Page 30 - BONDIA ARUBA JAN 17 2022
P. 30

A30   world news
                    Dialuna 17 Januari 2022

                            French far-left presidential hopeful woos voters with jobs

                                                                      all,  or  identifying  the  scents  tion.                 April.
                                                                      --  some  described  fruity  or
                                                                      marine  aromas,  others  re-  While  other  candidates  are  He  was  the  strongest-per-
                                                                      portedly smelled gasoline —  railing  against  migration,  forming  left-wing  candidate
                                                                      or  their  connection  to  what  Melenchon said migrants are  in  2017,  winning  19.6%  of
                                                                      Melenchon was saying.        “welcome” in France, calling  the vote, but came in fourth.
                                                                                                   immigration the “No. 1 fac-  This  time  there  are  six  left-
                                                                      The event came as the once-  tor” in human progress.      wing candidates vying for the
                                                                      powerful French left wing is                              April 10 first-round vote, and
                                                                      deeply  fractured  and  strug-  He also proudly called Rus-  polls suggest none will make
                                                                      gling to make its voice heard  sia a “partner,” even as Euro-  the  likely  runoff  of  the  top
                                                                      in a campaign where far-right  pean governments are scram-  two vote-getters on April 24.
                                                                      and conservative figures have  bling to find ways to avert a
                                                                      grabbed most of the attention  possible  Russian  invasion  of  Many  voters  are  undecided
                                                                      so far. Melenchon — a politi-  Ukraine.                   and  the  field  of  candidates
                                                                      cal firebrand with a notorious                            is still shifting. According to
                                                                      temper — refuses to form a  And he had little kindness for  pollsters, Macron’s strongest
                                                                      united front with other left-  his rivals on the left.    challengers  so  far  are  far-
                                                                      wing candidates against cen-                              right  leader  Marine  Le  Pen,
                                                                      trist  President  Emmanuel  “We  don’t  need  union.  We  who he beat in the 2017 run-
                                                                      Macron,  who’s  expected  to  need clarity and people’s mo-  off; conservative Republicans
                                                                      seek re-election.            bilization,” he said. “I’m not  candidate  Valerie  Pecresse,
                                                                                                   their friend.”               who  visited  a  migrant  camp
            (AP)  —  Far-left  French  into the exhibition hall in the  At Sunday’s rally, Melenchon                            in  Greece  this  weekend  to
            presidential     candidate  western  city  of  Nantes,  sur-  promised  to  guarantee  jobs  Melenchon has criticized the  push for stemming migration
            Jean-Luc  Melenchon  em-     rounding  participants  with  for everyone, raise the mini-  French government’s vaccine  to  Europe;  and  populist  far-
            braced migrants and Rus-     screens and speakers.        mum wage, lower the retire-  and virus rules as too restric-  right pundit Eric Zemmour,
            sia and derided campaign                                  ment age to 60 and hike taxes  tive, but his team distributed  who  has  been  repeatedly
            rivals Sunday as he sought  While the videos were pow-    on  multinationals  and  rich  masks at the entrance to Sun-  convicted of hate speech.
            to  reinvigorate  his  flag-  erful,  with  ocean  waves  and  households.  His  campaign  day’s event.
            ging campaign for April’s  starscapes  transporting  the  platform  calls  for  France  to                          Other  contenders  include
            election  with  an  unusual  crowd  as  Melenchon  talked  pull  out  of  NATO,  disobey  The  70-year-old  Melenchon  Socialist  Paris  Mayor  Anne
            “immersive  and  olfacto-    about  sea  pollution  and  the  EU  rules,  legalize  cannabis,  drew  attention  in  the  2017  Hidalgo, Greens party candi-
            ry” rally.                   dangers of wars in space, the  renationalize some business-  presidential  race  for  hold-  date  Yannick  Jadot,  and  for-
                                         aromatic  part  was  a  bit  of  a  es,  block  energy  price  rises,  ing  simultaneous  campaign  mer  justice  minister  Chris-
            Yes, olfactory: The campaign  flop. The masked crowd had  and  spend  more  on  fighting  rallies via hologram. A simi-  tiane Taubira.
            team diffused various smells  trouble  smelling  anything  at  racial  and  other  discrimina-  lar show is planned for early

                                 Mali ex-President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita dies at 76

            (AP) — Ibrahim Boubacar  takeover  following  months  his critics, saying he was even  enjoyed  broad  support  from  tering politics.
            Keita,  the  former  presi-  of  public  demonstrations  open to redoing the vote. But  former colonizer France and
            dent of Mali who took of-    against  his  presidency.  Keita  those  overtures  were  swiftly  other Western allies. In 2018,  His early posts included am-
            fice in a landmark election  had three years left in his final  rejected  by  opposition  lead-  Keita was reelected to a sec-  bassador to neighboring Ivo-
            held  after  a  destabilizing  term when mutinous soldiers  ers,  who  said  they  wouldn’t  ond term after receiving 67%  ry  Coast  and  diplomatic  ad-
            coup only to be ousted in  detained him at his residence  stop  short  of  Keita’s  depar-  of the vote.            viser to President Alpha Ou-
            another military takeover  in  August  2020  after  fir-  ture.                                                     mar Konare, who took office
            nearly  seven  years  later,  ing  shots  outside the  house.                          Born  in  1945,  Keita  hailed  in 1992. Keita then served as
            has died. He was 76.         Hours later, he appeared in a  Support  for  Keita  also  tum-  from  the  town  of  Kouti-  prime minister from 1994 to
                                         midnight  broadcast  on  state  bled  amid  criticism  of  his  ala in what is now southern  2000, and later as president of
            Keita,  known  to  Malians  by  television, telling Malians he  government’s handling of the  Mali. He studied in Bamako,  the National Assembly from
            his initials IBK, had been in  would resign immediately.  Islamic  insurgency,  which  Dakar,  Senegal,  and  Paris,  2002 to 2007.
            declining  health  since  his                             significantly  expanded  into  earning a master’s degree in
            forced resignation in August  “I wish no blood to be shed to  central  Mali  during  his  ten-  history  with  postgraduate  He  is  survived  by  his  wife,
            2020, and had sought medical  keep me in power,” Keita said  ure.  A  wave  of  particularly  studies in politics and inter-  Aminata  Maiga  Keita,  and
            treatment  in  Dubai,  United  at the time. “I have decided to  deadly  attacks  in  the  north  national relations before en-  their four children.
            Arab  Emirates,  shortly  after  step down from office.”  in  2019  prompted  the  gov-
            his  release  from  junta  cus-                           ernment  to  close  its  most
            tody.                        West  African  regional  lead-  vulnerable  outposts  as  part
                                         ers imposed tough economic  of  a  reorganization  aimed  at
            His  death  early  Sunday  —  sanctions  earlier  this  month  stemming the losses.
            announced in an alert by the  after Col. Assimi Goita, who
            state  broadcaster  ORTM  —  heads the transitional govern-  Keita also faced criticism for
            comes  as  the  sprawling  Af-  ment, indicated that the next  his  handling  of  the  political
            rican  nation  faces  a  deepen-  presidential election won’t be  crisis in the north. He signed
            ing political crisis. The coup  held until 2026, after initially  a  peace  agreement  with  for-
            leader who ousted Keita has  agreeing to an election by the  mer rebels, but it was never
            no immediate plans for a re-  end of next month.          fully implemented, prolong-
            turn to democracy as initially                            ing the instability.
            promised.                    A  protest  movement  against
                                         Keita’s  presidency  saw  tens  Back  in  2013,  Keita  had
            Keita  won  the  historic  2013  of  thousands  demonstrate  emerged from a field of more
            presidential  election  held  in the streets in the months  than two dozen candidates to
            to  restore  democracy  after  a  leading up to his overthrow.  win  Mali’s  first  democratic
            2012  coup.  But  only  seven  As  discontent  with  his  lead-  election after a 2012 coup —
            years  later  he  himself  was  ership  mounted,  Keita  had  a landslide victory with more
            ousted  by  another  military  tried to make concessions to  than 77% of the vote. He also
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