces — forces that  with Russia soared following  ercises  for  the  Alaska-based  that’s  what  we  need  them
                                         can  survive  and  operate  in  its invasion of Ukraine.  troops  in  their  home  state,  to be able to do. They can’t
            Army  Secretary  Christine  that environment.”                                         under the weather conditions  get  that  experience  going  to
            Wormuth  said  she  expects                               Under  the  new  Army  plan,  they would face in an Arctic  the Mojave Desert or to Fort
            to  make  a  final  decision  The  U.S.  has  long  viewed  the 1st Stryker Brigade Com-  fight.  The  troops  had  been  Polk.”
            soon about the Alaska troop  the  Arctic  as  a  growing  area  bat  Team,  25th  Infantry  Di-  scheduled to go to the Joint
            change, saying she will like-  of  competition  with  Russia  vision, now based in Alaska,  Readiness  Training  Center
            ly  convert  the  Stryker  unit,  and China, particularly as cli-  would be converted to a light  at  Fort  Polk,  Louisiana,  in
            which  uses  heavy,  eight-  mate  change  brings  warmer  infantry  brigade.  Combined  March, but Army leaders de-
            wheeled  vehicles,  to  an  in-  temperatures  and  opens  the  with  the  division’s  4th  In-  cided to keep them in Alaska
            fantry brigade.              sea  lanes  for  longer  periods  fantry Brigade Combat team,  so they could train under the
                                         of  time.  But  officials  have  the  two  units  will  become  frigid  temperatures  and  fro-
            “I  think  right  now  the  pur-  acknowledged  that  the  U.S.  the  11th  Airborne  Division,  zen  terrain  that  they  would
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