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A30    world news
                  Diahuebs 1 OctOber 2020

                               Portland asks US to rescind deputization of city police

                                                                      police in Minneapolis. Many  attorney  Tracy  Reeve  wrote  a  dozen  charges,  including
                                                                      of them end in vandalism of  that city leaders had been un-  allegations  he  pointed  a  re-
                                                                      police and government build-  der  the  impression  that  the  volver  at  counterprotesters
                                                                      ings and violence against po-  deputization would end with  and fired a paintball gun and
                                                                      lice officers.               the termination of the gover-  mace at them on two separate
                                                                                                   nor's state of emergency de-  occasions  in  August.    Swin-
                                                                      Fifty-six  Portland  officers  clared only for last weekend's  ney,  who  is  scheduled  for  a
                                                                      were deputized before a rally  protests,  which  ended  Sun-  court  appearance  Thursday,
                                                                      in the city last weekend by the  day evening.             was  charged  in  a  secret  in-
                                                                      far-right  Proud  Boys  group.                            dictment Sept. 11 but not ar-
                                                                      During  Tuesday's  presiden-  On Wednesday, Wheeler con-  rested  until  Wednesday.  An
                                                                      tial  debate,  President  Don-  demned  Trump's  statements  attorney for Swinney was not
                                                                      ald  Trump  refused  to  con-  on the Proud Boys. Yesterday  listed in court records. Swin-
                                                                      demn  armed  militias.  When  morning,  City  leaders  met  ney  remained  in  custody
                                                                      prompted  about  the  Proud  with the Western States Cen-  Wednesday and it wasn't im-
                                                                      Boys,  he  said:  "Proud  Boys,  ter  for  a  training  about  the  mediately clear if he had re-
                                                                      stand back and stand by.     history  and  tactics  of  white  tained  an  attorney  or  would
             (AP) – The mayor of Port-   vere  penalties  than  the  state                         supremacy. We learned about  be assigned a public defender.
            land has asked U.S. officials  crimes for which local police  Portland  city  officials  appar-  its  hallmarks,  and  how  to
            to end the federal deputation  usually make arrests.      ently did not know that their  recognize it," he said. "Then,  Protests  in  Portland  contin-
            of dozens of police officers in                           officers'  federal  deputization  last night, we saw it in action  ued  overnight  Tuesday.  Au-
            Oregon's  largest  city  as  part  It  also  could  allow  law  en-  status  would  last  until  the  when Donald Trump refused  thorities  said  arrests  were
            of  the  response  to  ongoing  forcement  a  way  around  end  of  this  year.  A  key  fea-  to  denounce  white  suprem-  made  after  police  told  pro-
            protests in the city.        Multnomah County District  ture of the designation is that  acy, and in his not-so-veiled  testers not to go on the prop-
                                         Attorney Mike Schmidt's de-  anyone who assaults a feder-  call for his supporters to en-  erty of a public safety build-
            Mayor Ted Wheeler said late  cision not to file state charges  ally  deputized  official  could  gage  in  intimidation  at  the  ing and officers towed a vehi-
            Tuesday  that  he  had  "asked  against  hundreds  of  protest-  be subject to federal charges,"  polls and elsewhere.  cle that had shields, helmets,
            the  U.S.  attorney's  office  to  ers  who  were  arrested  for  Wheeler's  statement  said.                       gas masks and paintball guns
            withdraw  the  designation"  lower-level  and  non-violent  "Fortunately,  I  am  confident  The Proud Boys have visited  that demonstrators may have
            that  deputized  the  officers.  offenses,  a  policy  that  has  the Multnomah County dis-  the  city  several  times  since  planned to use.Two juveniles
            Deputizing  the  Portland  of-  angered some in the law en-  trict  attorney  will  continue  Trump's election, often draw-  were  detained  and  released
            ficers  gives  federal  prosecu-  forcement community.    to prosecute anyone who as-  ing  a  response  from  hun-  and a man was arrested on a
            tors the option to charge any-  Portland  has  seen  protests  saults or otherwise harms po-  dreds  of  counterprotesters.  charge  of  interfering  with  a
            one arrested by those officers  almost every night for more  lice officers or others."  Alan  Swinney,  a  member  of  peace officer, disorderly con-
            with  federal  crimes,  which  than  four  months  since  In  an  email  to  the  U.S.  at-  the Proud Boys, was booked  duct, trespass and escape, ac-
            often  come  with  more  se-  George  Floyd  was  killed  by  torney's  office,  Portland  city  Wednesday  on  suspicions  of  cording to police.

                                 It belongs to us! Tense French trial over colonial art

            (AP)  –  Is  dislodging  Afri-  exchange  in  the  courtroom  ricans,  Latin  Americans  and  cutor said the activists should  ger at not being able to enter
            can  artwork  from  a  Euro-  was the question of whether  other  colonized  communi-  have  made  their  point  via  the  small,  socially  distanced
            pean  museum  a  political  and  how  former  empires  ties take back ill-gotten trea-  more peaceful means.        courtroom,  and  judges  sent
            statement, or a criminal act?  should atone for colonial-era  sures.  He  accuses  European  Defense lawyer Hakim Cher-  Diyabanza  to  calm  them
            That's the question a French  wrongs.  The  question  took  museums of making millions  gui  argued  that  it  shouldn't  down.
            court weighed Wednesday in  on  new  urgency  after  this  on artworks taken from now-  have taken this many decades  The  Quai  Branly  Museum,
            an  emotionally  charged  trial  year's  global  protests  against  impoverished  countries  like  after African countries' inde-  on the banks of the Seine Riv-
            centered around a Congolese  racial  injustice  unleashed  by  Congo,  and  said  the  pole,  pendence to settle the issue.  er near the Eiffel Tower, was
            activist  campaigning  to  take  George  Floyd's  death  in  the  which  came  from  current-  He choked up when talking  built  under  former  French
            back  art  he  says  was  plun-  U.S.  at  the  knee  of  a  white  day Chad, should be among  about  the  skulls  of  Algerian  President  Jacques  Chirac
            dered by colonizers.         policeman.                   works returned to Africa.    19th century resistance fight-  to  showcase  non-European
                                         Diyabanza  seized  on  that   "We are the legitimate heirs  ers  long  held  as  trophies  in  art,  notably  from  ex-French
            It  belongs  to  us!"  shouted  a  mood  and  has  staged  three  of these works," he said. But  a  French  museum  and  re-  colonies. A 2018 study com-
            Black  woman  watching  the  livestreamed  museum  pro-   he  insisted  that  "appropria-  turned  to  his  native  Algeria  missioned  by  Macron  rec-
            trial, breaking down in tears  tests    in  recent  months  —  tion  wasn't  my  goal.  ...  The  this year.        ommended that French mu-
            and storming out after a law-  in  Paris,  Marseille  and  the  aim was to mark the symbol-  "There is a frustration in the  seums  give  back  works  that
            yer  for  Paris'  Quai  Branly  Netherlands. French officials  ism of the liberation of these  population  that  is  growing,  were taken without consent,
            Museum  insisted  that  its  denounced  the  Quai  Branly  works."                     growing,  growing,"  he  said,  if  African  countries  request
            holdings — including tens of  incident,  saying  it  threatens  The  presiding  judge  asked  calling Wednesday's proceed-  them.  So  far,  France  is  pre-
            thousands  of  artworks  from  ongoing  negotiations  with  the activists why they thought  ings  "a  trial  of  the  colonial  paring to give back 26 works
            former colonies — belong to  African  countries  launched  they had the right to take the  continuum.  Applause  and  of  African  art    out  of  some
            the French state.            by President Emmanuel Ma-    law into their own hands. He  boos periodically interrupted  90,000  works  believed  held
                                         cron in 2018 for legal, orga-  insisted that the trial should  the proceedings. A crowd of  in French museums, most in
            Congo-born  Emery  Mwa-      nized restitution efforts.   focus on the specific funeral  supporters  shouted  in  an-  the Quai Branly.
            zulu  Diyabanza  and  four  If  convicted  of  attempted  pole  incident  and  that  his
            other  activists  went  on  trial  group  theft  of  a  historical  court  wasn't  competent  to
            on  attempted  theft  charges  object, Diyabanza could face  judge France's colonial era as
            for removing a 19th century  up to 10 years in prison and a  a whole.
            African funeral pole from its  150,000 euro fine ($173,000).  Quai  Branly  lawyer  Yves
            perch  in  the  museum  in  a  However, the lawyer for the  Goulard argued that because
            June protest livestreamed on  French  state  did  not  ask  for  of  the  discussions  under-
            Facebook.  Guards  quickly  prison time, demanding only  way between France and Af-
            stopped  them;  the  activists  modest  fines.  A  verdict  is  rican  governments,  "there
            argue that they never planned  scheduled Oct. 14.         is  no  need  for  this  political
            to  steal  the  work  but  just                           act."  The  French  state  "is
            wanted to call attention to its  Diyabanza  defended  what  very  committed  to  this,  and
            origins.                     he called a "political act" and  serious"   about   following
            Lurking beneath nearly every  said  it's  about  time  that  Af-  through, he said. The prose-
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