Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210503
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A28 u.s. news
Dialuna 3 Mei 2021
US to launch trade talks on COVID-19 vaccine distribution
populations. Sullivan said the administra- tion is "morally objection-
tion believes pharmaceutical able."
The U.S. has been criticized companies "should be sup-
for focusing first on vaccinat- plying at scale and at cost to Sanders said that, when mil-
ing Americans, particularly as the entire world so that there lions of lives are at stake, the
its vaccine supply begins to is no barrier to everyone get- drug companies must be told
outpace demand and doses ting vaccinated." to "allow other countries to
approved for use elsewhere have these intellectual prop-
in the world but not in the Klain said the U.S. has sent erty rights so that they can
U.S. sit idle. India enough of the raw ma- produce the vaccines that are
terials it needs to make 20 desperately needed in poor
U.S. Trade Representative million vaccine doses im- countries."
Katherine Tai will be starting mediately. India is battling a
talks with the trade organiza- deadly new surge in corona- "There is something mor-
tion "on how we can get this virus infections and deaths. ally objectionable about rich
vaccine more widely distrib- countries being able to get
(AP) — The U.S. top trade Sunday. uted, more widely licensed, Tai's office did not respond that vaccine, and yet millions
negotiator will begin talks more widely shared," said Sunday to an emailed request and billions of people in poor
with the World Trade Or- The White House has been White House chief of staff for additional detail after countries are unable to afford
ganization on ways to under pressure from law- Ron Klain. Klain's and Sullivan's com- it," Sanders said.
overcome intellectual makers at home and govern- ments.
property issues that are ments abroad to join an effort Klain and national security Klain appeared on CBS'
keeping critically needed to waive patent rules for the adviser Jake Sullivan said Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., "Face the Nation," Sullivan
COVID-19 vaccines from vaccines so that poorer coun- the administration will have who is among a group of on ABC's "This Week" and
being more widely dis- tries can begin to produce more to say on the matter in Democratic senators who are Sanders on NBC's "Meet the
tributed worldwide, two their own generic versions the coming days. pressuring the White House Press."
White House officials said of the shots to vaccinate their on the issue, said the situa-
Asian Americans see generational split on confronting racism
(AP) — The fatal shoot- since the coronavirus pan- actly what we do.'" it divides them from other
ings of eight people — six demic began, community "Just don't stir the pot, don't groups."
of them women of Asian leaders say. get involved," said Wong, Allison Wang's parents
descent — at Georgia mas- chairwoman of the Nation- were similarly inclined and The younger generation is
sage businesses in March "In our original countries, al Association of Chinese thought she was wasting her also coming of age during
propelled Claire Xu into where our ancestors came Americans. "I think that was time protesting the shoot- a period of renewed racial
action. from, they wouldn't even the mentality of the older ings. awareness — reflected in
imagine that someone from generation." last year's Black Lives Mat-
Within days, she helped or- Bangladesh would be lumped For Raymond Tran's fam- ter protests — that makes it
ganize a rally condemning in the same group as some- Some young Asian Ameri- ily, the political history of impossible for Asians in the
violence against Asian Amer- one from Laos," said Angela cans said they were frustrated one of their home countries U.S. to "fly under the racial
icans that drew support from Hsu, president of the Geor- by family members' reactions played a role in opposing his radar anymore," said Nita-
a broad group of activists, gia Asian Pacific American to the shootings. involvement in any organiza- sha Tamar Sharma, director
elected officials and commu- Bar Association. tions. The attorney raised in of the Asian American Stud-
nity members. But her par- E. Lim said it was "infuriat- Los Angeles said that when ies program at Northwestern
ents objected. But those differences ob- ing and really sad" to hear her he was growing up, his par- University.
scure a shared experience of parents cast aspersions on the ents told him about an uncle
"'We don't want you to do "feeling like we're constantly massage work done by some imprisoned and tortured by In addition to holding rallies
this,'" Xu, 31, recalled their thought of as being foreign in of the Georgia shooting vic- Vietnamese communists af- and vigils across the country
telling her afterward. "'You our own country," said U.S. tims. ter joining a student group. in the wake of the Georgia
can write about stuff, but Rep. Andy Kim, of New Jer- shootings, young organizers
don't get your face out there.'" sey. "It's almost like this despera- Racist polices in the U.S. have shared stories of rac-
tion for denial so that they strictly limited immigrants ist encounters and used the
The shootings and other re- Much of the recent violence don't have to recognize that from Asia until the 1960s, hashtag #StopAsianHate to
cent attacks on Asian Ameri- against Asian Americans has there is a world that hates so many Asian families have raise awareness about the
cans have exposed a genera- targeted the elderly, and some them," said Lim, organizing been in the country for only dangers Asian Americans
tional divide in the commu- seniors have attended rallies and civic engagement direc- a generation or two. It's not face.
nity. Many young activists say to condemn it. But Cora Mc- tor for Asian Americans Ad- unusual for new immigrants
their parents and other elders Donnell, 79, said she did not vancing Justice-Atlanta. to focus on providing for "In America, we are all one,"
are saddened by the violence want to speak out, though their families, avoiding atten- said Hsu, the bar association
but question the value of she is now scared to walk to A pastor in the Atlanta area, tion in favor of assimilation. president. "We are viewed in
protests or worry about their the church blocks from her Tae Chin, said his Korean a similar way."
consequences. They've also Seattle home. mother-in-law also ques- Asian immigrants face the
found the older generations tioned the victims' line of added burden of the "model
tend to identify more closely She emigrated to the U.S. work while urging him not minority" stereotype that
with their ethnic groups — from the Philippines in 1985 to focus on race. Four of the portrays them as industri-
Chinese or Vietnamese, for and said her culture was slain women were of Korean ous, law-abiding and uncom-
example — and appear reluc- "more respectful." descent. plaining, and ascribes their
tant to acknowledge racism. achievements to those traits,
"You talk maybe in your fam- "'Just work hard. Just live. historians and advocates say.
That divide makes it harder ily, but not really publicly," Just be a good person, and
to forge a collective Asian she said. "You don't really they'll see someday,'" Chin, "It divides generations," said
American constituency that blurt out things." 41, recalled her saying on a Maki Hsieh, CEO of the
can wield political power and phone call after the March 16 Asian Hall of Fame, a pro-
draw attention to the wave Lani Wong, 73, said she un- attack. "I'm like, 'That's why gram that honors Asian lead-
of assaults against people of derstood that feeling, though we have this problem to be- ers. "It divides Asians from
Asian descent in the U.S. she does not adhere to it. gin with, because that's ex- each other, and ultimately