Page 28 - BONDIA ARUBA JAN 17 2022
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Dialuna 17 Januari 2022
MLK III: History to remember Sinema unkindly over filibuster
lation. the name of election security. The
legislation also would reduce the
Sinema poured cold water that idea influence of big money in politics
Thursday, making clear in a dramatic and limit partisan influence over the
speech on the Senate floor that while drawing of congressional districts.
she supports the voting rights legis- It also includes the John Lewis Voting
lation, she would not alter filibuster Rights Advancement Act, a bill that
rules so it could move forward. The would strengthen civil rights-era vot-
filibuster, she said, forces bipartisan ing law and honor the legacy of the
cooperation. Otherwise, Republicans late Georgia congressman.
could just repeal and replace when-
ever they rise to power. Supporters had hoped legislation
would advance by Monday’s MLK
“We must address the disease itself, holiday. Still encouraged, King urged
the disease of division, to protect our people to take action like sign peti-
democracy,” said Sinema, drawing tions or call their senators. The holi-
disappointment from fellow Demo- day is “not a traditional celebration
crats. where you kick back, eat barbeque
and just relax,” he said. “This is about
Sinema was jeered by some of the working.”
(AP) — Martin Luther King tance of “no celebration without leg- hundreds of people attending Sat-
III came to Arizona with harsh islation.” urday’s rally after the Rev. Warren The Rev. Jesse Jackson, having
words for Democratic Sen. Stewart, a prominent Black clergy worked closely as a young man with
Kyrsten Sinema, whose refusal to “Our daughter has less rights around member and activist, said she was Martin Luther King Jr., said Friday
change the Senate’s Jim Crow- voting than she had when she was among “those ... who would hide be- that he was worried about the current
era filibuster rules makes voting born,” King said in an interview. “I hind procedure.” lack of political consensus on voting
rights legislation unlikely to pass. can’t imagine what my mother and rights. Previously, Republicans and
father would say about that. I’m sure The rally was held at Eastlake Park, Democrats in Washington have voted
King told a crowd campaigning to they’re turning over and over in their which for decades during segregation to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act
protect voting rights that Sinema can- graves about this.” was a gathering place for Blacks not of 1965, with both parties recogniz-
not simultaneously express support welcome in other parts of the city. ing the historic nature of the legisla-
for the legislation while also blocking Arizona is one of 19 states that have tion.
their approval. passed more than 30 state voting laws The plea from the King family brings
in the last year — including a ban on an especially powerful voice to an in- “The right to vote was the crown jew-
“History will remember Sen. Sinema, giving water to voters in long lines, creasingly tense campaign to pressure el of the civil rights struggle,” Jackson
I believe unkindly, for her position on and stricter ballot signature require- Sinema to change her mind. Progres- said in a phone interview, adding that
the filibuster,” the civil rights leader’s ments — that King called “draconi- sive groups have installed billboards “we’re in a desperate situation.”
eldest son said as the nation prepares an.” They make it harder for people and aired television ads, and activists
to mark the birthday of the Rev. Mar- to vote, especially people of color, he even harassed Sinema in a bathroom Ultimately, he agrees with members
tin Luther King Jr. said. at Arizona State University and a of the King family who are pushing
friend’s wedding where the senator for MLK Day celebrations to take a
With his wife Arndrea Waters King; Another reason the family chose to officiated. different tone until Congress acts on
and their daughter Yolanda Renee appear in Arizona is to send a mes- the voting rights bills.
King, 13, the family joined a march sage to Sinema. President Joe Biden Congressional Democrats have writ-
in Phoenix with local activists and had implored her and Sen. Joe Man- ten voting legislation that would “There’s no time to celebrate,” Jack-
supporters from Pilgrim Rest Bap- chin, a Democrat from West Virginia, usher in the biggest overhaul of U.S. son said. “It’s time to demonstrate,
tist Church, a predominantly Black to end the filibuster rules that require elections in a generation by striking march in big numbers. We cannot
church, and spoke about the impor- 60 of 100 senators to pass most legis- down hurdles to voting enacted in just be silent observers in this fight.”
University of Michigan removes Schlissel as school president
(AP) — Mark Schlissel has received an anonymous com- The employee wrote in a July Schlissel had a base salary interim president. Schlissel’s
been removed as presi- plaint regarding an alleged 1, 2021, exchange that her of $927,000 a year. He an- removal and Coleman’s ap-
dent of the University of sexual affair between you “heart hurts,” according to nounced last October that pointment will be affirmed
Michigan due to an al- and a subordinate,” the board the board, which said Schlis- he would step down in June during the board’s Feb. 17
leged “inappropriate rela- wrote in its letter to Schlissel sel responded: “I know. mine 2023, a year before his con- formal session.
tionship with a university informing him of his remov- too.” He continued: ”This is tract was to expire.
employee,” the school said al. “An investigation has re- my fault” and that he was “in Schlissel succeeded Cole-
Saturday on its website. vealed that your interactions pain too.” Former University of Michi- man as president in January
with the subordinate were gan President Mary Sue 2014. He had been provost at
The removal was effective inconsistent with promoting The board also wrote that on Coleman has been appointed Brown University.
“immediately,” the Universi- the dignity and reputation of Jan. 9, 2021, the subordinate
ty of Michigan Board of Re- the University of Michigan.” employee said, “Oh yes!” in
gents said, adding that mem- an email to Schlissel. His re-
bers learned on Dec. 8, 2021, The Associated Press sent sponse was “love it when you
about the relationship from an email Saturday night to say that.”
an anonymous complaint Schlissel’s university email to
and that an investigation re- seek his comment, but it was Copies of emails with the re-
vealed that “over the years,” not clear if he had access to cipient’s name redacted were
Schlissel used his university the inbox anymore. included in Saturday’s an-
email account to “communi- nouncement on the school’s
cate with that subordinate in The letter from the board website. One dated Jan. 12
a manner inconsistent with dated Saturday included ex- was about an August 2019
the dignity and reputation of cerpts of emails exchanged article from The New Yorker
the university.” between Schlissel and the titled “Sexual Fantasies of Ev-
employee. eryday New Yorkers.”
“As you know, the Regents