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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 13 Mei 2022

                          Finland’s leaders call for NATO membership ‘without delay’

            (AP)  —  Finland’s  leaders                               “You  (Russia)  caused  this.
            said  Thursday  they’re  in  Previously,  the  Kremlin  had  Look  in  the  mirror,”  the
            favor  of  rapidly  applying  warned of “military and po-  Finnish  head  of  state  said
            for  NATO  membership,  litical repercussions” if Swe-    Wednesday.
            paving  the  way  for  a  his-  den  and  Finland  decided  to
            toric expansion of the al-   become  a  NATO  member.  On Thursday, Niinisto tweet-
            liance that could deal a se-  Should they seek to join the  ed that he spoke with Ukrai-
            rious blow to Russia as its  alliance,  there  would  be  an  nian  President  Volodymyr
            military struggles with its  interim  period  lasting  from  Zelenskyy  about  Finland’s
            war in Ukraine.              when  the  applications  are  firm  support  for  Ukraine
                                         submitted  until  ratification  and  the  country’s  intention
            The  annoucement  by  Presi-  by lawmakers in all 30 exist-  to join NATO. Niinisto said
            dent  Sauli  Niinisto  and  ing member nations.           Zelenskyy “expressed his full
            Prime Minister Sanna Marin                                support for it.”
            means that Finland is all but  In  NATO  member  Estonia,
            certain  to  join  the  Western  which  also  borders  Russia,  In 2017, Sweden and Finland
            military  alliance,  though  a  Prime  Minister  Kaja  Kallas  joined  the  British-led  Joint  ducted  by  Finnish  public  avoid  provoking  the  Soviet
            few  steps  remain  before  the  tweeted  that  “history  being  Expeditionary  Force,  which  broadcaster  YLE  showed  Union, instead opting to re-
            application  process  can  be-  made by our northern neigh-  is designed to be more flex-  earlier this week that 76% of  main  a  neutral  buffer  be-
            gin.  Neighboring  Sweden  is  bors.” She pledged to support  ible and respond more quick-  Finns are in favor of joining  tween the East and the West
            expected to decide on seeking  “a  rapid  accession  process”  ly than the larger NATO alli-  NATO,  a  big  change  from  while maintaining good rela-
            NATO membership in com-      for Finland into NATO.       ance. The force uses NATO  earlier  years  when  only  20-  tions with Moscow and also
            ing days.                                                 standards  and  doctrine  so  it  30%  of  respondents  favored  with the United States.
                                         Swedish  Foreign  Minister  can  operate  in  conjunction  such military alignment.
            Russia  reacted  to  the  devel-  Ann Linde tweeted that Fin-  with the alliance, the United                        NATO      Secretary-General
            opment with a warning. The  land’s announcement gave an  Nations  or  other  multina-  Speaking to European Union  Jens Stoltenberg has said the
            Russian  Foreign  Ministry  “important message.”          tional coalitions.           lawmakers  Thursday  as  Ni-  military  alliance  would  wel-
            said in a statement that Fin-                                                          inisto and Marin made their  come Finland and Sweden —
            land  joining  NATO  would  Finland’s     announcement  Fully operational since 2018,  announcement, Finnish For-   both  of  which  have  strong,
            “inflict  serious  damage  to  came  a  day  after  British  the force has held a number  eign Minister Pekka Haavisto  modern  militaries  —  with
            Russian-Finnish  relations  as  Prime  Minister  Boris  John-  of  exercises  both  indepen-  said  that  Russia’s  unpredict-  open  arms  and  that  he  ex-
            well  as  stability  and  security  son visited both Finland and  dently  and  in  cooperation  able  behavior  was  a  serious  pects the accession process to
            in Northern Europe.”         Sweden to sign a military co-  with NATO.                 concern for Finland. He cited  be speedy and smooth.
                                         operation agreement.                                      Moscow’s readiness to wage
            Before the ministry issued its                            Russia’s   aggression    in  “high-risk  operations”  that  NATO officials say the Nor-
            statement,  Kremlin  spokes-  The  U.K.  pledged  Wednes-  Ukraine  prompted  Finland  could lead to many casualties,  dic  duo’s  accession  process
            man  Dmitry  Peskov  said  day  to  come  to  the  aid  of  and  Sweden  to  reconsider  including among Russians.  could be done “in a couple of
            Finland’s  decision  wouldn’t  Sweden  and  Finland  if  the  their  traditions  of  military                       weeks.” The most time con-
            help stability and security in  two Nordic nations came un-  nonalignment  and  to  con-  Should  Finland  become  a  suming part of the procedure
            Europe. Peskov said Russia’s  der attack.                 template  joining  NATO  it-  NATO  member,  it  would  –  ratification  of  the  coun-
            response  would  depend  on                               self.  Public  opinion  in  the  represent the biggest change  try’s protocol by the existing
            NATO’s moves to expand its  During a joint news confer-   two  countries  quickly  start-  in  the  Nordic  country’s  de-  NATO members – could be
            infrastructure closer to Rus-  ence  with  Johnson  in  Hel-  ed  to  shift  toward  favoring  fense  and  security  policy  completed  in  less  time  than
            sian borders.                sinki this week, Niinisto said  membership, first in Finland  since  World  War  II,  when  the four or so months it took
                                         Moscow  could  only  blame  and a bit later in Sweden, af-  it  fought  against  the  Soviet  West  Germany,  Turkey  and
            Finland has the longest bor-  itself  should  his  nation  of  ter  Russia  invaded  Ukraine  Union.                Greece to join in the 1950s,
            der with Russia out of all the  5.5 million people become a  on Feb. 24.                                            when  there  were  only  12
            European Union’s 27 mem-     NATO member.                                              During the Cold War, Finland  members  to  ratify  their  ap-
            bers.                                                     The latest opinion poll con-  stayed away from NATO to  plications.

                         Protesters vent fury at French company for staying in Russia

            (AP) — A man in a Russian                                 equipment  with  spring’s  ar-  sible for the war. It’s among  per month in sales from Rus-
            military uniform stood at the  His  chest  bedecked  with  rival. Some shoppers turned  the  foreign  companies  with  sia  and  expects  to  lose  $100
            entrance of a large home im-  medals,  Polish  activist  Arka-  around to go elsewhere. Oth-  a  large  footprint  in  Russia  million  worth  of  inventory
            provement  store  in  Poland’s  diusz  Szczurek  was  protest-  ers  were  indifferent  or  irri-  that  have  had  to  choose  be-  because of store closures. En-
            capital, saluting shoppers and  ing  at  a  French-owned  re-  tated.                  tween taking the financial hit  ergy  company  Shell  says  it’s
            thanking  them  for  funding  tailer  Leroy  Merlin  store  in                         of leaving or face damage to  taking  a  $3.9  billion  charge
            Russian  President  Vladimir  Warsaw  as  shoppers  flocked  “Millions  of  Ukrainians  are  their reputation by staying.  to  cover  the  cost  of  exiting
            Putin’s war in Ukraine.      to  buy  plants  and  gardening  forced to flee the bombs and                          investments in Russia, while
                                                                      shooting,  (and)  people  are  It is a painful choice for com-  rival BP said it’s taking $25.5
                                                                      dying,”  Ukrainian  activist  panies based in countries like  billion  in  pretax  charges  to
                                                                      Natalia Panchenko said at the  France  and  Italy,  which  do  exit  its  holdings  in  Russian
                                                                      rally last weekend. “But they  extensive  business  in  Russia  energy producer Rosneft.
                                                                      keep doing business and see  and  are  keeping  their  sights
                                                                      no  problem  with  financing  on future trade once the war  Other  companies  are  still
                                                                      the war.”                    is over. However, many cor-  partially operating in Russia.
                                                                                                   porations  with  big  stakes  in  PepsiCo,  Nestle  and  drug-
                                                                      It  marked  the  latest  protest  Russia  have  pulled  out  and  maker  Johnson  &  Johnson
                                                                      in  Poland  over  Leroy  Mer-  are enduring the hit to their  are  still  supplying  essentials
                                                                      lin’s  decision  to  keep  oper-  bottom lines.           like  medications  and  baby
                                                                      ating  112  stores  in  Russia,                           formula while halting nones-
                                                                      even as many other Western  McDonald’s  closed  its  850  sential sales. Italian tiremaker
                                                                      companies  have  suspended  stores in Russia in March, but  Pirelli  and  Danish  brewer
                                                                      operations there. Leroy Mer-  is still paying its 62,000 em-  Carlsberg say they are oper-
                                                                      lin wouldn’t comment other  ployees. The fast-food chain  ating just enough to support
                                                                      than  to  say  it’s  not  respon-  said  it’s  losing  $55  million  their Russian workers.
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