Page 29 - BONDIA ARUBA JAN 17 2022
P. 29

                                                                                                                           Dialuna 17 Januari 2022

                        Pacific tsunami threat recedes, volcano ash hinders response

            (AP)  —  The  tsunami  nificant damage to boats and
            threat  around  the  Pacific  shops along the Tongan coast-
            from a huge undersea vol-    line. The capital, Nuku’alofa,
            canic  eruption  receded  was  covered  in  a  thick  film
            Sunday,  but  the  massive  of volcanic dust, Ardern said,
            ash  cloud  covering  the  contaminating water supplies
            tiny island nation of Ton-   and making fresh water a vi-
            ga prevented surveillance  tal need.
            flights  from  New  Zea-
            land to assess the extent of  Aid  agencies  said  thick  ash
            damage.                      and  smoke  had  prompted
                                         authorities  to  ask  people  to
            Satellite  images  showed  the  wear masks and drink bottled
            spectacular  eruption  Satur-  water.
            day evening, with a plume of
            ash, steam and gas rising like  In  a  video  posted  on  Face-
            a mushroom above the blue  book,  Nightingale  Filihia
            Pacific waters. A sonic boom  was sheltering at her family’s
            could be heard as far away as  home from a rain of volcanic
            Alaska.                      ash  and  tiny  pieces  of  rock
                                         that  turned  the  sky  pitch
            In  Tonga  it  sent  tsunami  black.
            waves  crashing  across  the
            shore and people rushing to  “It’s really bad. They told us                            than earthquakes are relative-  cano eruption, sounds pretty
            higher ground.               to stay indoors and cover our  Dave  Snider,  the  tsunami  ly rare.                   violent,” he wrote, adding in
                                         doors  and  windows  because  warning  coordinator  for  the                           a later post: “Raining ash and
            The eruption cut the internet  it’s  dangerous,”  she  said.  National  Tsunami  Warning  Rachel  Afeaki-Taumoepeau,  tiny  pebbles,  darkness  blan-
            to Tonga, leaving friends and  “I  felt  sorry  for  the  people.  Center  in  Palmer,  Alaska,  who chairs the New Zealand  keting the sky.”
            family  members  around  the  Everyone  just  froze  when  said  it  was  very  unusual  for  Tonga Business Council, said
            world anxiously trying to get  the  explosion  happened.  We  a  volcanic  eruption  to  affect  she hoped the relatively low  The explosion of the Hunga
            in touch to figure out if there  rushed  home.”  Outside  the  an  entire  ocean  basin,  and  level  of  the  tsunami  waves  Tonga  Hunga  Ha’apai  vol-
            were any injuries. Even gov-  house, people were seen car-  the spectacle was both “hum-  would  have  allowed  most  cano, about 64 kilometers (40
            ernment  websites  and  other  rying  umbrellas  for  protec-  bling and scary.”       people  to  get  to  safety,  al-  miles)  north  of  Nuku’alofa,
            official  sources  remained  tion.                                                     though  she  worried  about  was  the  latest  in  a  series  of
            without  updates  on  Sunday                              The  tsunami  waves  caused  those living on islands closest  dramatic  eruptions.  In  late
            afternoon.                   Ardern  said  New  Zealand  damage  to  boats  as  far  away  to the volcano. She said she  2014  and  early  2015,  erup-
                                         was  unable  to  send  a  sur-  as  New  Zealand  and  Santa  hadn’t yet been able to con-  tions created a small new is-
            New  Zealand  Prime  Minis-  veillance  flight  over  Tonga  Cruz, California, but did not  tact her friends and family in  land  and  disrupted  interna-
            ter Jacinda Ardern said there  on  Sunday  because  the  ash  appear  to  cause  any  wide-  Tonga.                 tional air travel to the Pacific
            had not yet been any official  cloud was 63,000 feet (19,000  spread  damage.  Snider  said                         archipelago for several days.
            reports  of  injuries  or  deaths  meters) high but they hoped  he  anticipated  the  tsunami  “We  are  praying  that  the
            in Tonga, but cautioned that  to try again on Monday, fol-  situation  in  the  U.S.  and  damage is just to infrastruc-  Earth imaging company Plan-
            authorities  hadn’t  yet  made  lowed  by  supply  planes  and  elsewhere  to  continue  im-  ture and people were able to  et Labs PBC had watched the
            contact with some coastal ar-  navy ships.                proving.                     get to higher land,” she said.  island  in  recent  days  after
            eas and smaller islands.                                                                                            a  new  volcanic  vent  began
                                         One  complicating  factor  to  Tsunami advisories were ear-  U.S. Secretary of State Anto-  erupting  in  late  December.
            “Communication  with  Ton-   any  international  aid  effort  lier issued for Japan, Hawaii,  ny Blinken wrote on Twitter  Satellite images showed how
            ga remains very limited. And  is that Tonga has so far man-  Alaska  and  the  U.S.  Pacific  he  is  “deeply  concerned  for  drastically  the  volcano  had
            I know that is causing a huge  aged  to  avoid  any  outbreaks  coast.  The  U.S.  Geological  the  people  of  Tonga  as  they  shaped  the  area,  creating  a
            amount  of  anxiety  for  the  of  COVID-19.  Ardern  said  Survey  estimated  the  erup-  recover  from  the  aftermath  growing island off Tonga.
            Tongan  community  here,”  New Zealand’s military staff  tion caused the equivalent of  of  a  volcanic  eruption  and
            Ardern said.                 were all fully vaccinated and  a magnitude 5.8 earthquake.  tsunami.  The  United  States  “The  surface  area  of  the  is-
                                         willing  to  follow  any  proto-  Scientists said tsunamis gen-  stands  prepared  to  provide  land  appears  to  have  ex-
            She said there had been sig-  cols established by Tonga.  erated  by  volcanoes  rather  support to our Pacific neigh-  panded by nearly 45% due to
                                                                                                   bors.”                       ashfall,” Planet Labs said days
                                                                                                                                before the latest activity.
                                                                                                   Tonga gets its internet via an
                                                                                                   undersea  cable  from  Suva,  Following  Saturday’s  erup-
                                                                                                   Fiji. All internet connectivity  tion,  residents  in  Hawaii,
                                                                                                   with Tonga was lost at about  Alaska  and  along  the  U.S.
                                                                                                   6:40 p.m. local time Saturday,  Pacific coast were advised to
                                                                                                   said  Doug  Madory,  director  move  away  from  the  coast-
                                                                                                   of  internet  analysis  for  the  line to higher ground.
                                                                                                   network  intelligence  firm
                                                                                                   Kentik.                      Savannah  Peterson  watched
                                                                                                                                in  shock  as  the  water  rose
                                                                                                   On  Tonga,  which  is  home  several  feet  in  a  matter  of
                                                                                                   to  about  105,000  people,  minutes  in  front  of  her
                                                                                                   video posted to social media  oceanfront house in Pacifica,
                                                                                                   showed large waves washing  California, just south of San
                                                                                                   ashore  in  coastal  areas  and  Francisco.
                                                                                                   swirling  around  homes,  a
                                                                                                   church  and  other  buildings.  “It  came  up  so  fast,  and  a
                                                                                                   A  Twitter  user  identified  as  few minutes after that it was
                                                                                                   Dr.  Faka’iloatonga  Taumoe-  down  again.  It  was  nuts  to
                                                                                                   folau  posted  video  showing  see  that  happen  so  quickly,”
                                                                                                   waves crashing ashore.       she said. “I’ve never had wa-
                                                                                                                                ter come all the way up to my
                                                                                                   “Can  literally  hear  the  vol-  front door, and today it did.”
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