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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 14 OctOber 2022
                                1 ticket to ride: Germany eyes public transit revolution

            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Ger-        port,  reducing  gasoline  use                                                         9-euro  ticket  this  summer,
            many  wants  to  introduce  and helping combat inflation.                                                           it won’t be valid for intercity
            a  public  transit  pass  that  One of its biggest attractions                                                      trains.
            costs  49  euros  ($47)  a  for users is that it will be valid
            month  and  will  be  valid  on all the country’s regional                                                          Questions over financing for
            nationwide  —  if  officials  bus, train and tram networks,                                                         the ticket still have to be re-
            can agree on the funding.    each  of  which  have  myriad                                                          solved,  however.  Germany’s
                                         fare  options  that  many  find                                                        federal  government  has  of-
            The proposal follows a wildly  baffling to navigate.                                                                fered to subsidize it with 1.5
            successful  “9-euro  ticket,”                                                                                       million euros annually; states
            which  was  on  offer  in  Ger-  “With  the  9-euro-ticket  we                                                      have expressed a willingness
            many  for  three  months  this  showed: simplicity is better,”                                                      to  do  the  same,  pending  an
            summer as part of efforts to  Transport  Minister  Volker  parts  from  Germany’s  16  would be paperless and could  agreement  on  federal  fund-
            help  people  switch  to  envi-  Wissing  said  Thursday  after  states.               be bought for a single month  ing for regional train services.
            ronmentally  friendly  trans-  a  meeting  with  his  counter-  Wissing  said  the  new  ticket  or as a rolling pass. Like the

                           France starts exporting gas to Germany amid energy crisis

            PARIS (AP) — France has  Obergailbach  has  began  de-                                                              maintenance  and,  in  some
            for  the  first  time  started  livering an initial daily capac-                                                    cases,  to  repair  corrosion
            sending  natural  gas  to  ity of 31 gigawatt-hours.                                                                problems.  The  government
            Germany, French gas net-                                                                                            said that EDF, which is oper-
            work  operator  GRTgaz  The  amount  is  expected  to                                                               ating France’s nuclear plants,
            said  Thursday,  as  Berlin  eventually increase to a daily                                                         has  committed  to  restart  all
            strives  to  diversify  its  en-  maximum  of  100  gigawatt-                                                       of them by this winter.
            ergy supply following the  hours, representing less than
            interruption  of  Russian  2%  of  Germany’s  overall                                                               France  imports  nearly  all
            gas deliveries.              gas  consumption,  according                                                           its  natural  gas  from  abroad,
                                         to  figures  from  the  French                                                         mostly  from  Norway  and
            GRTgaz said the gas pipeline  Ministry  for  Energy  Transi-                                                        other  countries  including
            connecting both countries at  tion.                                                                                 The Netherlands, Algeria and
            the  French  border  village  of                                                       many  agreed  to  an  energy  Nigeria via pipelines and via
                                         The head of Germany’s net-   The  move  comes  as  Ger-   solidarity deal. France would  tanker terminals. The French
                                         work regulatory agency, Klaus   many  and  other  European  help Germany with gas sup-  Energy Regulatory Commis-
                                         Mueller  thanked  GRTGaz     countries seek to diversify gas  ply,  while  Germany  would  sion  announced  earlier  this
                                         in French in a tweet Thurs-  imports  after  Russia  choked  generate  more  electricity  to  month  that  its  gas  reserves
                                         day, adding that “French gas   off  the  supplies  of  cheap  supply  France  during  times  are 100% full in anticipation
                                         deliveries  via  Saarland  help   natural gas that the continent  of peak consumption.  of winter.
                                         Germany’s supply security.”  depended on for years to run
                                                                      factories,  generate  electricity  The French government has  France relies on nuclear en-
                                         Although  Germany’s  gas     and heat homes.              expressed concerns over po-  ergy  for  about  67%  of  its
                                         storage  facilities  are  now                             tential  electricity  shortages  electricity — more than any
                                         nearly  95%  full,  officials  say   French  President  Emman-  during  the  winter  as  25  of  other country — and on gas
                                         citizens will still need to save   uel  Macron  announced  last  France’s  56  nuclear  reactors  for about 7%.
                                         gas this winter.             month that France and Ger-   are now shut down for usual

                           Tourists flock to Taiwan as COVID entry restrictions eased

            TAIPEI,  Taiwan  (AP)  —  go  out  during  the  weeklong  ... I miss it so much.”
            Taiwan  lifted  all  its  CO-  monitoring period, they need
            VID-19  entry  restrictions  a  negative  test  from  either  Sonia  Chang,  a  travel  agent,
            on  Thursday,  allowing  that day or the day before.      said the changes are good for
            tourists  unfettered  access                              both the the tourism indus-
            to the self-ruled island af-  There are also no longer any  try  and  Taiwanese  residents,
            ter over 2 1/2 years of bor-  restrictions  on  certain  na-  who  can  now  travel  abroad
            der controls.                tionalities  being  allowed  to  without having to quarantine
                                         enter Taiwan.                when they get home.
            Hong Kong and Taiwan, to-
            gether with mainland China,  Dozens  of  visitors  from  Valaisurang Bhaedhayajibh, a
            required  most  visitors  to  Thailand  were  among  the  53-year-old  business  devel-
            complete a mandatory quar-   first to arrive under the new  opment  director  of  a  design
            antine  period  throughout  rules  at  Taiwan’s  Taoyuan  firm,  called  the  new  rules  the  Taoyuan  airport’s  arrival  tions  and  welcoming  back
            the  pandemic,  even  as  most  International  Airport,  which  convenient.            hall, the travelers from Thai-  tourists, mainland China re-
            countries reopened their bor-  serves  the  capital  Taipei,  on                       land were met by the Taiwan  mains one of the few places
            ders to tourists.            a Tiger Air flight that landed  “We don’t have to do the test  Tourism  Bureau’s  direc-  in  the  world  adamant  in
                                         shortly after midnight.      before coming here, and also  tor,  Chang  Shi-chung,  who  keeping  borders  closed  and
            Visitors  are  no  longer  re-                            after  arriving,”  he  said.  “We  handed out gifts.      sticking  to  a  “zero-COVID”
            quired  to  quarantine  upon  Tourists like 32-year-old Mac  are  still  required  to  do  the                      strategy to stamp out the vi-
            entry, or take any PCR tests.  Chientachakul  and  his  par-  self-test every two days, and  Taiwan’s tourism bureau es-  rus.  Hong  Kong  ended  its
            Instead,  they  will  need  to  ents were excited to visit the  everything  has  been  provid-  timated  that  a  total  of  244  mandatory quarantine policy
            monitor  their  health  for  a  island.                   ed” by Taiwanese authorities,  tourists  from  some  20  tour  for inbound travelers late last
            week  after  arriving,  and  ob-                          including  the  rapid  testing  groups will arrive Thursday.  month, requiring just a three-
            tain  a  negative  result  on  a  “Hot pot is my favorite dish  kits.                                               day self-monitoring period.
            rapid  antigen  test  the  day  in  Taiwan,”  Chientachakul                            With  both  Hong  Kong  and
            they arrive. If people want to  said. “It’s my first thing to do  At  a  welcome  ceremony  in  Taiwan getting rid of restric-
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