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A30     world news
                Diabierna 14 OctOber 2022

                                 Bomb threat leads to evacuation of Norway gas plant

            COPENHAGEN,           Den-   pened  in  international  wa-
            mark  (AP)  —  A  bomb  ters off the Baltic coastline of                                                            Norwegian broadcaster NRK
            threat  against  a  natural  both  Sweden  and  Denmark                                                             later  said  a  man,  known  for
            gas  processing  facility  in  but  within  the  countries’                                                         having  made  similar  threats
            central  Norway  forced  exclusive  economic  zone.                                                                 over  several  years,  had  been
            the  site’s  evacuation  and  The  damaged  Nord  Stream                                                            detained.  NRK  added  that
            briefly  halted  operations,  pipelines  discharged  huge                                                           ma,n who was not identified,
            police said Thursday, add-   amounts  of  methane,  a  po-                                                          previously had been convict-
            ing  later  that  the  threat  tent greenhouse gas, into the                                                        ed in several similar cases.
            wasn’t credible.             air.
                                                                                                                                Nyhamna  is  375  kilometers
            The  incident  came  amid  Gas  from  Norway’s  Ormen                                                               (233  miles)  northwest  of
            heighten security on key en-  Lange  deepwater  facility  off                                                       Oslo. It is Norway’s second-
            ergy, internet and power in-  the  coast  —  which  supplies                                                        largest gas field and is operat-
            frastructures  following  last  around  20%  of  UK’s  gas                                                          ed by the Norwegian branch
            month’s  underwater  explo-  needs  —  is  piped  along  the                                                        of Shell.
            sions that ruptured two natu-  seabed  to  the  onshore  Ny-
            ral gas pipelines in the Baltic  hamna  facility,  which  was  dence  that  the  bomb  threat  the police for similar circum-  Shell  later  told  Norwegian
            Sea that were built to deliver  evacuated.  The  gas  is  then  against the Ormen Lange fa-  stances and the case is being  news agency NTB that work-
            Russian gas to Germany.      exported to the U.K.         cility was real.”            investigated further,” said po-  ers  had  returned  to  the  site
                                                                                                   lice spokesman Per Åge Fer-  and production had resumed.
            The blasts and ruptures hap-  Police said there was “no evi-  “The perpetrator is known to  stad.

                          China accuses US of ‘Cold War thinking’ in security strategy

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  The  “out-competing  China”  in  other  neighbors  with  an  in-                                  ogy  by  developing  its  own
            Chinese  government  on  political alliances and “global  creasingly  assertive  foreign                            creators  of  processor  chips,
            Thursday  accused  Wash-     governance” as well as busi-  policy and growing military.                             artificial  intelligence,  aero-
            ington of “Cold War think-   ness, technology and military                                                          space  and  other  know-how.
            ing”  and  appealed  for  ef-  affairs.                   China’s  multibillion-dollar                              Beijing  is  pressing  Chinese
            forts to repair strained re-                              Belt  and  Road  Initiative  to                           companies  to  reduce  reli-
            lations after President Joe  U.S.-Chinese relations are at  build ports, railways and oth-                          ance on global supply chains
            Biden  released  a  national  their lowest level in decades,  er  infrastructure  across  Asia                      by  using  domestic  vendors
            security strategy that calls  strained  by  disputes  over  and  Africa  has  fed  concern                          whenever  possible,  even  if
            for  “out-competing  Chi-    technology,  security,  Taiwan  in Washington, Moscow and                              that increases costs.
            na”  and  blocking  its  ef-  and human rights.           other  capitals  that  Beijing  is
            forts to reshape global af-                               trying  to  build  its  strategic                         “We know the cost of Russia’s
            fairs.                       “Cold  War  thinking  and  ze-  influence  and  undermine   and  great  power  competi-  weaponization  of  trade  as  a
                                         ro-sum games, sensationaliz-  theirs.                     tion.”                       tool of geopolitical coercion,
            The foreign ministry also ac-  ing geopolitical conflicts and                                                       and we must mitigate similar
            cused  Washington  of  trade  great  power  competition  are  China,  with  the  second-  Mao  criticized  the  “weap-  vulnerabilities  to  countries
            protectionism  after  Treasury  unpopular  and  unconstruc-  largest  global  economy  and   onization  of  economic  and   like  China,”  Yellen  said  in
            Secretary Janet Yellen said the  tive,”  said  Foreign  Ministry  military,  is  the  “only  com-  trade issues” after Yellen said   Washington.
            United  States  would  rein-  spokesperson  Mao  Ning.  petitor  with  both  the  intent   Wednesday the United States
            force its global supply chains  She  called  on  Washington  to  reshape  the  international   was trying to reduce reliance   The  United  States  should
            to guard against “geopolitical  to “meet China halfway and  order  and,  increasingly,  the   on  China  and  other  Asian   “abandon  unilateralism  and
            coercion”  by  China,  Russia  promote  China-U.S.  rela-  economic,  diplomatic,  mili-  suppliers of semiconductors,   protectionism,”  Mao  said,
            and other governments.       tions  back  to  a  healthy  and  tary and technological power   electric  vehicle  batteries,  so-  and work with “the interna-
                                         stable track.”               to do it,” the document says.  lar panels and other technol-  tional  community  to  main-
            Biden’s  document  Wednes-                                                             ogy.                         tain the security and smooth
            day  accused  China  of  trying  The White House document  Mao,  speaking  at  a  regular                           flow  of  the  industrial  and
            to “erode U.S. alliances” and  calls  for  the  United  States  news briefing, said China was   President  Xi  Jinping’s  gov-  supply chain.”
            “create more permissive con-  to  “maintain  a  competitive  a “defender of the world or-  ernment  is  spending  heavily
            ditions  for  its  own  authori-  edge” over China, which has  der” and rejected “sensation-  to  reduce  its  need  for  U.S.
            tarian  model.”  It  called  for  antagonized Japan, India and  alizing  geopolitical  conflicts   and  other  Western  technol-

                           Ukraine gets more air defense pledges as Russia hits cities

            KYIV,  Ukraine  (AP)  —  southern  city  of  Mykolaiv,                                                             ish  government  announced
            Ukraine’s    allies   com-   while  heavy  artillery  dam-                                                         it would provide missiles for
            mitted  to  supplying  the  aged more than 30 houses, a                                                            advanced  NASAM  anti-air-
            country  with  advanced  hospital,  a  kindergarten  and                                                           craft systems that the Penta-
            air  defense  systems  as  other  buildings  in  Nikopol,                                                          gon plans to send to Ukraine
            Russian  forces  attacked  a  city  located  across  a  river                                                      in  the  coming  weeks.  The
            the  Kyiv  region  with  ka-  from  the  Russian-occupied                                                          U.K.  also  is  sending  hun-
            mikaze  drones  and  fired  Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power                                                             dreds  of  aerial  drones  for
            missiles at civilian targets  Plant.                                                                               information-gathering   and
            elsewhere  Thursday  as                                                                                            logistics  support,  plus  18
            payback  for  the  bombing  Russia  intensified  its  bom-                                                         howitzer artillery guns.
            of a strategic bridge link-  bardment of civilian areas in
            ing  Russia  with  annexed  recent  weeks  as  its  military                                                       Other  NATO  defense  min-
            Crimea.                      lost  ground  in  multiple  oc-  ers urged him to escalate the                        isters  meeting  in  Brussels
                                         cupied  regions  of  Ukraine   campaign  further  to  punish  Responding  to  Zelenskyy’s   this week promised to supply
            Missile  strikes  killed  at  least  that President Vladimir Putin   the  invaded  country  for  the  repeated  pleas  for  more  ef-  systems offering medium- to
            three  people  and  destroyed  illegally  claimed  as  Russian   Crimea bridge attack.  fective air defenses, the Brit-  long-range  defense  against
            an apartment building in the  territory.  Putin’s  support-                                                        missile attacks.
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