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Diaranson, 13 September 2023 AWEMainta HEALTH 33
Understanding the
Body’s Response to Stress
STRESS is an inherent part of human life, and compre- tion and the immune system towards muscles and the brain,
hending how it operates within the body is pivotal for enhancing physical and cognitive abilities. Senses become
managing its impact. When we encounter a stressor, our sharper, and the body is temporarily prepared for rapid
brain kicks off a series of intricate processes designed to responses.
help us cope. First, the brain detects the stressor through
the amygdala, our emotional center, and signals the hypo- However, chronic stress, where the body remains in this
thalamus, setting off a cascade of events. This leads to the heightened state for extended periods, can be detrimental
release of stress hormones, primarily cortisol and adrena- to our health. It can contribute to conditions such as high
line, from the adrenal glands, which prepare our body for blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and other
action. health issues.
Managing stress effectively through techniques like mind-
Cortisol and adrenaline trigger various physical responses. fulness, meditation, and exercise is crucial for restoring the
Adrenaline heightens our heart rate and increases blood body’s equilibrium and protecting long-term well-being.
pressure, while cortisol boosts glucose levels in the blood- Understanding the body’s response to stress empowers
stream, providing an immediate energy surge. Blood flow individuals to take proactive steps toward a healthier and
is redirected away from non-essential functions like diges- more balanced life.