Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
Tuesday 5 december 2023 locAl
LXXXII- 82 Aruba in December
ORANJESTAD — Every year
December dresses Aruba
in lights that shine every-
where and best expressed
by the well-known Sero
Preto or Black Hill, light
decorated houses in San
Nicolas. However Pasco or
Christmas was not always
celebrated this way on the
island. Long before the in-
troduction of electricity,
there were customs and
traditions that made the
people of Aruba looking
forward to “Pasco di Nace-
Weeks before Christmas,
Arubans began cleaning
and painting their hous-
es. An ancient custom
was also to tie three aloe
leaves with a bright red rib-
bon and hang this charm
on doors, doorways and
windows to welcome the
good spirits of peace and
harmony into each home.
Typical dishes were en-
joyed as a family: Christmas
ham, ayaca, goat stew, head, body or leaves of and for the Aruban popu- pany of a priest, Father
stuffed turkey and oliebol- Agave cocui ("green aga- Families went to the Aurora lation it’s a place for ven- Maximiliano, which came
len (a Dutch tradition). ve"), which used to be arti- Mass to demonstrate their eration where they find to see the sick man and to
They drank chuculati di pin- san and produced locally. Christian faith. It is called peace and tranquility for give him the sacred oils on
da, which is hot milk sugar Nowadays it is still being ‘Aurora’ because it is cel- their restless spirit. There are Christmas Eve before the
and mixed with grinded produced in the Venezu- ebrated at the dawn of many stories related to the elderly man passed away.
peanuts. The woman drank elan regions of Falcón and the new day. The cradle small chapel and the great Meanwhile, the Prosecu-
cream punch and the men Lara. With a taste similar to of Aruba’s Christianity is Christian faith of the native tor's Office raised two flags
had their rum or a native other agave-based liquors found at the north coast Amerindians, such as one on the flagstone on top of
alcoholic beverage made such as tequila and mez- of the island. This little cha- from 1760 mentioned in the hill to announce to the
out of agave called Cu- cal, it is known as the Te- pel, named Alto Vista, has the books of the Alto Vista inhabitants of Alto Vista
cuy. A liquor distilled from quila of the Caquetios in a lot of history that attracts Chapel referred to Antonio that something extraordi-
the fermented juices of the Venezuela. many tourists year around Gregorio, an elderly neigh- nary was happening and
bor of the place, very de- people began to arrive
vout but at that time seri- from all sides for the occa-
ously ill, who before upon sion.
dying wanted to receive
the holy sacrament given The priest greeted every-
by catholic priest. one with great cordial-
ity, speaking of the im-
Antonio's wish seemed very portance of confession to
difficult to fulfill since at that receive the Holy Eucharist
time there was no priest (Communion). At mid-
in Alto Vista. Neighbors, night, Father Maximiliano
friends and relatives of gave his first mass "Misa di
Antonio gathered to pray Aurora".q
in the chapel. Now after
eight days of prayer, to To get to know a little more
everyone's surprise arrived regarding Aruba’s and its
an old Alto Vista neighbor cultural origins, etc. we
who was returning from the highly recommend you to
mainland, Venezuela and book your participation in
was coming in the com- our cultural encounter ses-
sion. A mind opening rev-
elation and entertaining is-
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