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A28    u.s. news
                      Diasabra 2 aPriL 2022

                         House votes to decriminalize marijuana, but Senate fate dim

                                                                      ing  their  sentences.  It  also  impact the trajectory of their  Thirty-seven states and Dis-
                                                                      authorizes a 5% tax on mari-  lives  indefinitely,”  Hoyer  trict  of  Columbia  allow  the
                                                                      juana and marijuana products  said.  “I  regret  that  there  are  medical  use  of  cannabis
                                                                      that would gradually increase  some members of our Con-   products while 18 states and
                                                                      to  8%  over  five  years.  The  gress  who  apparently  think  the  District  of  Columbia
                                                                      money  would  be  used  for  that’s  not  worthy  of  atten-  have  legalized  recreational
                                                                      grant  programs  focused  on  tion.”                      marijuana,  according  to  the
                                                                      job  training,  legal  aid,  sub-                         National Conference of State
                                                                      stance  abuse  treatment  and  “Make no mistake, yes, it is a  Legislatures.
                                                                      loans  to  help  disadvantaged  racial  justice  bill,”  said  Rep.
                                                                      small businesses get into the  Barbara Lee, D-Calif.      “If states are the laboratories
                                                                      marijuana industry.                                       of democracy, it is long past
                                                                                                   Republicans  who  opposed  time  for  the  federal  govern-
                                                                      The  Congressional  Budget  the  measure  said  marijuana  ment to recognize that legal-
                                                                      Office  estimated  that  thou-  is a gateway drug that would  ization has been a resounding
                                                                      sands  of  inmates  would  be  lead to greater use of opioids  success and that the conflict
            (AP) — Marijuana would  ers across the country.           released  earlier  than  under  and  other  dangerous  sub-  with federal law has become
            be  decriminalized  at  the                               current  law,  saving  about  stances.  They  also  said  the  untenable,”  said  the  bill’s
            federal level under legisla-  The  2020  election  showed  $800  million  over  a  10-year  pot sold today is far more po-  sponsor, Rep. Jerrold Nadler,
            tion  the  House  approved  how  broadly  accepted  mari-  period.  Overall,  the  federal  tent  than  what  was  sold  de-  D-N.Y.,  chairman  of  the
            Friday as Democrats made  juana has become, with mea-     deficit would be reduced by  cades ago, leading to greater  House Judiciary Committee.
            the case for allowing states  sures  to  legalize  recreational  nearly  $3  billion  over  the  impairment  for  those  who
            to  set  their  own  policies  pot  breezing  to  victory  in  next decade.            use it. They said decriminal-  In  the  Senate,  Democrats
            on pot.                      progressive   New    Jersey,                              ization is not the priority that  including  Majority  Leader
                                         moderate  Arizona  and  con-  Democrats  said  the  nation’s  lawmakers should be focused  Chuck  Schumer  of  New
            The  bill  is  unlikely  to  be-  servative Montana and South  federal prohibition on mari-  on  now,  with  the  war  in  York asked colleagues in early
            come law since it is expected  Dakota.                    juana  has  had  particularly  Ukraine and inflation driving  February for their input on a
            to  die  in  the  Senate.  That                           devastating   consequences  up the cost of gas, food and  marijuana  decriminalization
            would mirror what happened  The House approved the bill  for  minority  communities.  other essential items.        bill. He said after the House
            when a similar House-passed  Friday  with  a  mostly  party-  House Majority Leader Steny                           vote  that  they  were  still
            measure removing marijuana  line vote of 220-204. All but  Hoyer,  D-Md.,  cited  statis-  “Yet the priority of this Con-  working on crafting the legis-
            from  the  list  of  federally-  two voting Democrats backed  tics that showed Black Amer-  gress now turns to expanding  lation, but he hoped it would
            controlled  substances  went  the measure, while only three  icans  were  four  times  more  access to addictive, behavior-  be introduced “very soon.”
            nowhere  in  the  Senate  two  Republicans did.           likely  than  white  Americans  altering  recreational  drugs
            years ago.                                                to  be  arrested  for  marijuana  at  a  time  when  our  coun-  “Of course, we will need Re-
            Still, Friday’s vote gave law-  The  measure  would  require  possession, even though they  try  is  also  experiencing  in-  publicans  to  pass  a  legaliza-
            makers  the  chance  to  state  federal  courts  to  expunge  use it at similar rates.  creased addiction, depression  tion bill in the Senate, and we
            their  view  on  a  decriminal-  prior  marijuana  convictions                         and  suicide,”  said  Rep.  Bob  will  be  working  hard  to  try
            ization  push  that  appears  to  and  conduct  resentencing  “Those criminal records can  Good, R-Va.              and get them,” Schumer said.
            have broad support with vot-  hearings  for  those  complet-  haunt  people  of  color  and

                              Iowa court upholds gender identity discrimination case

            (AP) — The Iowa Supreme  since  lawmakers  amended  spokesman Nick Crawford.           nation  based  on  the  indi-  mation surgery.
            Court  on  Friday  upheld  the Iowa Civil Rights Act in                                vidual’s male or female ana-
            much  of  a  2019  jury  ver-  2007 to bar discrimination on  The  court  determined  that  tomical characteristics  at the  While  the  court  on  Friday
            dict  that  found  the  state  the  basis  of  gender  identity  the  amended  act  added  sex-  time of birth (the definition  upheld that verdict, damages
            discriminated  against  a  and sexual orientation.        ual  orientation  and  gender  of `sex’). An employer could  award and payment of more
            transgender  state  prison                                identity  to  the  list  of  pro-  discriminate  against  trans-  than  $348,000  in  attorney
            employee by denying him  Vroegh, who filed the lawsuit  tected  characteristics,  which  gender  individuals  without  fees,  it  denied  Vroegh’s  at-
            the use of men’s restrooms  in 2017, said the victory was a  allowed the jury to consider  even knowing the sex of the  tempt to pursue a case against
            and locker rooms, but the  long time coming.              gender  identity  discrimina-  individuals  adversely  affect-  the state’s insurer, Wellmark
            court dismissed a portion                                 tion  in  Vroegh’s  case.  The  ed,” the court said,      Blue Cross and Blue Shield,
            of  the  case  that  centered  “I’m  so  happy  that  my  state  court,  however  found  the                        for denial of coverage for sur-
            on sex discrimination.       Supreme  Court  has  recog-  sex  discrimination  allegation  In February 2019 a jury found  gery that  was recommended
                                         nized that transgender people  should not have been before  that the Corrections Depart-  by  Vroegh’s  doctors  to  treat
            The  ruling  means  Jesse  like me should be treated the  the jury.                    ment  discriminated  against  gender  dysphoria.  Wellmark
            Vroegh, a former nurse at the  same  as  everyone  else  and                           Vroegh  and  the  state  execu-  said its plan did not cover any
            state’s  Mitchellville  prison  that if a doctor says I should  The  high  court  explained  tive branch further discrimi-  gender confirmation surgery.
            for women, has won his dis-  receive  medical  treatment  I  that it has previously separat-  nated against him by offering  That  benefit  was  later  cov-
            crimination lawsuit based on  get  the  treatment,”  he  said.  ed sex from gender with sex  medical  benefits  that  would  ered for state employees be-
            gender identity and the jury’s  “It is important for all people  meaning whether one is male  not cover his gender confir-  ginning in 2017.
            $120,000 damages verdict for  to be treated with dignity and  or  female  and  gender  relat-
            emotional distress.          respect.”                    ing to behavior, feelings and
                                                                      thoughts  that  do  not  always
            The  decision  in  which  the  An Iowa Department of Cor-  correlate to one’s physiologi-
            full court recognized gender  rections spokesman said in a  cal status.
            identity  discrimination  for  statement that a new agency
            transgender  workers  under  director  and  prison  warden  Vroegh claimed that discrim-
            state civil rights law is a sig-  are in place since this case oc-  ination based on sex included
            nificant LGBTQ victory.      curred.                      discrimination based on gen-
                                                                      der identity. The court reject-
            American  Civil  Liberties  “The  DOC  does  everything  ed that argument.
            Union of Iowa lawyer Melis-  it can to create a safe and ac-
            sa Hasso has said the lawsuit  commodating  environment  “Discrimination based on an
            was the first related to trans-  for  all  its  employees,”  said  individual’s  gender  identity
            gender rights that’s been filed  the  statement  provided  by  does not equate to discrimi-
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