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A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 14 OctOber 2022
Jury reaches decision on sentence of Parkland school shooter
FORT LAUDERDALE, ing. his ease in reloading helps
Fla. (AP) — A jury said show he does not have any
Thursday that it has The jury’s decision must be neurological disorders, as
reached a decision on unanimous if it intends to claimed by his attorneys.
whether to recommend recommend the death pen-
that Florida school shooter alty, and if that happens, it Lead defense attorney Melisa
Nikolas Cruz be executed will be up to Circuit Judge McNeill and her team have
for the 2018 massacre that Elizabeth Scherer to make never disputed that Cruz
killed 17 people at Park- a final decision. If all jurors committed a horrible crime,
land’s Marjory Stoneman can’t agree on recommend- but they say his birth moth-
Douglas High School. ing death, then Cruz would er’s excessive drinking dur-
get life in prison. ing pregnancy left him with
The recommendation was he has tried or knows, jurors bers and wounding 17 others fetal alcohol spectrum dis-
not immediately released and The jury of 12 people had got to examine and handle on Feb. 14, 2018. Cruz said order and put him on a path
came in the second day of de- asked late Wednesday to see the weapon in their room he chose Valentine’s Day to that led to the shooting.
liberations, 15 minutes after the AR-15-style semi-auto- — and he said a knife or ma- make it impossible for Stone-
jurors arrived and examined matic rifle, but the Broward chete is more dangerous than man Douglas students to cel- The massacre is the deadliest
the gun Cruz used. County Sheriff’s Office se- a gun without a firing pin. ebrate the holiday ever again. mass shooting that has ever
curity team objected, even Security has never been an is- The jury will determine only gone to trial in the U.S. Nine
The decision promises an though the gun has been sue, he said. if Cruz is sentenced to death other people in the U.S. who
end to a three-month trial made inoperable and Cruz’s or life without parole. For fatally shot at least 17 people
that included graphic videos, ammunition would be re- Cruz’s attorneys had no ob- Cruz to get a death sentence, died during or immediately
photos and testimony from moved from the jury room. jection to jurors seeing the the jury must be unanimous. after their attacks by suicide
the massacre and its after- gun. or police gunfire. The suspect
math, heart-wrenching tes- Lead prosecutor Mike Satz, During the prosecution’s re- in the 2019 massacre of 23 at
timony from victims’ family who has more the five de- Cruz, 24, pleaded guilty a buttal case, Satz and his team an E l Paso, Texas, Walmart is
members and a tour of the cades of experience, pointed year ago to murdering 14 stu- argued that Cruz’s smooth awaiting trial.
still blood-spattered build- out that in every murder case dents and three staff mem- movements with the gun and
Trump angrily lashes out after his deposition is ordered
limitations blocking it. reason she doesn’t know is the scope of his employment.
because it never happened,
After Trump’s statement was and she doesn’t want to get Kaplan, the judge, said Trump
released, a spokesperson for caught up with details or facts has repeatedly tried to delay
Kaplan’s firm, Kaplan Hecker that can be proven wrong.” the collection of evidence in
& Fink, said the “latest state- the lawsuit.
ment from Donald Trump Whether Trump will remain
obviously does not merit a the defendant in the origi- The judge noted that the col-
response.” nal lawsuit is a key question lection of evidence for the
because if Trump was acting lawsuit to go to trial was vir-
Trump’s legal team has tried within the scope of his du- tually concluded, except for
various legal tactics to delay ties as a federal employee, the depositions of Trump and
the lawsuit and prevent him the U.S. government would Carroll.
from being questioned by become the defendant in the
Carroll’s attorneys. But Judge case. The judge also said the depo-
Kaplan wrote that it was time sition could be useful when
to move forward, especially The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court Carroll’s lawyer next month
given the “advanced age” of of Appeals said in a split de- files the new lawsuit.
NEW YORK (AP) — For- 19. Carroll, 78, and Trump, 76, cision last month that Trump
mer President Donald and perhaps other witnesses. was a federal employee when Whether the rape occurred
Trump angrily lashed out Kaplan is presiding over he commented on Carroll’s is central to the defamation
Wednesday, calling the the case in which Carroll Carroll’s lawsuit claims that claims. But it asked another claims, as well as the antici-
nation’s legal system a said Trump raped her in the Trump damaged her reputa- court in Washington to de- pated new lawsuit, the judge
“broken disgrace” after a dressing room of a Manhat- tion in 2019 when he denied cide whether Trump’s public said.
judge ruled he must an- tan Bergdorf Goodman store raping her. Trump’s legal statements occurred during
swer questions under oath in the mid-1990s. He called team has been trying to quash
next week in a defamation the lawsuit “a complete con the lawsuit by arguing that
lawsuit lodged by a writer job.” the Republican was just do-
who says he raped her in ing his job as president when
the mid-1990s. Carroll is scheduled to be de- he denied the allegations, in-
posed on Friday. cluding when he dismissed
He also called the 2019 law- his accuser as “not my type.”
suit by E. Jean Carroll, a Roberta Kaplan, Carroll’s at-
longtime advice columnist torney, said she was pleased Trump doubled down on the
for Elle magazine, “a hoax with the judge’s ruling and comment in his statement
and a lie.” looked forward to filing new Wednesday, saying: “And,
claims next month “and while I am not supposed to
The outburst late in the day moving forward to trial with say it, I will. This woman is
came hours after U.S. Dis- all dispatch” after New York not my type! She has no idea
trict Judge Lewis A. Kaplan in state passed the Adult Survi- what day, what week, what
Manhattan rejected a request vors Act, allowing her to sue month, what year, or what
by his lawyers to delay a de- for damages for the alleged decade this so-called ‘event’
position scheduled for Oct. rape without the statute of supposedly took place. The