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A30    world news
                         Dialuna 3 Mei 2021

                                      Over 90 German police injured in May Day riots

                                                                      lies  took  place  in  the  Ger-  throwing  of  bottles  and  scattered  violence,  with  riot
                                                                      man capital on Saturday and  rocks, the burning barricades  officers  targeted  by  small
                                                                      the  vast  majority  of  them  on  the  streets  and  especially  groups of violent demonstra-
                                                                      were  peaceful.  However,  a  the violence toward police.  tors  who  tossed  projectiles
                                                                      leftist march of 8,000 people                             and  trash  bins.  Police  made
                                                                      through the city's Neukoelln  "The high number of injured  56  arrests  —  46  of  them  in
                                                                      and  Kreuzberg  neighbor-    officer  leaves  me  stunned.  I  Paris,  the  Interior  Ministry
                                                                      hood, which has seen clashes  wish  all  of  those  who  were  said  Sunday.  It  said  six  offi-
                                                                      in  past  decades,  turned  vio-  injured in the line of duty a  cers  suffered  injuries,  three
                                                                      lent. Protesters threw bottles  quick recovery," he said.  of them in Paris.
                                                                      and  rocks  at  officers,  and
                                                                      burned  garbage  cans  and  There's  a  nightly  curfew  in  The  CGT  labor  union  that
                                                                      wooden pallets in the streets.  most  parts  of  Germany  be-  organized  the  main  Paris
                                                                                                   cause of the high number of  march  said  violent  dem-
                                                                      "Violence against police offi-  coronavirus  infections,  but  onstrators  also  targeted  its
                                                                      cers  and  a  blind,  destructive  political  protests  and  reli-  marchers  at  the  end  of  the
                                                                      rage  has  nothing  to  do  with  gious  gatherings  are  exempt  rally,  showering  them  with
            (AP) — At least 93 police  turned  violent,  the  city's  political protest," Berlin state  from the curfew.        projectiles,  blows  and  ho-
            officers  were  injured  and  top  security  official  said  interior  minister  Andreas                            mophobic,  sexist  and  racist
            354  protesters  were  de-   Sunday.                      Geisel said.                 In France, May Day marches  insults. The union said 21 of
            tained  after  traditional                                                             in Paris and the southern city  its participants were injured,
            May Day rallies in Berlin  More  than  20  different  ral-  Geisel   condemned    the  of Lyon were also marred by  four seriously.

                              UK rushes to increase aid to India's health care system

            (AP)  —  Britain  rushed  Narendra Modi, on Tuesday  Britain,  where  1.4  million
            to increase aid for India's  to  discuss  further  coopera-  people have Indian roots.
            teetering  health  care  sys-  tion between the two coun-
            tem  on  Sunday,  promis-    tries,  the  U.K.  government  "The terrible images we have
            ing  more  ventilators  and  said in statement.           seen in India in recent weeks
            expert  advice  as  doctors                               are all the more powerful be-
            grapple  with  a  surge  in  India  recorded  392,488  new  cause of the close and endur-
            coronavirus      infections  infections, down from a high  ing  connection  between  the
            that is killing thousands of  of more than 400,000 in the  people  of  the  U.K.  and  In-
            people a day.                previous  24  hours.  It  also  dia,'' Johnson said.
                                         reported  3,689  deaths,  rais-
            The U.K. government said it  ing  overall  virus  fatalities  to  "I  am  deeply  moved  by  the
            will send an additional 1,000  215,542. Experts believe both  surge  of  support  the  Brit-
            ventilators  to  India.  In  ad-  figures are undercounts.  ish  people  have  provided  to
            dition,  England's  National                              the  people  of  India  and  am
            Health  Service,  which  has  The  new  round  of  govern-  pleased the U.K. government
            battled one of the worst CO-  ment  aid  comes  in  addition  has been able to play our part
            VID-19 outbreaks in Europe,  to the 200 ventilators, 495 ox-  in providing life-saving assis-  miles) on stationary bikes —  pounds  to  buy  oxygen  con-
            is creating an advisory group  ygen concentrators and three  tance."                   roughly  the  distance  from  centrators, which extract ox-
            to share its expertise with In-  oxygen  generation  units  the                        London  to  Delhi  —  in  48  ygen from the air. Sikh group
            dian authorities.            U.K.  said  it  was  sending  to  At  the  U.K.'s  largest  Hindu  hours.              Khalsa  Aid  raised  money
                                         India last week.             temple,  volunteers  are  try-                            to  buy  200  boxes  of  oxygen
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-                             ing  to  raise  500,000  pounds  The  British  Asian  Trust,  a  concentrators that Virgin At-
            son  plans  a  video  meeting  Private fundraising efforts are  ($690,000)  by  racking  up  charity  founded  by  Prince  lantic  flew  to  Delhi  free  of
            with  his  Indian  counterpart,  also taking place throughout  7,600   kilometers   (4,722  Charles,  raised  1.5  million  charge on Saturday.

                          Two arrested after trespassing near Prince Andrew's home

            (AP)  —  Police  have  ar-   receiving a report of tres-  Britain's  Prince  Andrew,  Queen Elizabeth II.           was  having  lunch  with  the
            rested  two  people  after  passers  near  the  home  of  the  second-oldest  son  of                               monarch's son.
                                                                                                   Thames  Valley  Police  said
                                                                                                   a  29-year-old  woman  and  a  The woman managed to get
                                                                                                   31-year-old  man,  both  from  into  the  home,  but  was  de-
                                                                                                   London,  were  arrested  after  tained after asking a member
                                                                                                   a  report  of  intruders  on  the  of  staff  where  Andrew  was
                                                                                                   grounds  of  the Royal  Lodge  and  saying  that  she  was  his
                                                                                                   in  Windsor  Great  Park  on  fiancée,  the  newspaper  said.
                                                                                                   April  25.  Police  said  there  Thames Valley Police said the
                                                                                                   was no risk to anyone at the  woman  was  detained  under
                                                                                                   lodge, Andrew's official resi-  the Mental Health Act.
                                                                                                                                Andrew  shares  the  home
                                                                                                   Police were also called to the  with his former wife, Sarah,
                                                                                                   Royal Lodge on April 19.     the Duchess of York.

                                                                                                   The Sun newspaper reported  Andrew, 61, has largely kept
                                                                                                   that  during  the  earlier  inci-  out  of  the  public  eye  since
                                                                                                   dent,  a  43-year-old  woman  2019  amid  controversy  over
                                                                                                   spent  20  minutes  on  the  his  friendship  with  the  late
                                                                                                   grounds  of  the  lodge  after  American  convicted  sex  of-
                                                                                                   telling  security  guards  she  fender Jeffrey Epstein.
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