Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20220402
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obituArio/u.s. news                                  Diasabra 2 aPriL 2022

                                                              COVID-19 asylum limits at US-Mexico border to

                                                                                                 end May 23

                                                                                                             only increased impatience with the government’s
                                                                                                             reliance  on  health-related  authorities  meant  to
                                                                                                             combat a virus that is swiftly receding.
              “Goodbyes are not forever and not the end it simply                                            The seven-week delay before the policy expires is
              means we will miss you until we meet again”                                                    meant to allow officials to step up staffing at the
                                                                                                             border. In the interim, nearly all migrants seeking
              It is with sorrow in our hearts that we announce the                                           to cross into the U.S. are expected to be turned
              passing of our beloved husband, father and brother                                             away under a health authority that U.S. officials
                                                                                                             acknowledge is “no longer necessary.”

                                                                                                             U.S.  officials  said  Friday  they  had  been  prepar-
                                                                                                             ing for months for the eventual expiration of the
                                                                                                             health-related asylum ban, including plans to vac-
                                                                                                             cinate  migrants  and  improve  health  and  safety
                                                             (AP) — The Centers for Disease Control and  conditions along the border. Yet they said they still
                                                             Prevention announced Friday that it is end-     needed until May 23 to put those plans into place.
                                                             ing a policy that limited asylum at the U.S.-   The CDC order states that the virus is no longer
                                                             Mexico border to prevent the spread of CO-      cause for turning away migrants seeking asylum in
                                                             VID-19. The government said it was already  the U.S.
                                                             making  plans  to  erect  tents  and  take  other  Republicans hinted at legal action to come. Texas
                                                             steps to prepare for an expected influx of mi-  Gov. Greg Abbott said the actions would “endan-
                                                             grants.                                         ger Texans.”
                                                             The  continued  use  of  public  health  powers  had  “The state of Texas must take even more unprec-
                                                             been widely criticized by Democrats and immigra-  edented action to keep our communities safe by
                                                             tion advocates as an excuse for the United States  using any and all constitutional powers to protect
                Willem Cornelius van Elderen                 to shirk its obligations to provide haven to people  its own territory,” he said.
                        *02-03-1938 - † 31-03-2022           fleeing  persecution.  The  policy  went  into  effect
                                                             under  President  Donald  Trump  in  March  2020.  The federal order says efforts by the Department
              Left to mourn his loss are his immediate family:  Since then, migrants trying to enter the U.S. have  of Homeland Security to provide vaccines to mi-
                                                             been expelled more than 1.7 million times.      grants at the border will step up in the next two
              Spouse:                                        The  policy,  known  as  the  Title  42  authority,  is  months. The government is currently administer-
              Diana Maria van Elderen                        named  for  a  1944  public  health  law  to  prevent  ing up to 2,000 vaccines a day at 11 locations across
                                                             communicable  disease.  The  termination  of  the  the border.
              Daughter:                                      policy takes effect May 23, to give border officials
              Luisa Fernanda Refunjol                        time to prepare. The Associated Press first report-  The decision is expected to draw more migrants
                                                             ed the change earlier this week.                to the U.S.-Mexico border. And Biden has already
              Siblings:                                                                                      dealt with several migrant surges, drawing sharp
              Jan van Elderen & family
              Corrie van Elderen & family                    The  administration’s  decision  appeared  to  be  an  criticism of his immigration policies. Even before
                                                             attempt to strike a balance in a difficult situation:  it was officially announced, more than a dozen mi-
              Brother in law:                                An immediate end to the asylum ban could have  grants excitedly ran out of their dormitory at the
              Nestor Ricaurte Echeverri and spouse Alexandra   sparked  a  rush  on  under-staffed  border  and  im-  Good Samaritan shelter in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico,
              Ocampo Ricaurte                                migration facilities. Any further delay would have  asking about it.

              Lucia Muñoz-Repiso                                New vehicles must average 40
              Valentina Ricaurte
              James de Jong                                      mpg by 2026, up from 28 mpg
              Luciana Ricaurte Morales

              Our beloved Willem will be deeply missed by his   (AP) — New vehicles sold in  ronmentalists want — and raise
              friends in Spain whom he considered his second   the U.S. will have to average  new vehicle prices in an industry
              family, Antonio Muñoz-Repiso and family. Franklin   at  least  40  miles  per  gallon  already pressed by inflation and
              Lourens and spouse Nathalie Lourens, Angeline   of gasoline in 2026, up from  supply chain issues.
              Vrolijk and the rest of his AruWood family. Olivier   about  28  mpg,  under  new                              with much of the increase com-
              de Jong and his spouse Frederique de Jong, Richard   federal rules unveiled Friday  For the current model year, stan-  ing since Russia, a major oil pro-
              Lacle and family, Raymond Croes, Casper Hese and   that undo a rollback of stan-  dards enacted under Trump re-  ducer,  invaded  Ukraine  in  late
              family, Clifton Ling and spouse Ingrid Ling, Hubert   dards  enacted  under  Presi-  quire the fleet of new vehicles to  February.  It  cost  $2.88  per  gal-
              Solagnier.                                     dent Donald Trump.              get just under 28 miles per gal-  lon just a year ago, according to
                                                                                             lon  in  real-world  driving.  The  AAA.
              Our sincere apologies if in our grief we forgot to   The  National  Highway  Traf-  new  requirements  increase  gas
              mention someone.                               fic  Safety  Administration  said  mileage by 8% per year for mod-  Gas  prices  also  have  helped  to
                                                             its  new  fuel  economy  require-  el years 2024 and 2025 and 10%  fuel inflation to a 40-year high,
              In lieu of flowers a donation towards the Aruba   ments  are  the  strongest  to  date  in the 2026 model year.  eating  up  household  budgets
              Animal Shelter will be highly appreciated, there will   and the maximum the industry                           and hitting President Joe Biden’s
              be two boxes available at the funeral home for this   can achieve over the time period.  Transportation  Secretary  Pete  approval ratings.
              generosity.                                    They  will  reduce  gasoline  con-  Buttigieg,  whose  department
                                                             sumption by more than 220 bil-  includes NHTSA, said the rules  But auto dealers say more strin-
              Condolences and sympathies are welcome on      lion gallons over the life of vehi-  also will help strengthen nation-  gent requirements drive up pric-
              Monday April 4th 2022 from 2pm to 4pm at       cles, compared with the Trump  al security by making the coun-  es and push people out of an al-
              Royal Funeral Home. Our beloved Willem will be
              cremated in close family circle.               standards.                      try less dependent on foreign oil  ready expensive new-car market.
                                                                                             and  less  vulnerable  to  volatile  NHTSA  projects  that  the  new
              We would like to inform you that after the     They’re  expected  to  decrease  gasoline prices. Gasoline nation-  rules will raise the price of a new
              cremation we are not receiving condolences at   carbon  dioxide  emissions  —  wide  has  spiked  to  an  average  vehicle  in  the  2029  model  year
              home.                                          but not as much as some envi-   of  more  than  $4.22  per  gallon,  by $1,087.
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