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Friday 3 March 2023
White House cybersecurity strategy stresses software safety
Continued from Front evolving and providing in-
The strategy’s data-collec- centives for companies to
tion component is also ex- use best practices in secure
pected to meet stiff head- software design and devel-
winds in Congress, though opment would benefit the
opinion polls say most entire ecosystem.”
Americans favor federal The group, whose members
data privacy legislation. include Microsoft, Adobe,
In a new report, the tech SAP, Oracle and Zoom,
data firm Forrester Research added: “We look forward
said state-sponsored cy- to working with the admin-
berattacks rose nearly 100% istration and Congress on
between 2019 and 2022 any proposed legislation to
and their nature changed, promote best practices.”
with a greater percentage Amoroso said he liked posi-
now carried out for data tive aspects of the strategy
destruction and financial such as securing clean-en-
theft. The threats are mostly ergy technologies and bol-
from abroad: Russia-based stering the cybersecurity
cybercrooks and state- work force, currently short
backed hackers from Rus- 700,000 workers nationally.
sia, China, North Korea and The document also calls
Iran. for more aggressive efforts
President Joe Biden’s ad- to pre-empt cyberattacks
ministration has already by drawing on military, law
imposed cybersecurity enforcement and diplo-
regulations on certain criti- matic tools as well as help
cal industry sectors, such as Dish Network satellite dishes are shown at an apartment complex in Palo Alto, Calif., Feb. 23, from the private sector.
electric utilities, gas pipe- 2011. The TV provider Dish Network continued to recover Wednesday, March 1, 2023, from a ran- Such offensive operations,
somware attack last week that it said disrupted operations, internet sites and call centers. It said
lines and nuclear facilities. unspecified data was stolen and it was investigating whether that included the personal informa- it says, must take place with
The strategy calls for ex- tion of customers. “greater speed, scale, and
panding them to other vital Associated Press frequency.”
sectors. Disruption of hostile cyber-
In a statement accompa- nificant burden for defend- to establish liability. cybersecurity executive, activity through “defend-
nying the document, Biden ing us all,” Walden said. The director of the Cyber- called that comparison ing forward” is already
says his administration is The White House wants to security and Infrastructure misguided because soft- happening. The FBI and
taking on the “systemic put greater responsibility on Security Agency, Jen East- ware is a different animal, U.S. Cyber Command now
challenge that too much of the software companies. erly, drew an analogy in a inherently complex with routinely engage cyber-
the responsibility for cyber- “Too many vendors ig- speech Monday at Carn- hackers constantly finding criminals and state-backed
security has fallen on indi- nore best practices for se- egie Mellon University to ways to break it. The liability hackers in cyberspace,
vidual users and small orga- cure development, ship the automotive industry initiative is apt to get tied working with foreign part-
nizations.” That will mean products with insecure before consumer advo- up in the courts as industry ners to thwart ransomware
shifting legal liability onto default configurations or cates led by Ralph Nader resists, he said. “If you are a operations and election
software makers, holding known vulnerabilities, and forced safety reforms, in- cybersecurity lawyer this is interference in 2018 and
companies rather than end integrate third-party soft- cluding seat belts and air manna from heaven.” 2020. The government has
users accountable. ware of unvetted or un- bags: “The burden of safe- Asked if it was fair to make already deemed ransom-
As a nation, “we tend to known provenance,” the ty should never fall solely software companies liable ware a national security
devolve responsibility for document says. That must upon the customer. Tech- in court for cyberattack threat and the document
cybersecurity downward. change, it adds, stating nology manufacturers must damage, the trade asso- says it will continue to use
We ask individuals, small that the White House will take ownership of the secu- ciation BSA — The Software methods such as “hacking
businesses and local gov- work with Congress and the rity outcomes for their cus- Alliance said in a statement: the hackers” to combat
ernments to shoulder a sig- private sector on legislation tomers.” But Amoroso, the “Cybersecurity is constantly it.q
Pence won't say whether he'd support Trump as 2024 nominee
By MEG KINNARD choices," Pence told The ocrat Joe Biden's victory.
Associated Press Associated Press in an in- Republicans are expect-
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. terview in South Carolina. ed to include a pledge to
(AP) — Former Vice Presi- "I'm persuaded that no one support the eventual GOP
dent Mike Pence declined could have defeated Hill- nominee among formal cri-
to say Thursday whether he ary Clinton in 2016 except teria for participation in pri-
would back Donald Trump Donald Trump, but I think mary debates.
if his former boss were to be we live in a different time Pence, on his ninth trip to
the Republican presiden- and it calls for different the early-voting state since
tial nominee in 2024. leadership." leaving office, partici-
Pence, widely expected to Pence and Trump have pated in a policing round-
seek the nomination him- been estranged since the table with officials in North
self, suggested that Trump's violent storming of the U.S. Charleston. He planned to
leadership style isn't what Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, by meet later with pastors in
Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks during a roundtable the party needs in the up- Trump's supporters in an at- Greenville and host a talk
discussion on police reform on Thursday, March 2, 2023, in North coming White House race. tempt to stop the congres- about his latest book at
Charleston, S.C.
Associated Press "I think we'll have better sional certification of Dem- Bob Jones University.q